
These der göttlichen Rettung der Welt (Deutsch)

Geist ist gut, Materie schlecht. Geist, Materie, gut, schlecht und nichts anderes.

Gerechtigkeit ist gut, nationale Interessen schlecht. Gerechtigkeit und nationale Interessen sind gut und schlecht und nichts anderes.

Schöpfung ist gut, Zerstörung schlecht. Schöpfung und Zerstörung sind gut und schlecht und nichts anderes. Das Göttliche in mir ist gut,das Egoistische in mir schlecht. Das Göttliche und das Egoistische in mir sind gut und schlecht und nichts anderes. Glück ist gut, Hedonismus schlecht.

Glück und Hedonismus sind gut und schlecht und nichts anderes.

Das göttliche Herz ist gut, der göttliche Körper schlecht.

Herz und Körper des Gottes sind gut und schlecht und nichts anderes.

Das ist das ewige, unendliche Gesetz des Universum.

Der materielle Weltenraum ist der Ausdruck Gottes, ist Gottes Körper.

Die Quelle aller Güte ist Gottes Herz (Geist).

Die Quelle alles Bösen ist Gottes Körper (Materie).

Der große Weltenraum ist Gott selbst, die alles Gute und alles Böse beherrschende, einzige Existenz.

Gottes Herz und Gottes Körper, Geist und Materie sind eins, daher kann man sagen, dass der große Weltenraum Ausdruck Gottes großer Moral ist.

Das Universum ist nichts anderes als die Basis dieser Wahrheit.

Die Suche im Weltenraum ist die Suche nach Gott, ist die Erforschung der Wahrheit.

Und so ist der große Weltenraum die Substanz, aus der wir Menschen sind.

Der Weltenraum existiert für sich selbst.

Folglich sind wir Menschen, ohne jede Ausnahme, Kinder des Weltenraums (Gottes).

Der Fromme ebenso wie der Gottlose sind unvermeidlich Gottes Herz oder Gottes Körper, also leben als Geist oder Materie als Standard.

Unreifes Leben findet seinen Sinn im Hedonismus und ist Gottes Körper, ist bei der aus der Relativität der verschiedenen Materialien resultierenden Vertikalität „oben“, bei Freud und Leid die „Freud“, bei Angelegenheiten von Sieg oder Niederlage der „Sieg“ oder ist das dem Geist (das Primäre) gegenüberstehende Sekundäre, dessen Lebensrichtlinien von nationalen Interessen, Status, Ruhm, Reichtum, Macht, Profit bestimmt werden.

Reifes Leben dagegen ist von Gottes Herz bestimmt und Werte wie Wahrheit, Güte und Schönheit, also göttliche Eigenschaften, sind die Basis eines solchen Lebens.

Reif oder unreif, fromm oder gottlos, ein jeder Mensch ist Gottes Kind (Kind des Universums) und lebt deshalb nach den Richtlinien und Zielen von Gottes Herz oder Gottes Körper. So bezeugen die Menschen ihre Gotteskindschaft.

Das Wesen der Demokratie vereinfacht: „Jeder möchte Meinungsfreiheit.“

„Jeder möchte Redefreiheit, Pressefreiheit bekommen.“

„Jeder möchte vor Verfolgung durch illegale Mächte geschützt sein.“

Dieser sogenannte „Jeder“ ist die Basis des Gesellschaftsvertrages, dem das gemeine Interesse des Volkes zu Grunde liegt.

Da Interessen die Grundlage sind, sind die gegenwärtigen Staaten alle Interessengemeinschaften.

„Die große Hure Babylon“, „Eine Menschheit von Wein der Unzucht trunken“, das ist die Welt der uneingeschränkt in Profitinteressen und Hedonismus schelgenden Menschheit.

Profitinteressen sind in der Struktur des Universum das „Schlechte“.

Ihnen von ganzem Herzen uneingeschränkt nachzugehen, verdirbt die ganze Welt.

Nationale Interessen und Profit, Gottes Körper (Materie) und Hedonismus, Egoismus und Phänomene sind „schlecht“.

