
Elysium Ⅰ

“Elysium” is “paradise after death”. In Christianity it is called “Eden’s Paradise”.

“Champs Elysees” means the “Elysium” in French.

In short, it is the subconscious (the afterlife) behind the surface consciousness.

In modern times, since Shinji Takahashi from the GLA, the whole picture of the world has been described as a multidimensional world proportional to the stage of enlightenment.

All utopian concepts that were once preached in history were based on the multidimensional world.

Plato also preached the multidimensional world as the world of ideas. He tried hard to bring the world of ideas to this earthly world.

However, it is said that Plato’s ideal politics of the Philosopher King was realized only during the time of Marcus Aurelius.

Some people will explore the ideal world of humankind in the future.

If it is good, they will surely unravel a part of the multidimensional world.

The multidimensional world is the eternal utopia of mankind forever, both in the past and in the future.

And the multidimensional world exists in each person’s subconscious.

It means the same thing that Jesus said, “The kingdom of God is in your midst,” the eternal utopia is in our midst.

The future of mankind is forever in the midst of each and every one.

The world 100 years and 500 years from now is in the present.

Socrates said, “Know thyself,” in other words, it means that “Know the future of mankind in the midst of you.”

As a proof of this, we are now showing the future political system of humankind 500 years and 1000 years from now in the “The Democratic Testament of God”.

Depending on the enlightenment of God’s heart, one can go to the future thousands of years ahead.

Therefore, as with future science, we aim to elucidate the multidimensional world from religion and philosophy.

In other words, it is the elucidation of the afterlife.

This is to elucidate the future of humankind.

It means that the afterlife makes the world happy, and the heart of God makes humanity happy.

The heart of God is manifested only in the universe and the natural world in this world, and in the multidimensional world in the afterlife.

If you emit good from your own heart, you will connect to the good spirits, and after death you will return to heaven and gain eternal happiness.

If you emit evil from your own heart, you will connect to evil spirits, and after death you will fall into hell and become unhappy.

In other words, good is happiness.

Since all good comes from the heart of God, we must say that the heart of God is equal to happiness.

All the various good comes from the heart of God, so if we ignore or deny the heart of God, there is no happiness or future for mankind.

In other words, there is no happiness or future for humankind by denying the existence of God.

The reason why all kinds of truths have been preached in history is to build this “Elysium”.

People have preached the Bible, the Buddhist scriptures, the Quran, sacred books, and various philosophies and concepts to build Elysium on this earthly world.

What separates the right and wrong of the philosophies or concepts is the purpose of them.

Since the purpose for mankind is nothing but the heart of God, it is the existence of God that separates the right and wrong of concepts and philosophies.

If the purpose of them is to build “Elysium”, then they are “just”, and if they lack the purpose of “Elysium” construction, they are “evil”, or good of expedient.

Socrates said in the afterlife that “Schopenhauer and Nietzsche are wrong” because their philosophies lack the idea of “Elysium” construction.

It is the universe and God that decides the right and wrong of all religions, all concepts, and all philosophies that appear in the past, present, and future.

Macroscopically, the concept that comes out of God’s heart is “just”, and the concept that comes out of God’s body is “evil” or finite good that is metaphorical to matter.

Microscopically, the concept that comes out of the higher self and the conscience is “just”, and the concept that comes out of the ego is “evil” or finite good.

This is an eternal axiom that separates right and wrong, which will not change in the future.

When the concept that comes out of higher self and the heart of God is “just,” the heart of God is exactly the construction of the “Elysium.”

The concept that comes out of the relative ego and the body (material) of God does not have the power to build the “Elysium”.

When a person loses his or her heart, it means that he or she loses the heart of God.

Therefore, when a person loses the heart of God, the heart of the person is filled with the body (material) of God and lives with the attributes of the material.

They are always filled with interests and losses, always chasing wealth and national interests, and are dominated by the “subordination” of matter and are attracted to their status and honor.

They are dominated by the “relativeness” of matter and acquire a double standard.

They wander the world of superiority complex and inferiority complex, victory and defeat, anguish and pleasure in relative comparison.

They fall into the extremes of material relativity, biased to the left and right of superiority complex and inferiority complex, anguish and pleasure.

