
Unification of the universe and the self

The large universe in front of us is the manifestation of the fundamental essence of human life.

Therefore, the universe is the manifestation of God, the body of God, and the holy land of God.

God exists forever in the essence of human life, and the earth in front of us is the existence of that God self-objectified.

All humans in the past, present, and future dwell the same heart of God in that essence of life.

All lifeforms of heaven, the present world, and hell in all three generations of the past, present, and future, are only equal under the existence of God.

There is no other equal, so all others are in the discrimination phase.

Acknowledging equality is the same as acknowledging the existence of God.

That is because there is no equal other than here.

Under equality, there should not be the slightest difference in all objects owned by people of the past, present, and future.

If it is not completely the same, completely homogenous, completely the same scale, and completely the same amount, that is not equality.

We humans have received only one of that.

Thinking of the body, there are no two same bodies with the complete same face, fingerprint, body shape, and physical phenomena.

Thinking of character, there are no complete same personalities in existence because of the differences in them.

There is no equality in the seen world.

Equality only exists only in the unseen essence of the heart.

Explicitly speaking, equality under death is not equal.

One dies in his or her forties, and one dies in his or her seventies.

Equality under the law does not exist as well.

Law is different in each region and changes over time.

Unchanging equality does not exist inside something that changes.

All humans have the completely same heart of God dwell in the fundamental essence of life.

This heart of God that dwells in both the self and other does not have the slightest difference in comparison.

It is completely eternally the same.

It means that all humans are eternally equal only under God.

Therefore, all other bodies and personalities are in the discrimination phase.

If one denies the existence of God, all becomes the relative discrimination phase, and humans would lose their commonality.

There is no equality in existence under the body of God with reference to the external world.

For all things owned by all lifeforms of heaven, the present world, and hell in the past, present, and future, there should not be the slightest difference of equality.

There should only be the existence of God.

And if one denies the existence of God, we lose equality, and if we lose equality, we lose the commonality of humans. Therefore, humanity will lose universal values.

We would lose all religious, philosophical, ideological, and artistic values.

If we lose God, humanity will lose everything.

Acknowledging equality is the same as acknowledging the existence of God.

Therefore, if one acknowledges equality, well, we humans would have to at some point, but faith in God becomes mandatory.

And this equal heart of God is not the common interest of the people but the common meaning of life of the people.

There is no common interest of the people in Democracy.

When each person acts following the equal heart of God, the truth shall make you free, and all of humanity will become free.

History is the improvement of liberal consciousness.: Hegel

History is “The improvements of the awareness of freedom.” This is the reality.

The two contradictory concepts of Democracy, “freedom and equality” comes into Aufheben with the existence of God.

In a nation of “The Democratic Testament of God,” the political system urges the qualitative change from the common profit of the people to the common meaning of life of the people. Therefore, the heart of God, which is the meaning of life, will be placed in “heaven,” and the body of God will be placed in “earth.”

And the construction and structure of the large universe in front of us becomes one. “Unification of the universe and the self” civilization, the land of God, appears.

Therefore, the nation and civilization that realizes this nation of “The Democratic Testament of God” will become the world leader for the next millennium, and atheism will completely disappear on earth.

That is because humans are destined to acknowledge equality.

There is God in the essence of the life of a savior, and the same God is in the essence of the life of one that is not a savior.

The absolute contradiction of a savior and one that is not a savior is in Aufheben by the existence of God.

There is God in the essence of the life of Jesus, and the same existence of God is in the essence of the life of Beelzebub.

Jesus and Beelzebub, the absolute contradiction of angel and demon are eternally in Aufheben by the existence of God.

The large universe is the world objectified by God itself, and the components of this large universe, the heart, and body of God, eternally control all of humanity.

This enlightenment of the large universe which is God itself and the self as one with life is called, “Unification of the universe and the self.”

This is the ultimate enlightenment in Buddhism, Hinduism, and Brahmanism.

This “Unification of the universe and the self,” has two meanings. One is the meaning as the objective of life aiming a way of life that is the same as the construction and structure of the universe.

The universe is the manifestation of God, the temple of God.

The heart of God is “heaven,” the body of God is “earth,” and both are eternal as one.

It is “Unification of the universe and the self,” as living with this construction and structure, aiming, and living in union with God as much as possible.

Therefore, absolute things are placed in “heaven,” and relative things are placed in “earth.”

Justice is placed as “heaven,” and profit is placed as “earth.”

God’s virtue is placed as “heaven,” and national interest is placed as “earth.”

Truth is placed as “heaven,” and power is placed as “earth.”