„Schlechtigkeit“ als Charakter, so etwas kann kein Ziel sein, und doch kann man es nicht leugnen“, es ist das „Schlechte“ als solches, als wahrer Charakter.

In Bezug zu Gottes Herz symbolisiert Materie nur einen sekundären Wert.

Da Materie kein Ziel ist, kann man sie nicht für ewig bejahen, aber auch nicht auf ewig verneinen.

Wozu wir auch neigen, was unsere Welt betrifft, so neigt sie sich ganz unvermeidlich zu uneingeschränkter Schlechtigkeit und Dekandenz.

Nun, in unserer Welt, die jetzt schon zu über die Hälfte aus Demokratien gesteht, wie steht es da konkret mit der Entwicklung der staatlichen Körperschaften?

Wenn das Wesen der Demokratie der „Staatsvertrag, dem die gemeinsamen Interessen der Bevölkerung zu Grunde liegen“ ist, dann heißt das, dass das entwickelte System ein „Staatsvertrag, dem der gemeinsame Sinn der Bevölkerung zu Grunde liegt“ ist.

Ewige, gemeinsame Interessen existieren nicht, aber ein ewiger, gemeinsamer Sinn schon.

Das ist das Wesen des Lebens, nämlich die „Existenz Gottes“.

Die Existenz Gottes ist die Lebensbasis der gesamte Menschheit der Vergangenheit, der Gegenwart und der noch in der Zukunft in diese Welt hineingeborenen Menschen.

Vergangenheit – Gegenwart – Zukunft, diese Zeiträume überschreitend, Asien, Arabien, Europa, Amerika, solche Örtlichkeiten überschreitend, existiert die ganz und gare Gleichheit eines jeden Menschens nur in der Lebensbasis, die da Gottes Existenz ist, und sonst nirgends.

Der innere Widerspruch der Demokratien wird hier offensichtlich.

Die beiden große Ideen der Demokratie „Freiheit“ und „Gleichheit“ sind von Grund auf widersprüchlich. Obwohl es, wenn man Gottes Existenz ignoriert, irgends „Gleichheit“ gibt, wird „Gleichheit“ gelehrt.

Was den Körper betrifft, so sind von der Anzahl der Haare bis zur gesamten physischen Erscheinung, von den Hautlinien der Finger bis zur Gesichtsform, ohne Ausnahme nicht einer von Millionen Menschen gleich.

Und was den Geist betrifft, so sind, wenn die Worte, die einer von sich gibt, anders sind, seine Wertvorstellungen auch anders.

Wenn seine Gedanken anders sind, sind auch seine Handlungen anders und nichts ist völlig identisch.

Ein gleiches Leben gibt es nicht.

Da es Individualität gibt, gibt es keine völlige Gleichheit.

Ob man den Körper betrachtet oder den Charakter, Gleichheit gibt es nie.

Auch wenn man die Umgebung betrachtet, so wird der eine in eine reiche Familie hineingeboren und der andere in eine arme.

Seit Einstein wissen wir, dass Materie gleich Raum-Zeit ist. Raum und Zeit aber sind laut seiner Relativitätstheorie relative Größen.

Nehmen wir den Lauf eines Jahres. Jeder wird in der Zeit – ganz gleich – um ein Jahr älter.

Aber wenn man genau hinsieht, gibt es Unterschiede.

Nicht jeder ist um ein Jahr gealtert.

Auch in Anbetracht von Zeit und Raum sind die Menschen in Ewigkeit nicht gleich.

Da Raum-Zeit gleich Materie ist, existiert unter der Materie (Gottes Körper) keine Gleichheit.

„Körper und Geist sind Gottes Unterschiede“.

Und doch müssen alle Menschen, wenn sie in Zukunft wieder „Gleichheit“ erhalten, das ist „Gleichheit“, die nicht nach Räumen und Zeiten wie Vergangenheit – Gegenwart – Zukunft fragt, alle ohne Ausnahme und selbst die, die noch geboren werden, in völliger Gemeinsamkeit in völliger Identität in Ewigkeit von ihrer geistigen Basis her ohne Unterschiede existieren.

