
The Democratic Testament of God Ⅲ

According to the V-Dem Institute, as of 2019, the number of democratic countries is “87” and the number of undemocratic countries and regions is “92”.

The essence of democracy is a national contract based on the common interests of “everyone.” In other words, it is a common interest of the people that everyone wants freedom of speech, no one wants to be restrained by unjust power, and everyone wants freedom of expression.

Actually, there is no common interest for the people. Anyway, it is a political system in which relative interests are put in “heaven.”

The universe is the manifestation of God and the body of God.

In the law of the universe, the heart (spirit) of God is “heaven”, the body (material) of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Justice is “heaven”, profit and national interests are “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The absolute thing is “heaven”, the relative thing is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

This law of unification of heaven and earth does not change until the end of the universe.

However, we are creating a civilization that is completely opposite to the will of God.

Capitalism, that puts wealth, which is the “earth,” in “heaven.”

Politicians, who put the national interest, which is the “earth,” in “heaven”.

Socialism, that puts the matter, which is the “earth,” in “heaven”.

Making relative things absolute is called arrogance to God. If you put relative things in “heaven”, conflicts and contradictions will inevitably appear from the relative things.

From the conflict and contradiction, infinite evil becomes a phenomenon, and Pandora’s box opens.

Putting the heart of God in “heaven” is called faith, and putting the body of God in “heaven” is called idolatry.

This is why God of the Middle East have strictly banned idolatry.

All civilizations of the past have also been destroyed by the idolatry that puts the body of God in “heaven,” and the arrogance to God that makes the relative things absolute.

Happiness is “heaven”, pleasure is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever, but as it has been said to be the Whore of Babylon, our civilization puts this “earth” pleasure in “heaven”.

It contains pleasure of wealth, pleasure of national interest, pleasure of status and honor, pleasure of women, pleasure of superiority, etc.

Pleasure is the same as matter, it cannot be the purpose and cannot be denied.

Profit and pleasure, desire and power, authority and wealth should be in the middle of the extremes of purpose and denial.

Even if it is biased toward the purpose, it will be out of the heart of God, and if it is biased toward denial, it will also be out of the heart of God.

In Nishida’s philosophy, the pleasure theory whose sole purpose is pleasure is divided into the egoistic pleasure theory of the Cyrenaic school and Epicurus, and the public pleasure theory of JS. Mill and Bentham who insisted on the greatest happiness of the greatest number. He said that the pleasure theory could never give a universal standard of good and evil.

He said that Bentham’s public pleasure theory would always end up with the same conclusion as Epicurus’s egoistic pleasure theory.

In the egoistic pleasure theory, which aims only at individual pleasure, Plato’s four virtues of justice, temperance, wisdom, and courage are merely means for one’s own pleasure, and pleasure is the only good.

They said that parents suppress their greed and feed their children because they are more satisfied, and they have pleasure.

They also said that self-sacrifice is also more satisfying, and people are self-sacrificing because of their own pleasures, and their only purpose of life is their own pleasure.

Epicurus’ greatest pleasure was the Tranquility of mind.

Epicurus also denied desire, as it disturbs this greatest pleasure, the Tranquility of mind.

Therefore, it was consistent with the Stoicism, which emerged from the principle opposite to the pleasure theory.

He also avoided family relationships, as they also disturb the Tranquility of mind. Therefore, Epicurus’s philosophy is also called monasticism.

On the other hand, Bentham insisted that the greatest happiness of the greatest number of people, whose best is the pleasure of the public, not just the pleasure of the individual.

Bentham’s greatest happiness is pleasure.

“Happiness and pleasure are similar but different,” said Kitaro Nishida.

However, there is no explanation as to why the greatest happiness of the greatest number must be the best, not the pleasure of the individual.

Pleasure must have a subjectivity to feel it.

He says that there is more pleasure in having fun with a large number of people than having fun alone, but it is the individual’s subjectivity that feels that pleasure.

So why should the greatest number of pleasures be placed above the individual pleasures?

What if the pleasures of oneself and the pleasures of others collide?

Both Bentham and Mill argue that the pleasures of oneself and the pleasures of others are almost the same, but they cannot be proved by empirical facts.

If the goal is the greatest happiness of the greatest number, that is, the national interest, then what if the national interest of country A and that of country B collide?

What if the pleasures of country A and that of country B collide?

Since the pleasure theory has the sole purpose of life as pleasure, it is impossible to prioritize the national interests of other countries over that of one’s own country.

At this time, those who have pleasure as their sole purpose in life choose their own national interests even if they crush the national interests of other countries. Therefore, Bentham’s public pleasure theory will always be the same as the egoistic pleasure theory of Epicurus in the end.

If parents suppress their greed and feed their children, they will certainly be happy, and their parents will be happy.

This joy must be pleasure. But in any sense, it cannot be said that the motivation for the act was pleasure from the beginning.