God-self is placed as “heaven,” and ego is placed as “earth.”

Happiness is placed as “heaven,” and pleasure is placed as “earth.”

Unity is placed as “heaven,” and contradiction is placed as “earth.”

Life is placed as “heaven,” and material is placed as “earth.”

If one lives this way, this is “Unification of the universe and the self,” and is a way of life anyone can aim for.

Most cannot live this way but can aim for it.

This way of life that models “Unification of the universe and the self,” will evolve that person’s life efficiently and rapidly.

If personality is immature, it would not be easy in reality. However, living with the heart of God as an example is what it really should be.

Most people live in the opposite way.

They cannot live like the universe.

Therefore, they place profit and national interest as “heaven,” and justice as “earth.”

They place pleasure as “heaven” and happiness as “earth.”

This is one of the reasons for world corruption.

Therefore, the immaturity of each person is the cause of placing profit, national interest, material, pleasure, subjectivity, and ego as “heaven.”

Therefore, because their personalities are immature, far from life, and close to material, they place material in “heaven.”

Because their personalities are immature, far from justice and close to profit, they place profit in “heaven” and destroy the ecosystem and even the climate.

Because their personalities are immature, far from happiness, and close to pleasure, they place pleasure in “heaven.”

Because their personalities are immature, far from God-self, and close to ego, they place ego in “heaven” and do things at their own convenience.

This spiritual immaturity of each person is the cause of world corruption.

The construction and structure of the universe eternally have the heart of God as “heaven,” the body of God as “earth,” and are as one. But we cannot live this way because of our immaturity.

Thus, the cause of world corruption is the immaturity of each person. If we understand the cause, there is only one choice to take.

It is the improvement and evolution of each human being from faith and realization of God.

This must be one objective of humanity throughout history, and the universe was created from this objective originally.

Earth is the temple of God, the school of realizing the heart of God, and originally a dojo.

This will not change 2000, 3000 years later.

Earth is a dojo to realize the heart of God, a laboratory to discover the heart of God, and a school to learn the heart of God.

Originally, the universe exists for this reason, but it cannot be said that our civilizations are fulfilling the function of this reason of existence.

There is no happiness in all humanity if we are ignorant of the heart of God.

There is no happiness for humanity by ignoring the construction and structure of the universe. Unhappiness can be seen all over in the world in front of us.

How mature or immature a personality can be, living with “Unification of the universe and the self,” this construction and structure as an example can be done by anyone.

This way of living with “Unification of the universe and the self,” as an example makes that person’s life improve drastically.

It is a way of living always with God.

This is the first meaning of “Unification of the universe and the self.”

The second meaning of “Unification of the universe and the self,” is the eternal unity of the individual, or the whole humanity, and the universe.

This “eternal unity” is the second meaning of the realization of “Unification of the universe and the self.”

As proof, how one may be mature or immature, if one strengthens the subjective ego, one will be controlled by the subjective material (body of God). If one strengthens God-self, one will always be controlled by the heart of God one asked for.

For example, in the case of an immature person, if he or she strengthens ego, he or she will always receive control in the direction of the body of God (material).

This is the same for a mature person.

It does not matter how much a personality is mature or immature.

As one exists and is alive in the universe, carelessly placing ego as “heaven,” one would always receive control in the direction of the body of God. One will act and think in attributes of material.

This will always happen.

That is because the universe and the self, the universe and humanity, live as one eternally.

As we are one with the universe, if one strengthens the ego, one will always be controlled in the direction of the body of God. If one strengthens God-self, one will always be controlled in the direction of the heart of God.

And living in the divine maternal body of God called the universe, the temple of God, in the “eternal unity,” if one carelessly put ego as “heaven,” one will receive control in the direction of the body of God, act and think with attributes of material, and this will lead to the corruption of the whole world.

This is modern civilization, the world.

That is because material has an attribute of “distality,” which means far from the heart of God.

The body of God has the attribute of being far from the heart of God. Therefore, an ego controlled by material is a world far from the heart of God and will create a corrupted world.

On the other hand, if one strengthens God-self and receives control in the direction of the heart of God, one will think and act with attributes of the heart of God.

The attributes of the heart of God are truth, virtue, beauty, love, justice, and wisdom.

It is the heart of what many greats and geniuses aimed for.

And the thought and acts with attributes of the heart of God leads to the incarnation of the paradise of Eden, creates the land of God, creates the Earth Utopia, and cleans the corrupted world.

Then, what is it to strengthen God-self?

This is faith in God.

Without faith in God, one cannot strengthen God-self, nor can one strengthen self-conscience.