Das ist nichts anderes als die in einem jeden von uns tief im Zentrum der Seele seit Ewigkeiten hausende „Gottesexistenz“ und nichts anderes.

Selbst wenn man sagt, dass außer dieser „Gleichheit“ unter Gott, in diesem Universum „alle Menschen gleich sind“, so solle man sie mir bitte zeigen.

Es gibt nicht einen einzigen.

Folglich wird, wenn die Menschen in Zukunft wieder „Gleichheit“ erhalten, der Glaube an Gott nicht Freiheit sein, sondern Pflicht.

Einerseits als Kultur „Gleichheit“ zu lehren, andererseits „Gottes Existenz“ zu ignorieren, ist ein Widerspruch.

Denn, wenn die Menschen Gottes Existenz ignorieren, existiert im ganzen Universum keine „Gleichheit“.

Wenn man das leugnet, ist unter den Menschen weder Verständnis noch Vertrauen möglich.

Wenn die geistigen Substanz von einem selbst und von anderen, wie gesagt wird, einander von Grund auf verschieden ist, dann ist, selbst wenn diese Leute unterschiedlicher geistiger Substanz in einen Dialog eintreten, eine Verständigung in Ewigkeit unmöglich.

Das zeigt nichts anderes als die Unmöglichkeit von Wahrheit und Güte.

Wenn wir annehmen, dass die Ursubstanz unseres menschlichen Geistes in Ewigkeit eins ist, und gleichzeitig „Gottes Existenz“ leugnen, dann hat die Behauptung „die Menschheit sei eins“ keine Basis.,

Das ist die Antwort auf die Frage „Existiert Gottes Existenz im Universum?“, beziehungsweise nach dem Sinn der Menschen, eines jeden ohne Ausnahme.

Auch im „Dich“ von Sokrates Ausspruch „Erkenne Dich selbst!“ verbirgt sich in der Tiefe ein „Erkenne Gott!“, „Erkenne alles von allem!“, wird gesagt.

Es ist nicht gemeint, dass man seinen eigenen Egoismus in der Welt der Phänomene erkennen soll.

Zu dem Zeitpunkt, wo der „Gleichheit“ Gottes Herzen folgend für alle Menschen „Freiheit“ verwirklich wurde, „Gottes Vernunft befreit Dich!“, werden alle Menschen frei.

Die Existenz der vereinten Entwicklung von den unter der Demokratie widersprüchlichen Werten „Freiheit“ und „Gleichheit“ ist „Gottes Existenz“.

Diese Gottes Existenz entwickelt die politischen Körperschaften der Welt in unserer Welt sprunghaft, vereint die widersprüchlichen Beziehungen von Natur und Kultur von Grund auf, rettet die ganze Welt, vereinigt alles zu einer einzigen Existenz.

Dann wird Gott für die Menschen der Vergangenheit – Gegenwart – Zukunft, ohne jede Ausnahme, zum gemeinsamen „Sinn der Menschen“.

Das entwickelt sprunghaft die demokratischen Körperschaften, die schon jetzt auf dieser Welt die Hälfte überschritten haben.

Das ist die die Welt der Natur und die Welt an sich auf wesentlich höheres Niveau hebende politische Körperschaft.

Vom „Staatsvertrag, der auf den gemeinsamen Interessen basiert“ zum „Staatsvertrag, der auf dem gemeinsamen Sinn der Menschen basiert“, das ist die Körperschaft des demokratischen Fortschritts, „die These der göttlichen Rettung der Welt“.

Die Demokratie ist die auf den gemeinsamen Interessen basierende politische Körperschaft.

Wenn man sie lässt, fließt der Profit.

Gleichzeitig mit der Profitmacherei des Kapitalismus, verdirbt die Welt von Grund auf.

Außerdem, da das Universum Ausdruck Gottes und nicht Ausdruck von Profitinteressen ist, verstößt es gegen die Struktur des Universums.