Nishida’s philosophy called it “nature.” Parents only follow this nature, and pleasure was not the motivation for their actions from the beginning.

Epicurus confuses cause and effect.

For example, when you portray an ideal and succeed to realize it, you will surely be satisfied.

This satisfaction must be pleasure, but in no sense, it cannot be said that the pleasure was the motivation for the act from the beginning.

According to the nature of human, parents suppress greed, feed their child, and dream an ideal according to the nature.

Artists seek the beauty of God by the nature, and philosophers seek wisdom by the nature.

There is no artist who seeks the beauty of God for the purpose of his own pleasure, and there is no philosopher who seeks the wisdom of God for the purpose of his own pleasure from the beginning.

And when we realize the beauty and wisdom that we have sought by the nature, there is always satisfaction.

This satisfaction must be pleasure. However, this self-pleasure was not the motivation for the act from the beginning.

Those whose sole purpose in life is pleasure are rather inferior in humanity.

This is a criticism of the pleasure theory in Nishida’s philosophy.

The pleasure theory only produces egoists that are dangerous to society, so it cannot give a universal standard of good and evil to humankind.

Happiness is “heaven”, pleasure is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

This law of the universe will never change.

Until the end of this universe, the heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

This is the immutable law of God. However, our civilization put the body of God, which is “earth,” in “heaven,” and the heart of God in “earth.” Therefore, it is building a civilization separated from the universe, God himself.

A civilization banished from the Paradise of Eden.

Democracy, which is a national contract based on the common interests of the people, also has a contradictory political system because it puts the interests of “earth” in “heaven.”

“God is the basis of thought and is the unified being,” said Kitaro Nishida.

God is the Grand Unifier who unifies all contradictions and conflicts.

The heart of God is the unification, and the body of God is the contradiction.

Unification is contradiction, the spirit is matter, and truth is phenomenological interest. Both are bilateral sides of reality.

If you cut both sides, you will not be real, but you will be an ego.

Both democracy and socialism are political systems that put contradictions in “heaven” because they lack the Grand Unifier of God.

Thoughts and philosophies that lack God are naturally contradictory because they lack the Grand Unifier.

Even in the world of thought and philosophy, they are good only by God.

In democracy, the two major concepts of “freedom” and “equality” are inconsistent.

In particular, equality is terribly wrong, denying the existence of God and teaching equality even though it does not exist anywhere.

The existence of God is in the essence of the savior’s spirit. And there is exactly the same God in the essence of the spirit of those who are not saviors.

There is God in the essence of the archangel, and there is the same God in the essence of the devil.

The archangel is the great devil and Jesus is Beelzebub.

The absolute contradiction between heaven and hell is forever aufheben by the existence of God.

It means that all life forms in the heavenly world, the present world, and the hell world that appear in the past, present, and future are forever equal only in the existence of God.

There is no other equality, so everything else is discriminatory.

Recognizing equality is synonymous with recognizing the existence of God.

Because there is no equality other than the existence of God.

As far as equality is concerned, among all living things in the heavenly world, the present world, and the hell world that appear in the past, present, and future, there must be no difference between themselves and others at all.

There should be no difference between angels and demons, yourself and others, and your own people and other people.

They are not called equality unless they are exactly identical, exactly the same quality, quantity, and scale.

Equality is given to us human beings only one.

Nobody is the same in everything from face shape, fingerprints, body shape to physiological phenomena.

That is, there is no equality in the body.

Even if you think about personality, there is no such thing as exactly the same personality.

Equality under death is not strictly equal.

Some die in their twenties and some die in their seventies.

There is no equality before the law.

The law is different in each region, and it changes with the passage of time.

There is no invariant equality in what is changing.

In the fundamental essence of life, mankind harbors the one heart of God of exactly the same quality, quantity, and scale.

The heart of God dwelling in both spirits has no slight difference in comparison between self and others.

It is completely forever the same quality, same quantity, same scale.

Therefore, in religion, the enlightenment of unification of oneself and others comes out by recognizing this God.

Only in God is all mankind forever equal.

Other than this, both spirit and matter are discriminatory.

If we deny the existence of God, everything becomes a discriminatory, and humankind loses its commonality.

There is no equality under the body of God based on the outside world.

Equality in democracy is the equality of expedients that is metaphorized to matter, not true equality.

We recognize “equality” as equality that is replaced by matter, not equality that exists in the spirit.

A typical example is the right to vote for each person.

One vote for the wise, one vote for the fool, one vote for those who return to heaven, one vote for those who fall into hell, one vote for those who are striving, one vote for those who are not striving, one vote for those who are highly valued, one vote for those who are low in value. No matter who does what, each person is given one vote.

It never changes no matter how many years you strive.

Mankind lives in this unfair view of equality and is fundamentally different from God’s own evaluation.

