
Six amendments of Christian Doctrine

This is what Jesus Christ himself said, when he returned to Happy Science in the 1980s.

Jesus said he wanted to make six amendments in Christian doctrine.

The first one is insufficient explanation of Rinne Tensho―the endless circle of birth, death, and rebirth, aka reincarnation.

The law of reincarnation was implied when his disciples asked him that “Why then do the scribes say that Elijah must come first?” (Matthew 17-10), or when he said, “Before Abraham was, I am.” (John 8-58) However, he did not explain it clearly.

At that time, Jesus preached the law to fishermen in villages, so there were some lessons which they needed, and the others which they did not.

He thought reincarnation was not a necessary law for them. That is why he did not explain it after all.

The point mentioned above was the first amendment.

In fact, that was a fatal mistake in the law, that he did not explain about reincarnation.

Jesus himself have tried to amend this flaw historically. For example, he presented us Edgar Casey to preach the reincarnation, or to preach the “concept of regeneration” by spiritualist approaches. However, these attempts are considered to be heretics by all the mainstream Christians in the end.

The unhealthy personality cult of Jesus obstructed them to be amended in the Christian stream.

Blindness and fanaticism hinder the amendment and development of truth.

He did not preach the law of reincarnation, and consequently, that fact created an extraordinary fear among us.

If there were no reincarnation and we only lived once, not all of us would return to heaven.

Some of us would fall into hell.

In this case, once someone fell into the world of hell, he/she would be burned to the eternal fire of hell for more than trillions of years, and it would burn him/her forever, because there was no reincarnation.

The lack of explanation created such an extraordinary fear.

When Jesus found out about it, he thought it was undesirable.

Eternal life and reincarnation must be always explained as a set.

The Vatican also understands this matter. That is why they set purgatory between heaven and hell as a cushioning material, in later generations.

Reincarnation also has the problems of “individuality” and “personality,” but anyway, it is fatal for truth that he did not explain about it.

In general, it is not too much to say that the religion that affirms the reincarnation is true, and the religion that rejects is false.

Of course, not all of religions that are affirmative of reincarnation are ethically good, but at least in recent days, a founder of a religion who denies reincarnation can be concluded definitely to be a founder who does not grasp the truth.

Within the nature of each individual, there is the same will of God and complete truth.

One lives the endless circle of life in order to know the perfect will of God and to understand one’s true self.

However, if reincarnation were denied, consequently you would not be reborn, you would live only once.

No one would know the complete truth and the complete will of God during just one 80-year physical life.

There never been, never is, and never will.

As Hegel argues, the will of God is the ultimate purpose of history, so there is no choice but to step forward and solve problems through history, just like science does.

If we deny the reincarnation, the nature of ourselves will be out of our reach.

Namely, the denial of reincarnation means that nobody can fully understand the nature of ourselves.

Nobody would be able to realize the complete justice and the complete will of God within 80 years.

In other words, the denial of reincarnation is the idea that no one can reach the will of God and the nature of one’s self.

Socrates said that “Know thyself,” but if the law of reincarnation were denied, no one would know the true nature of one’s self.

“Heaven”, which means the will of God, and “earth”, which means will of human beings, will be separated forever.

Just an 80-years-life would never be enough to be within arm’s reach toward God.

That is, if we deny the reincarnation, no one can grasp the true nature of ourselves.

Through the reincarnation, human beings will be able to grasp their nature one day by living many times over in different times, different places.

We can fully understand God, the nature of our lives.

The affirmation of reincarnation is the only way that human beings, the race belongs to “earth”, can reach “heaven”, the realm of God one day.

The denial of reincarnation will lead to the separation between heaven and earth.

The affirmation of reincarnation will lead to the unification of them.

Unifying them is just.

Separating them is unjust.

Also, racial discrimination and ethnic problems will somewhat not be resolved.