Sowohl Demokratie und Kapitalismus als auch Sozialismus und Kommunismus sind als politische Körperschaft von Grund auf auf Profitinteressen, die auf Egoismus antworten, ausgerichtet.

Gerechtigkeit ist „Gottes Recht“.

Das Wesen unserer Kultur sind „Profitinteressen“, das Wesen der Natur und des Weltenrraums ist „Gerechtigkeit“.

Einerseits „Egoismus und Hedonismus“, andererseits „Gottes Herz und Glück“, einerseits „nationale Interessen“, andererseits „Gerechtigkeit“.

So sind Kultur und Natur vom Wesen her getrennt und konfrontieren sich gegenseitig.

Da gibt es nur zwei Wahlmöglichkeiten, nämlich soll unsere Kultur (Profitinteressen) die Welt der Natur (Gottes Körper) zerstören, oder die Natur unsere Kultur?

Ein klares Entweder-Oder.

Übrigens, es bleibt uns Menschen noch eine dritte Möglichkeit.

Die dritte Möglichkeit ist eigentlich die einzige Möglichkeit, nämlich die Möglichkeit, dass wir das Wesen unserer Kultur mit dem Wesen der Natur in Einklang bringen.

Wie wir zu dem Schluß kommen, dass das eigene Wesen und das Wesen der anderen in Gott eins ist, so ist das Wesen unserer Kultur und das Wesen der Natur in Gott eins.

Das Wesen der Natur und das Wesen unserer Kultur gleich zu machen, die einzige politische Körperschaft, die das verwirklicht, das ist „die These der göttlichen Rettung der Welt“ .

Die Widersprüchlichkeit der beiden großen Ideen „Freiheit“ und „Gleichheit“ hebt sich in Gottes Existenz auf.

Gottes Existenz ist die einzige Existenz, die es ermöglicht, Menschen und Staaten zu vereinen, Natur und Kultur zu harmonisieren und zu angebrachten Verhältnissen zurückzukehren.

Und auf der allerallerletzten Stufe der Kultur wird der im großen Weltenraum waltende Gott selbst die Welt erretten.

Man kann sagen, dass die Verwirklichung dieses politischen Körpers die einzige politische Körperschaft ist, die die Welt retten und zu ihrer ursprünglichen Form zurückführen kann.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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  2. The Earth Utopia

  3. Faith Ⅱ

  4. The identity and difference between…

  5. A phenomenon of consciousness is th…

  6. What is the cult?

  7. Failed Christ’s Second Coming…

  8. Multidimensional World Ⅱ


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    • 666
    • 2019年 11月 22日 11:14am

    Would you allow your government to place a microchip in your body?

    Did you know that is the future we are approaching with RFID Microchip technology?

    Even more importantly, did you know there was a man almost 2000 years ago who prophesied of a cashless society in the last days? This mans name is Jesus.

    Did you know that this RFID Microchip matches perfectly with the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:16-18?

    “He(the false prophet) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666” (Revelation 13:16-18).

    Referring to the last days, this could only be speaking of a cashless money society, which we have yet to see, but are heading towards. Otherwise we could still buy or sell without the mark among others if physical money was still currency. This mark could not be spiritual, because the word references two different physical locations. If it was spiritual, it would only say in the forehead.

    Mr. Carl Sanders attended seventeen New World Order meetings with heads of state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the CIA to discuss their agenda on how to bring forth this one-world system. The government commissioned Carl Sanders to engineer a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world-a microchip that could be placed under the skin with a hypodermic needle(a fast, convenient process that would be gradually accepted by society).

    Mr. Sanders, along with a group of engineers behind him, with US grant monies provided by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without having knowledge of the Bible(Brother Sanders was not a follower of Jesus at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip placed under the skin.

    Guess what? These researchers discovered that the forehead and the back of the hand(the two locations Revelation says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient spots, but are also the only viable places for rapid, consistent temperature fluctuations in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The chip is around seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of holding pages upon pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this microchip.