Moreover, faith in God improves the corrupt world and civilization and saves from that corruption.

In reality, there are no choices on our side.

That is because this is the only way to make the world a better place.

There is no other choice for us humans. As we are to acknowledge equality, we are also forced to acknowledge the existence of God.

Those who have no faith in God always live in their own convenience.

They live with their own like and dislike, so they always receive control in the direction of material.

Ego, with its relative properties, will create infinite contradictions of one that discriminates and one that is discriminated, one that beats and one that is beaten, one that violates and one that is violated, one that murders and one that is murdered.

And without the existence of God, this contradiction will not disappear, and the two parallel lines will never meet.

Worship towards God should be a duty, and that is because, without God, we humans cannot escape from these contradictions and confrontations.

When we acknowledge the existence of God and the essence of human life, the absolute contradiction of one that beats and one that is beaten will be in Aufheben forever by God.

God is the only existence that will Aufheben all absolute contradictions.

God is a being that unites and is deep in the roots of thoughts.: Kitaro Nishida

After that, all we have to do is to solve the heart of God, which Aufheben all the contradictions and confrontations we create, through history.

When we acknowledge the existence of God, the absolute contradiction of one that discriminates and one that is discriminated against will be in Aufheben by the existence of God.

We are not going towards contradiction but unity.

Faith in God should not be something to impose. It is just that there is no choice for us humans not to have faith in God.

If we deny the existence of God, we would not be able to escape from the infinite contradictions and confrontations forever.

Faith in God is not a free choice but something that we humans cannot deny.

This denial of the impossible is denied from ignorance. That is why this world is corrupted to this extent.

Our ego does not have the ability to resolve the many contradictions and confrontations created from its relativity.

Without the existence of God, our civilization and world will sink within the contradictions and confrontations created by us.

Ego is a mud boat. If you block the right, the left leaks, and if you block the leaking left, the right starts to leak.

As the boat goes right and left, the mud boat of civilization turns into algae of the ocean.

“Unification of the universe and the self,” does not choose mature or immature. It has the meaning of being able to live with the example of the construction and structure of the universe.

In the past, for example, Thomas à Kempis said, “THE IMITATION OF CHRIST,” but “Unification of the universe and the self,” is an example a lot closer to God.

It can be said that “The imitation of the universe” is a better way of life that models the true heart of God than “The imitation of Christ.”

That is because the universe is God.

This way of life that places the heart of God as “heaven” and the body of God as “earth” clearly models the universe and is a way of life that is modeled from the heart of God.

Placing justice as “heaven” and placing profit and national interest as “earth.”

Placing spirit as “heaven” and placing material as “earth.”

This is the way of life that matches with the construction and structure of the universe.

If the universe and self, God and self are separate from the beginning and are separate now, even if one strengthens ego, it seems one would be controlled by the heart of God.

If the universe and self, God and self are separate in existence, even if one strengthens God-self, it is no wonder that one would receive control towards the direction of the body of God.

However, in reality, if humans strengthen their ego, they get controlled by the body of God, place material as “heaven,” place relative wealth and national interest as “heaven,” create a world far from the heart of God just like the attributes of the body of God, and troll around nature and the ecosystem.

If one strengthens God-self, one will be controlled by the heart of God, live in truth, virtue, beauty, justice, and love. Nature and the ecosystem will recover.

The qualitative conversion of the heart purifies even the objective world, as from the Law of unification of subject and object.

How much one tries to strengthen ego or God-self, one cannot escape from the control of God.

This heart of God is the happiness of humanity.

Understanding the “eternal unity” of God and self would determine the future way of living of humans forever.

It is not “believe in God.” Whether one believes or not, it is impossible to separate the self and God forever.

If one strengthens ego, one will immediately be controlled by the body of God, material. Material has the attribute of “distality,” so the self becomes far from God. One would live with thoughts and values far from God, create civilizations and worlds far from God, and become an existence that naturally induces world corruption.

Modern civilization places wealth, national interest, relative ego, and material as “heaven.”

It is an arrogant civilization.

Arrogance towards God is to make something relative into absolute.

All past civilizations perished by this arrogance towards God.

It should be the same for this civilization this time.

The construction and structure of the universe have wealth, national interest, ego, and material as “earth.” They place this “earth” as “heaven.”

It is a civilization separated, exiled from the universe.

This is the exile of the paradise of Eden.

The civilization the next generation should create is all opposite from modern civilization.

It is a civilization that makes the essence of nature and civilization the same by the existence of God, which is fused with the universe.

This is called the creation of the paradise of Eden.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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