“Discard both left and right extremes and enter the middle road,” said Shinji Takahashi.

The bias to the left and right is the action of the ego and cannot be said to be in the heart of God.

Since the mind dominated by matter loses the mind of sincerity and kindness, people see human beings as the matter of the body.

From there, racial discrimination that against the black and white of the physical skin, discrimination against the physically disabled, and discrimination against the elderly based on the physical body appear.

And because they think of the matter of the body as themselves, they cause suicide problems.

It is caused by the immaturity of humankind, which is far from the heart (spirit) of God and close to the body (matter) of God. In other words, lack of enlightenment.

When the minds of people are ruled by the body of God, matter has the attribute of being far from the heart of God, so they try hard to create a world far from the heart of God.

And the whole world will be corrupted as it is today.

When mankind loses faith in God, it will live in its relative ego.

If people live in their relative ego, the relativity of the ego and the relativity of the matter are inevitably linked, and the mind is dominated by the matter that is the “earth.” Then, all humankind will move toward the “earth”, and the world will automatically corrupt.

When we lose our faith in God, the divine law makes it impossible for humankind to survive.

The absolute one connects to the absolute one, and the relative one connects to the relative one.

“The universe is a manifestation of God,” said Kitaro Nishida.

All human beings in the past, present, and future are forever ruled by the universe (God), which is composed of the heart of God and the body of God.

The unification of God and mankind is forever.

Therefore, if you strengthen your conscience, you will be connected to the heart of God and will be ruled by the heart of God.

If you strengthen your ego, you will be connected to the body of God and will be ruled by matter.

That is the case with any human being.

The same is true for all humankind in the future.

No one can escape the divine rule.

And if mankind strengthens his conscience and higher self and is ruled by the heart of God, the world will improve toward “heaven.” If mankind strengthens his ego and is ruled by the body of God, the world will deteriorate toward the “earth” as it is today.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the body of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

This is also the reason why all high spirits preach faith in God.

The structure and mechanism of the universe makes it impossible for humankind to obtain happiness if they deny their faith in God.

I am deeply moved that this world was created by God.

What kind of world will mankind create if we do not follow the heart of God?

Modern civilization sets a bad example.

A personality far from the heart of God and close to the body of God is called an immature person.

When the mind is dominated by matter, people will put the matter that is the “earth”, the one that is far from the heart of God, in “heaven”.

That is why we live in capitalism, which puts wealth, which is the “earth” far from God’s heart, in “heaven” and causes climate change.

Putting the national interest, which is the “earth” far from the heart of God, in “heaven”, politicians indulge in the power struggle while pursuing the national interest.

Putting matter, which is the “earth” far from the heart of God, in “heaven,” we live in materialistic communism.

Putting the masses, which is the “earth” far from God’s heart, in “heaven”, we are creating a democracy full of contradictions and flaws, and as many as 60% of people fall into hell.

We must recall defective products.

Because of the loss of faith in God, mankind has come to live according to the ego like Adam and Eve.

Therefore, the relativity of the ego and the relativity of matter are connected, and we have come to put the relative things that are the “earth” in “heaven”.

God just wanted to make all mankind happy, but mankind took his own pleasure, not the happiness that God wanted.

Just like Adam and Eve.

Arrogance to God is to make the relative things absolute and to put what God has forever defined as the “earth” in “heaven”.

The problem with existing civilizations is that politics, economy, religion, and human beings all create a civilization that is the opposite of God’s will.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the body of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Justice is “heaven”, and profits and national interests are relative, so it is “earth,” and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The higher self is the “heaven”, the ego is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

God is eternally teaching mankind how to live through the universe.

If human beings lived according to this law of the unification of heaven and earth, this kind of corruption would not have been caused.

Existing democracy is a national contract based on the common interests of the people, putting the interests of the “earth” in “heaven”.

Benefits are relative and represent a contradiction.

That is why “freedom” and “equality” are inconsistent in democracy.

The contradiction between these two major concepts is one of the causes of modern corruption.

The doctrines and philosophies that emerge from the ego and contradiction do not have the power to improve the world.

Unless it comes from the heart and conscience of God, we do not call it a good thought.