    Carl Sanders believes that this chip, which he regretfully helped engineer, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16-18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick. Carl believes this is referring to the use of a hypodermic needle being poked into the human flesh to insert the microchip.”

    Carl Sanders asked a doctor what would occur if the lithium contained within the RFID chip leaked into the body. The doctor responded by saying a terrible sore would appear in that spot. This is what the book of Revelation says:

    “And the first(Angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2).

    The Bible tells us we cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast, or the number of its name. This number is identified as 666. The Bible tells us to calculate the number 666.

    In this world we are identified by numbers, whether it is our social security number, drivers license, or cards used to make payments. The number of the beast represents something like this, to identify us in a one world government system. This number will be contained within the microchip to identify each and every one of us so we may buy or sell.

    To see the hidden meaning behind calculating the number 666(6+6+6=18), and how it matches up with scipture perfectly,

    Go to: https://biblefreedom.com/rfid-mark-revealed

    The Bible warns us in the last days that a false prophet will rise up doing miracles to deceive many to take this mark. At all costs, do not take it!

    “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9-11).

    “And He(Jesus) said to me(Apostle John), “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts” (Revelation 21:6).

    “Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water(the Holy Spirit) that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13-14).

    “Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3:5-6).

    All religion is man-made. Man can create religion, but no one can create the Holy Spirit that comes from God out of Heaven. Jesus never told us to follow a religion or denomination:

    “Then He(Jesus) said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).

    You can receive the Spirit of God right now. If you are willing to humble yourself before the Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead on the third day; call out to God and ask Him to forgive your sins, to receive His Holy Spirit. If you are genuine, He is faithful and just to forgive, and He will give you a new heart, a renewing of the mind, restoring everything the devil has stolen from you; making you like a child again, through the sanctification of the Spirit.

    When we receive the Spirit of God, we become born from above, and His seed resides within us. We no longer make a practice of sin, but rather turn away from unrighteousness and receive the righteousness of Christ.

    From that point onward, we must put all our hope and trust in Jesus, and grow to walk in His ways, not straying from the narrow path. For Jesus says,

    “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

    “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty(One God), Who was(Jesus) and is(YHWH) and is to come(Jesus)!” (Revelation 4:8).

    • RFID
    • 2019年 11月 25日 9:36am

    Would you allow your government to place a microchip in your body?

    Did you know that is the future we are approaching with RFID Microchip technology?

    Even more importantly, did you know there was a man almost 2000 years ago who prophesied of a cashless society in the last days? This mans name is Jesus.

    Did you know that this RFID Microchip matches perfectly with the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:16-18?

    “He(the false prophet) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666” (Revelation 13:16-18).

    Referring to the last days, this could only be speaking of a cashless money society, which we have yet to see, but are moving towards. Otherwise we could still buy or sell without the mark among others if physical money was still currency. This mark could not be spiritual, because the word references two different physical locations. If it was spiritual, it would only say in the forehead.

    Mr. Carl Sanders attended seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the CIA to discuss their agenda on how to bring forth this one-world system. The US government commissioned Carl Sanders to engineer a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world-a microchip that could be placed under the skin with a hypodermic needle(a fast, convenient process that would be slowly accepted by society).

    Mr. Sanders, along with a team of engineers behind him, with US grant monies provided by tax dollars, took on this challenge and designed a chip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature fluctuations in our skin. Without having knowledge of the Bible(Carl was not a follower of Jesus at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip inserted.

    These researchers found that the forehead and the back of the hand(the two spots Revelation says the mark will go) are not just the most convenient spots, but are also the only viable spots for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The RFID chip is about seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of containing pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this microchip.

    Mr. Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped engineer, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16-18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick. Carl believes this is referring to the use of a hypodermic needle being poked into the human flesh to insert the microchip.”

    Carl Sanders asked a doctor what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID chip leaked into the body. The doctor replied by saying a terrible sore would appear in that spot. This is what the book of Revelation says:

    “And the first(Angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2).