It has become a civilization in which values ​​far from God are easily realized in society.

From the perspective of this universe, that is, in the eyes of God himself, a personality that is far from God’s heart and close to God’s body is called immature, and is called a person far from God.

And modern civilization is creating a world and civilization far from God.

It’s brilliantly rotten.

Of all the life forms of the heavenly world, the present world, and the hell world that appear in the third generations of past, present, and future, when it comes to equality, there must be no difference at all.

It is only the existence of God in the middle of each person’s soul.

And if we deny the existence of this God, we will lose equality forever, and since losing equality means losing the commonality of mankind, mankind loses all of its universal values.

We will lose all the values ​​of religion, philosophy, thought and art.

If we lose God, we lose everything.

Accepting equality is synonymous with accepting the existence of God.

Therefore, faith in God is a duty if we accept equality.

In fact, it has always been a duty.

And this equality of the heart of God is not the common interest of the people, but the meaning of life common to the people.

Just as an individual walks “life” to know the true self, so does humanity as a whole walks “history” to know the true self.

When each mankind exercises his or her freedom according to the equality which is the will of God, the truth does free you, and all mankind becomes free.

“History is the advancement of consciousness of freedom,” said Hegel.

The nature of history is the “progress of consciousness of freedom” by truth.

The two contradictory concepts of democracy, “freedom” and “equality,” are thus aufheben by the existence of God.

In the “Democratic Testament of God” nation, it has a political system that promotes a qualitative shift from the common interests of the people to the meaning of life common to the people. So, of course, the heart of God, which is the meaning of life, is placed in “heaven,” and the body of God is placed in “earth.”

And it coincides with the structure and mechanism of the universe in front of us, and it becomes a civilization of the “unification of the universe and the self”, and the kingdom of God manifests itself.

It means that the universe (God) and humankind, the universe and civilization, and the natural world and civilization will merge.

The essence of the natural world is forever the heart of God, and the essence of our civilization will also become the heart of God, and the natural world and civilization will become one in that essence.

The essence of the natural world is the heart of God, but the essence of modern civilization is the relative wealth and national interest, that is, the body of God, and the natural world and civilization are separated in that essence.

It is a civilization that is cut off from God and is banished from the Paradise of Eden.

If we are cut off from God, any individual, any human being, any civilization, their existence will all be evil.

Whether individuals, humanity as a whole, or civilization, everything is good only by the existence of God.

Therefore, the civilization and nation that will realize this “Democratic Testament of God” will become the world leader for the next millennium.

It will never be such a political system that hegemony can be taken for a finite period of only 100 years according to the attributes of matter because the national interest (God’s body), which is the “earth”, is put in “heaven”.

This world lord lasts at least 1000 years because he puts the heart of God in “heaven.”

And “freedom and equality” those human beings will seek in the future will regain the correct concept, and all human beings will be happy with God.

This is the “Democratic Testament of God” that evolved the political system of 87 democratic countries.

“Freedom and equality” are called “evolution” because it is far from this contradiction and close to unification.

It is called “evolution” because it is far from pleasure and close to happiness.

It is called “evolution” because it is far from the body of God and close to the heart of God.

This is the “Democratic Testament of God,” which is a political system that rescues the earth on a planetary basis.

If the absolute authority of the cosmos in front of us is established, the essence of human life is made objective, and the existence of God is eternal through the realization of the “Democratic Testament of God” nation, the global salvation movement will be the end this time.

I think that the failure of the Second Coming of Christ is his own fault, but it seems that some people in Europe and the United States still believe in the Second Coming of Christ.

Obviously to those who have come into contact with the truth in Japan, Jesus Christ did come back, but he made a big mistake in his fourth year.

It can be said that it is a historic blunder.

Mostly, all the end-of-the-century prophecies were missed and annihilated, so it’s about time to wonder whether something happened.

This spirit has done a terrible deal.

By using the power of the afterlife, he has caused a large number of suicides and deaths, destroyed the families and property of many people, and made tremendous victims, and he is already quite hated.

How can Jesus have the face to speak the heart of God, when he returns before them?

It is certain to add fuel to the flames of hatred, so Jesus will never come back again.

It may be free for Christians to blindly believe in the Second Coming of Christ, but I think they are blindly believing him without knowing the true personality of Jesus.

There are a large number of people who have suffered great damage and inconvenience due to the Second Coming of Jesus, and in just four years, it has caused great inconvenience not only to human beings in this world but also to many high spirits in the afterlife.

I don’t know what he thinks of himself, but he is a spirit who has never taken any responsibility for this large number of victims.

Although there was a historic blunder of the failure of Christ’s Second Coming, this global salvation movement is over if we establish the absolute authority of the cosmos, the true God in front of us.

No more truth will come out on Earth for hundreds of years, so once we establish the authority of the essence of the human spirit, our trial will be over this time.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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