
What is the ‘Law of Salvation’

Moderation is the heart of God.

A cult is a religion that preaches faith without faith in God.

This is the definition of a cult religion.

Having no faith in God, the guru of the cult will always preach with his or her convenience.

If self-convenience (ego) is said as the heart of God, whether in the other world or this world, in this universe, one will always receive control towards the body of God.

The relativity of ego and material link together.

And one will act and take on thoughts with attributes of material.

If one strengthens God-self, one will always receive control by the heart of God (mind).

If one strengthens his or her ego, one will always receive control by the body of God (material).

That is because the universe (God) and humanity live as one for eternity.

If it is said that God and humanity are not in unity, even if humans strengthened their ego, they should not be controlled by material.

However, in reality, every person gets controlled, without exception.

The heart of God is “heaven,” the body of God is “earth,” and are always in unity.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” and if one realizes the heart of God, this becomes a cause (the heart of God) with the result (body of God) of world peace, which will show up as a beneficial phenomenon.

Enlightenment is unity, and profit is a contradiction.

Unity and contradiction are as one and both are the two sides of one reality: Kitaro Nishida

By moving towards the unity of the heart of God through worship and enlightenment, the reverse benefit will manifest as a contradiction in this material world.

This contradiction (benefit) is a benefit that will not corrupt the world.

This is called the prosperity of God.

It is not a profit that corrupts the whole world, like modernity.

Because we only seek profit and not move towards unity, the world has no choice but to continue to corrupt.

The material world is a world in a mirror. One’s right eye is the left eye in the mirrored world, and one’s left arm is the right arm.

In the world of material, everything is shown in reverse.

If we move towards justice, this will become a phenomenon of reverse benefit in the material world.

Justice is unity, and profit is a contradiction.

Unity and contradiction are as one, truth and phenomenal benefit are as one, and both are two sides of one reality.

Therefore, as preached in the philosophy of Nishida, without unity, there will be no contradiction. And without contradiction, there will be no unity.

We cannot split the two.

Without truth, there will be no phenomenal benefit. Without phenomenal benefit, there will be no truth.

Mind and material are as one, truth and phenomenal benefit are as one, unity and contradiction are as one, and reality itself is the truth.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” world peace is “earth,” and are eternally in unity.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” the end of racism is “earth,” and are eternally in unity.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” a world without violence is “earth,” and are eternally in unity.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” patriotism is “earth,” and are eternally in unity.

Evil has the characteristics of being the opposite.

They place patriotism as “heaven,” and justice as “earth.”

In this case, this is only an expression of egoism that serves the simple desire for control by politicians.

Patriotism is the virtue of the vicious: Oscar Wilde

This claims for egoism, so proper patriotism will not be fostered.

Enlightenment and reflection are “heaven,” salvation is “earth,” and both are in unity.

Placing this interest of “earth,” or salvation, as “heaven” will make you a creator of hell.

Saving people without any enlightenment or reflection is just worship towards blessings.

Even if one is saved, one has no enlightenment, nor has he or she self-reflected on his or her sins. Therefore, this will only be harmful to a person’s life.

They just use salvation as a sweet temptation.

One that brings temptation is a misfortune.

They tempt with salvation, world peace, end of racism, and profit of non-violence.

They tempt with prosperity, national interest, and stock.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” savior is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity.

Evil reverses these.

They place savior as “heaven” even though they are empty gurus without any enlightenment. They declare themselves as the savior and disturb the public.

No savior has not realized the heart of God.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” savior is “earth,” and both are in unity.

Evil places that savior, or “earth,” as “heaven.”

Therefore, we need to look at the essence of enlightenment from those who have declared themselves as saviors.

Life is “heaven,” material is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity.

And “earth” is material, therefore, that will not be an objective, nor can it be denied.

This is the reality of expedient virtue.

Self-reliance is “heaven,” outside help is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity.

If self-reliance moves in a good direction, help from others will always come.

Therefore, help from others cannot be denied.

And, just because it cannot be denied, if one places help from others as “heaven” and preach absolute help, one will turn into the creator of hell.

One will place others’ help, “earth,” as “heaven,” and make it absolute.

One that has immature enlightenment will preach absolute help because he or she is prejudiced towards the extremes of the egoistic relativity.

He or she will be prejudiced towards the extremes of objective or denial.

This is the act of ego, not moderation.