    The Bible tells us we cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast, or the number of its name. This number is identified as 666. The Bible tells us to calculate the number 666.

    In this world we are identified by numbers, whether it is our social security number, drivers license, or cards used to make payments. The number of the beast represents something like this, to identify us in a one world government system. This number will be contained within the microchip to identify each and every one of us so we may buy or sell.

    To see the hidden meaning behind calculating the number 666(6+6+6=18), and how it matches up with scipture perfectly,

    Go to: https://biblefreedom.com/rfid-mark-revealed

    The Bible warns us in the last days that a false prophet will rise up doing miracles to deceive many to take this mark. At all costs, do not take it!

    “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9-11).

    Out of all the world religions, how can we be sure the Bible got it right? The scientific data has established and continues to support that the universe once had a beginning in which space, time and matter were created. This is known as the big bang.

    “The non-biblical religions tell us that god or god’s create within space and time that eternally exist. The Bible stands alone and says that time and space don’t exist until God creates the universe.” – Hugh Ross

    Did you know that the real Noah’s Ark was discovered where the Bible told us it would be with the correct dimensions? As well as hard evidence for the destruction of Sodom Gomorrah and the Exodus account of the Red Sea crossing?

    The Bible is by far the most translated and read book in the history of the world, full of predictive prophecies. Wouldn’t you expect God’s word to be so?

    This information can all be found at https://biblefreedom.com

    “And He(Jesus) said to me(Apostle John), “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts” (Revelation 21:6).

    “Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water(the Holy Spirit) that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13-14).

    “Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3:5-6).

    All religion is man-made. Man can create religion, but no one can create the Holy Spirit that comes from God out of Heaven. Jesus never told us to follow a religion or denomination:

    “Then He(Jesus) said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).

    You can receive the Spirit of God right now. If you are willing to humble yourself before the Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead on the third day; call out to God and ask Him to forgive your sins, to receive His Holy Spirit. If you are genuine, He is faithful and just to forgive, and He will give you a new heart, a renewing of the mind, restoring everything the devil has stolen from you; making you like a child again, through the sanctification of the Spirit.

    When we receive the Spirit of God, we become born from above, and His seed resides within us. We no longer make a practice of sin, but rather turn away from unrighteousness and receive the righteousness of Christ.

    From that point onward, we must put all our hope and trust in Jesus, and grow to walk in His ways, not straying from the narrow path. For Jesus says,

    “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

    “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty(One God), Who was(Jesus) and is(YHWH) and is to come(Jesus)!” (Revelation 4:8).

  34. Would you allow your government to place a microchip in your body?

    Did you know that is the future we are approaching with RFID Microchip technology?

    Even more importantly, did you know there was a man almost 2000 years ago who prophesied of a cashless society in the last days? This mans name is Jesus.

    Did you know that this RFID Microchip matches perfectly with the Mark of the Beast in Revelation 13:16-18?

    “He(the false prophet) causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

    Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666” (Revelation 13:16-18).

    Referring to the end times, this could only be speaking of a cashless money society, which we have yet to see, but are moving towards. Otherwise we could still buy or sell without the mark among others if physical money was still currency. This mark could not be spiritual, because the word references two different physical locations on the body. If it was spiritual, it would just say in the forehead.

    Carl Sanders attended seventeen New World Order meetings with heads-of-state officials such as Henry Kissinger and Bob Gates of the CIA to discuss their agenda on how to bring forth this one-world system. The US government commissioned Carl Sanders to design a microchip for identifying and controlling the peoples of the world-a microchip that could be placed under the skin with a hypodermic needle(a quick, convenient process that would be slowly accepted by society).

    Mr. Sanders, along with a group of engineers behind him, with US grant monies provided by tax dollars, took on this project and designed a microchip that is powered by a lithium battery, rechargeable through the temperature changes in our skin. Without having knowledge of the Bible(Mr. Sanders was not a follower of Christ at the time), these engineers spent one-and-a-half-million dollars doing research on the best and most convenient place to have the microchip placed under the skin.