The affirmation of reincarnation means that even though one is currently living as a white, she may have been born as a black in the past life.

We will know the ignorance of discriminating against blacks now, because we may once have lived as a black.

Jews may have been practicing as Palestinians in the past life.

In this case, they are in conflict with their former race now.

By understanding the laws and truths of reincarnation, we will understand the stupidity of the conflict.

The first point that Jesus wanted to amend doctrinally is the lack of the law of reincarnation.

The second amendment is the lack of explanation about the constitution of heaven and hell.

The Christian doctrine does not fully explain that world, so it is unclear about what is called the celestial world and the world of hell.

Only a simple theory about hell is explained.

There is Moses’ ten commandments, and Jesus said that people who violate this command would be burned to the fire of eternal hell as a punitive expression of what would happen if they violated this command.

In other words, Christians do not know the world waiting after death.

Since the structural theory of heaven and hell has not been explained, they do not know what kind of world is waiting after dying, what kind of world is there after death, and there is no answer about what kind of world are heaven and hell.

In order to amend this flaw in the Christian legal system, he is sending out Emanuel Swedenborg to preach heaven and hell.

But sadly, even Swedenborg is not able to preach the full theory, which contains the highest spiritual area of the heaven.

This move was also a historical attempt to amend flaws in Christian law, but even Swedenborg is considered heresy in the mainstream Christianity in the end.

Edgar Casey, who disclosed Reincarnation by reading, and Swedenborg, who tried to explain the structural world of heaven and hell, they are both Christian high spirits.

One of Casey’s previous lives was the prophet Isaiah of the Old Testament.

He was also under the instruction of Harvey, who discovered blood vessels, and Hippocrates.

Even Gabriel was his mentor in his past lifetime.

He was Sariel, one of the seven archangels.

The previous life of Emanuel Swedenborg was John the Baptist who baptized Jesus.

Look at their previous lives, one lived as Isaiah of the Old Testament, and the other lived as John of Baptism.

They have souls that embody the mainstream of Christianity.

They are born to amend the flaws in Christian law.

It is sorry that they are both considered heretics from the mainstream of Christianity.

This mortal world is such a difficult place.

The structural laws of heaven and hell were first disclosed in the GLA.

Shinji Takahashi teaches the highest spiritual areas that even Swedenborg could not.

There are 10 high spirits that have undergone the highest spiritual evolution as a spirit.

At the time of GLA, only 4 of them, Buddha, Jesus, Moses, and El Ranty were explained, but the early Happy Science revealed that there are 10 of high spirit.

1. Zeus

2. Jesus Christ

3. Buddha

4. Moses

5. Aal El Ranty

6. Confucius

7. Zoroaster

8. Archimedes

9. Manu

10. Maitreya

In the spirit group of Earth system, these ten high spirits have evolved to the highest degree as spiritual personalities who have physical bodies as human beings.

What Jesus raised to the third amendment was the lack of enlightenment methodology.

Needless to say, the greatest commandment of Christianity is “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (Matthew 22-37)”

The second is “Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thy self.”

The third is “On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”

The love for God and people is the greatest Christian doctrine.

In particular, the first commandment, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” was originally quoted by Jesus from Deuteronomy 6-5.

Regarding this point, it is the prior principle to love both God and people.

However, Jesus said that he did not necessarily preach about love when he aimed and was about to realize it.

We approach God according to the stages of mind and enlightenment, but Jesus did not preach such a step-by-step instruction.

In Buddhism, although it is imperfect, Buddha preached the four saints―Sravaka, Pratyekabuddha, Bodhisattva, Buddha.

Through them, the stage theory of enlightenment is explained.

On the other hand, Christianity does not preach them, because of their view of equality.

The structural doctrine of heaven and hell, which is explained above as the second amendment, was not explained.

That’s why Jesus could not explain the stage of enlightenment.

“Everything has stages and degrees.” ―Ralph Waldo Emerson.