We ascribe beauty to that which is the mean of many extremes. – Emerson

The path of God is to enter the moderation of the extremes of objective and denial, or expedient virtue.

Self-reliance is “heaven,” help from others is “earth,” and both are eternally In unity.

No one can win against the “internal evil” with only the help from others.

Therefore, there will be no salvation of the entire humanity with others’ help.

There is no salvation only by relying on a savior.

Not only the temptations of dependence, but one that brings those temptations are misfortune.

One who relies on this kind of savior cannot escape from hell and cannot go back to heaven unless one realizes the heart of God or reflect on his or her sins.

God’s self is “heaven,” egoistic self is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity.

Cult gurus place this “earth” of ego as “heaven” and preach the truth with their convenience. They are controlled by material and will place material as “heaven.”

Enlightenment is “heaven,” prosperity is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity. However, they will place prosperity, “earth,” as “heaven.”

This is Capitalism.

Wealth and desire should not be an objective or a denial, but they stray from moderation and make it an objective.

One that is far from God’s self and close to ego will almost always lean towards the extremes of objective or denial.

One will make desire an objective or will completely deny it. He or she will be prejudiced.

This is not moderation.

The path of God is to enter the moderation of the extremes of objective and denial, or material.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” national interest is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity. And one places this “earth,” national interest as “heaven.”

Here again, this is prejudiced towards the objective and strays from moderation.

While national interest is relative, it will not be an objective nor a denial. It appears during the process of going towards the justice of God.

Justice is the righteousness of God, not the righteousness of ego.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” for the masses is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity. However, there is one that puts this “earth,” the public as “heaven.”

That is Democracy.

“For the public” is the result of the improvement of the mind of humans from the enlightenment and faith towards God.

Therefore, without the improvement and evolution of each person, the word “for the public” will never appear.

Democracy is virtue masked as a result and is an expedient political system. It places “heaven” as an objective, and strays from moderation.

Democracy is a political system that is figurative of material, which is not an objective, nor can it be denied.

People who are far from God would lie at Earth, the temple of God, that they are the leaders.

In this universe, there is no leader other than God being the Great Demon which is the Great Angel.

There is God in the essence of the life of Jesus. Also, even though he has done many evil acts, there is the same existence of God inside Beelzebub’s essence of life.

The Great Demon is the Great Angel.

In the spirits in heaven, humans of this world, or evil spirits in hell, the same God dwells in the essence of life.

At this moment, the self and other comes together, and the Great Demon becomes the Great Angel.

All lifeforms on heaven, the present world, and hell are forever equal only under the existence of God, in the past, present, and future generations.

Therefore, everything else is in the discrimination phase.

Heaven is a world that never disappears, how much you realize the equal heart of God.

hell is a world that disappears the more you realize the heart of God.

If one realizes the heart of God, hell will disappear. Therefore, hell is not a world created by God.

What never disappears is a virtue.

What disappears is evil.

Enlightenment and reflection are “heaven,” the disappearance of hell is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity.

The world of unification of heaven and earth is the paradise of Eden.

Truth is “heaven,” wealth is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity.

A universal characteristic of one that falls to hell is the separation of heaven and earth.

The heart of the self doesn’t connect with the “heaven” of the other world (subconsciousness). Therefore, he or she falls to hell.

There is no hell in the enlightenment of the unification of heaven and earth.

That is because we have a connection with heaven while we live.

The origin of hell is from the separation of heaven and earth. This includes the corruption of the world.

By placing this “earth,” material and wealth, as “heaven,” the separation of heaven and earth starts.

In the construction and structure of the large universe in front of us, the mind is “heaven,” material is “earth,” and both are eternally un unity.

Placing this “earth,” material, as “heaven” will separate one from the construction and structure of the large universe.

It will not be “The universe is equal to myself.”

By separating from God, one will be exiled from the paradise of Eden.

If one is divided from the universe, heaven and earth will separate, and one will not be able to receive revelation from the High Spirit.

If heaven and earth separate, one has no other choice but to fall to hell.

Capitalism that places wealth as “heaven,” Democracy that places common interest as “heaven,” Socialism that places material as “heaven,” and politicians that place national interest as “heaven,” all stray from moderation.

Moderation is the heart of God.

The public is not the sovereign, but God, the essence of the mind, is the sovereign.

Even if the public claimed and lied that they are the sovereign in the temple of God, past geniuses and greats all looked for the heart of God, the sovereign, and looked for the truth. They never lost sight of it.