    These researchers discovered that the forehead and the back of the hand(the two locations Revelation says the mark will go) are not only the most convenient spots, but are also the only viable locations for rapid, consistent temperature changes in the skin to recharge the lithium battery. The chip is around seven millimeters in length, .75 millimeters in diameter, about the size of a grain of rice. It is capable of holding pages of information about you. All your general history, work history, crime record, health history, and financial data can be stored on this chip.

    Brother Sanders believes that this microchip, which he regretfully helped design, is the “mark” spoken about in Revelation 13:16-18. The original Greek word for “mark” is “charagma,” which means a “scratch or etching.” It is also interesting to note that the number 666 is actually a word in the original Greek language. The word is “chi xi stigma,” with the last part, “stigma,” also meaning “to stick or prick. Carl believes this is referring to the use of a hypodermic needle being poked into the human flesh to insert the microchip.”

    Carl Sanders spoke with a doctor asking what would happen if the lithium contained within the RFID chip leaked into the body. The doctor responded by saying a terrible sore would appear in that location. This is what the book of Revelation says:

    “And the first(Angel) went, and poured out his vial on the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore on the men which had the mark of the beast, and on them which worshipped his image” (Revelation 16:2).

    The Bible tells us we cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast, or the number of its name. This number is identified as 666. The Bible tells us to calculate the number 666.

    In this world we are identified by numbers, whether it is our social security number, drivers license, or cards used to make payments. The number of the beast represents something like this, to identify us in a one world government system. This number will be contained within the microchip to identify each and every one of us so we may buy or sell.

    To see the hidden meaning behind calculating the number 666(6+6+6=18), and how it matches up with scipture perfectly,

    Go to: https://biblefreedom.com/rfid-mark-revealed

    The Bible warns us in the last days that a false prophet will rise up doing miracles to deceive many to take this mark. At all costs, do not take it!

    “Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name” (Revelation 14:9-11).

    Out of all the world religions, how can we be sure the Bible got it right? The scientific data has established and continues to support that the universe once had a beginning in which space, time and matter were created. This is known as the big bang.

    “The non-biblical religions tell us that god or god’s create within space and time that eternally exist. The Bible stands alone and says that time and space don’t exist until God creates the universe.” – Hugh Ross

    Did you know that the real Noah’s Ark was discovered where the Bible told us it would be with the correct dimensions? As well as hard evidence for the destruction of Sodom Gomorrah and the Exodus account of the Red Sea crossing?

    The Bible is by far the most translated and read book in the history of the world, full of predictive prophecies. Wouldn’t you expect God’s word to be so?

    This information can all be found at https://biblefreedom.com

    “And He(Jesus) said to me(Apostle John), “It is done! I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts” (Revelation 21:6).

    “Jesus answered and said to her, “Whoever drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water(the Holy Spirit) that I shall give him will never thirst. But the water that I shall give him will become in him a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life” (John 4:13-14).

    “Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ (John 3:5-6).

    All religion is man-made. Man can create religion, but no one can create the Holy Spirit that comes from God out of Heaven. Jesus never told us to follow a religion or denomination:

    “Then He(Jesus) said to them all, “If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me” (Luke 9:23).

    You can receive the Spirit of God right now. If you are willing to humble yourself before the Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead on the third day; call out to God and ask Him to forgive your sins, to receive His Holy Spirit. If you are genuine, He is faithful and just to forgive, and He will give you a new heart, a renewing of the mind, restoring everything the devil has stolen from you; making you like a child again, through the sanctification of the Spirit.

    When we receive the Spirit of God, we become born from above, and His seed resides within us. We no longer make a practice of sin, but rather turn away from unrighteousness and receive the righteousness of Christ.

    From that point onward, we must put all our hope and trust in Jesus, and grow to walk in His ways, not straying from the narrow path. For Jesus says,

    “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it” (Matthew 7:13-14).

    “Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty(One God), Who was(Jesus) and is(YHWH) and is to come(Jesus)!” (Revelation 4:8).

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