There are some steps of enlightenment toward God, even when we aim for love.

Elementary school students cannot suddenly become college students, and junior high school students cannot suddenly become high school students.

Christianity does not preach the stage theory of enlightenment when love is intended.

And the fourth amendment that Jesus wanted to modify the Christian doctrine is the lack of explanation of the true meaning of God.

It was Aal El Ranty that Jesus mentioned as the Heavenly Father.

He called him the Father in the sense that he was better than Jesus himself in the spiritual realm.

And yet, El Ranty is still a personal spirit, of course he is different from the God, the creator of the universe.

This person, El Ranty, has guided Moses as Yahweh and given the Ten Commandments, and guided Jesus as the Heavenly Father.

Muhammad could not receive revelation directly from El Ranty.

He was a little inferior in spirituality.

That is why he has indirectly given the revelation of the Quran through Gabriel.

In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, this El Ranty was at the center of the revelation.

In recent years, a part of Aal El Ranty has gained the first physical body as GLA’s first founder, Shinji Takahashi.

Christians still believe in a personal spirit.

Afterlife is believed to be a so-called multidimensional world, and it is created by the law of “one is many, many is one”.

The spirits that live celestial world, from the lower realms to the higher realms, are “one” in the meaning of hosting the same God. All the spirits are forever equal.

God exists in the nature of Jesus, and also in Beelzebub.

When we consider only about the presence of God, the Great Demon King and Archangel are forever equal.

This is the true meaning of God.

When we do practice of asceticism in this mortal world, however, no one makes exact same effort. Some make ten efforts, some make 50 efforts, or some make 100 efforts.

Others make unjust actions; they do not take pains to do justice.

Although we all are under the same will of God, there is no uniform effort in improvement and evolution.

They all have different quality and quantity of effort. Judging from the will of God, who evaluates everyone equally, these efforts appear as “many”.

“The fundamental system of entity is at once one and many, and discrimination contains equality, as well as equality contains discrimination.” ― Nishida Kitaro.

Truth means equality, that also means discrimination, as well as impartiality.

The fifth point that Jesus wanted to amend is the lack of explanation of the relationship between Christianity and other religions.

This idea is paired with the fourth amendment, the lack of explanation of the true meaning of God.

The fourth point and the fifth point should be understood from the law of “One is many, many is one”.

The part that corresponds to “one” is the fourth amendment, that is, insufficient explanation of the true meaning of God, and the part that corresponds to “many” is the fifth amendment.

The fifth point which Jesus referred was a lack of explanation of the relationships with other laws of God, which resulted from this “one.”

It made all non-Christian religions look like false religions.

Too much contrast with other religions caused misery and religious wars after ages. As a result, many innocent and pious people had to die in vain.

Jesus reflected on these tragedies from the historical point of view.

The sixth point that Jesus wanted to amend is that the step-by-step instruction of truth should have taken much more long time.

After all, only three years of evangelism have not been sufficient. As a sequel to it, the disciples could not be fully educated, and he could not form a vast system of truth in this world.

The insufficient education of his disciples caused some miserable deaths among them.

He could not instruct every single bit of truth, he had to condense it. Sadly, that caused misunderstandings in posterity.

He said that the next time he was born, it would be a long journey.

To summarize, the six amendments of Christian doctrine that Jesus wants to fix are:

The first is insufficient explanation of the law of reincarnation.

The second is the lack of structural explanation of heaven and hell.

The third is the lack of enlightenment methodology.

The fourth is insufficient explanation of the true meaning of God.

The fifth is the lack of explanation of the relationship between Christianity and other religions.

The sixth is that it took some time to complete the legal system of truth and to educate the disciples.
These six amendments must be noticed.

It means that we have to carefully consider these six amendments. We have to preach a new law of God, and recreate a vast system of truth.

Because it is a total settlement of the law of God now.

Here are the six amendments that Jesus said he wanted to fix.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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