Because all good comes from God.

Since contradictions connect to contradictions, the outlook on life, values, and worldviews of human beings living in them are also inconsistent.

Since contradiction means matter, the immaturity of humankind itself, which is far from the heart of God and close to the body of God, appears here as well.

Mankind calls those who are far from the heart of God the sovereign and puts them in “heaven”, aiming at things far from the heart of God.

Since we are working hard to create a world far from the heart of God, it is natural that the world is corrupting under the political system.

Zeus also said that “Greece is said to be the birthplace of democracy, but I don’t think it’s a very good political system.”

“For the people” is good, but it’s a result.

There will never be a world that benefits the masses by denying the heart of God and ignoring the evolution and improvement of human beings themselves.

The result means matter, so it is no different from worshiping matter.

Therefore, the more it is for the masses, the more it corrupts.

Capitalism is also an economic principle that puts the profit that is the “earth” in the “heaven”.

Capitalist countries are united toward the “earth.” Therefore, it is also natural that the decay of the natural world and the extinction of living things are commonplace.

Mankind is creating a world that is the opposite of God’s will in the world that God created.

Therefore, it is natural to become a world opposite to the heart of God, that is, a rotten world.

Religion also puts salvation, which is the “earth,” in “heaven,” and puts the benefits of “earth,” in “heaven,” in an attempt to save those who have no enlightenment or reflection.

People do not realize God’s heart themselves, do not reflect in the light of God’s heart, or do not try to share the same heart with God’s heart, but seek only the benefit of salvation.

Materialistic communism also puts matter, which is the “earth,” in “heaven,” and commits arrogance to God.

Capitalism, communism, democracy, all of which are civilizations that violate arrogance to God.

Was there any other civilization that put profits in “heaven” so far?

It’s a very arrogant civilization.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the body of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Nevertheless, capitalism, neoliberalism, democracy, and communism put this “earth” of interests and matter in “heaven.” Therefore, we can conclude that it is wrong in the eyes of the universe, that is, God himself.

It’s rotten because it’s wrong.

The right thing won’t rot.

The cause of the destruction of civilization is always the same, arrogance to God.

All civilizations up to now have been destroyed by this arrogance to God.

It is highly likely that modern civilization will be the same.

The cause of arrogance to God is the immaturity of mankind itself, far from the heart of God and close to the body of God.

It puts matter in “heaven” because it has the immaturity, close to the body of God.

Since the body of God, which is the “earth,” is put in “heaven,” Elysium cannot be constructed with existing politics, economy, and religion.

Rather, it will continue to rot until it collapses.

Elysium will not be born unless politics, economy, or religion is returned to God’s heart from the root.

For that reason, the collapse of the world has been prophesied in various ways.

Regain faith in God based on the right knowledge.

If we lose faith in God, we also lose our heart.

We are seeing the end of a civilization in which people have lost their hearts.

When we lose our conscience, the world rots so much.

To put it the other way around, it is the human mind and conscience that improve the world.

Heaven is a world of conscience.

And God speaks only through the conscience of the people.

The conscience does not belong to human-made religions or denominations, but to the universe and the natural world.

“The natural world is a wonderful self-elucidation of human life,” said Emerson.

As Emerson said, the essence of human life is well manifested in nature.

The point is, from any angle, only the heart of God can improve and prosper the world.

Human quibble does not work, and it mean nothing.

There is no choice but to accurately read the will of God manifested in the universe and the natural world, and to create a civilization according to the will of God.

The essence of the universe and the natural world is the heart of God forever, but the essence of our civilization is the body of God.

The heart of God is the standard in the afterlife, so the more you realize the heart of God, the higher you will go.

The body of God is the standard in this world, so the more wealth and national interests you have, the higher you will go.

And while everyone is happy in the afterlife, this world is an unfortunate world where more than half of them fall into hell.

Our civilization is banished from Eden’s paradise because nature and civilization are separated by their essence.

That is why it is causing corruption on a global scale.

This means that the heart of God and the heart of mankind are separated.

When the essence of this natural world and the essence of civilization become the same and the natural world and civilization are unified, Elysium appears in this world.

This is one of the axioms of Elysium construction.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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