And, God is not the common interest of the public, but the common meaning of life.

This is eternal.

All lifeforms in heaven, the present world, and hell are eternally equal only under the heart of God. Therefore, when each person follows the equal heart of God and exercises freedom, truth shall make you free.

All of humanity will become free.

The two large contradicting concepts of existing Democracy, “freedom and equality,” will only be in Aufheben with the existence of God.

Through “The Democratic Testament of God,” in our civilization, the heart of God will forever be placed in “heaven,” and the body of God will be placed in “earth.”

One will conform to the construction and structure of the large universe in front of us. The land of God where “the universe is the civilization” will appear.

If one gets separated from God, all existence becomes evil.

Placing wealth as “heaven” in Capitalism, placing the material as “heaven” in Socialism, placing “earth,” national interest, as “heaven,” and naming people far from God as sovereign and placing them as “heaven,” all contradict with the construction and structure of the universe.

If one places profit as “heaven,” heaven and earth will be separated.

Subconsciousness is “heaven,” surface consciousness is “earth,” and both are eternally in unity.

And if heaven and earth are separated, the number of people who fall to hell increases.

The reason why people fall to hell is the separation of heaven and hell.

There is no hell but only happiness in the enlightenment of the unification of heaven and earth.

Political systems and economical principles themselves are civilizations that separate from the universe and contradict the construction and structure of the universe.

They are civilizations exiled from the universe.

This is the exile from the paradise of Eden.

If one acts irresponsibly on earth, or the temple of God, there will be more problems other than climate change.

If one has hesitation to the word “God,” one can rephrase it as “self-conscience.”

There is no other way to connect with “heaven” but to reflect self-conscience and to be honest to virtue, justice, love, and sincerity.

Faith in God is honesty towards sincerity and kindness.

Faith in God is honesty towards justice and love.

It is to not use love and justice for any kind of profit.

Belief in the heart of God is to be honest towards justice, love, sincerity, and kindness. It is to believe that being honest is the only way for the world and humanity to become better.

It is clear when we see this world full of people who pretend to be good people with interest-bearing relationships even though they have honesty towards profit and pleasure.

How much they pretend, their true feelings are towards profit, and the world continues to corrupt.

There is no other way to make the world a better place other than virtue and love.

If one does not have honesty towards virtue and love, one cannot connect to the other world, “heaven.”

That is because all spirits in heaven are spirits that live honestly with love and justice, disregarding their degree of enlightenment.

One that was not honest with truth cannot connect with heaven, how much this world prospers.

And lives that were not able to connect with “heaven” have no choice but to go to Hell afterlife.

How much value does a human have after the loss of life even if he or she conquered the world?

The separation of heaven and earth is the cause of hell, and this is not only a problem of individual immaturity but the problem of political systems and economic principles that separate heaven and earth.

Maybe, the land of God cannot be made without destroying and recreating everything.

Because one preaches the law with his or her conveniences, the ego is placed as “heaven.” If the ego is placed as “heaven,” one will be controlled by material, and the material will be placed as “heaven” as well.

By placing wealth, material, and national interest as “heaven,” one will claim people who are far from God as sovereigns and place them as “heaven.”

To go back to heaven, one’s true home with friends and acquaintances, one needs to realize the unification of heaven and earth, interacting between the heart and the other world, “heaven.”

Humanity all have a home in the other world, and there are no homeless people in the other world.

There are homeless people in this world, but none in the other world.

Here again, heaven and earth are separated.

How can we manage and improve this world if we ignore the heart of God in this temple of God, the Earth?

No power and managing skill make the world a better place for an ego filled with relative characteristics, and there is no truth in the relativity of ego.

Truth is another name that only God holds, and there is no truth on our side in the first place.

Therefore, the world gets worse as we use more ego.

It gets worse and worse.

That is already in front of our eyes.

If one wants to create hell on earth, one can separate one’s heart and heaven.

That world will always turn into hell.

If one wants to create heaven on earth, one can unite one’s heart and heaven.

That world will always turn into heaven.

The earth is eternally the temple of God.

There will be no land of God without knowing the heart of God.

The paradise of Eden cannot be created without knowing the structure and construction of the world created by God.

“The Law of Salvation” is the law that deciphers the structure and construction of the large universe and the multidimensional world called the other world.

No one can completely solve it. However, we have to continue to solve this through history, step by step.

That is because the happiness of humanity can only be achieved in this way.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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