
The World Revolution

The source of every good is the mind of God (spiritual) and the source of every evil is the body of God (physical).

The body of God being the source of every evil, is the embodiment of the mind of God, the source of every good.

The universe is the God’s biggest ethical expression and this ethics of the universe is widely known as the eternal verities, hence the mind of God.

The universe is not a creation of God, but an expression by God : Kitaro Nishida

The universe is God’s embodiment and therefore the body of God: Shinji Takahashi

Rational(the mind of God)is real and real is rational; both are in a relationship of self-confirming. : Hegel

Things and subjects exist in the ways people look at them : Oscar Wilde

To Hegel, rationality is God himself – in short, the mind of God is actualized into the nature and the universe, and realities like the nature and the universe are the embodiments of the mind of God.

With the spiritual material, subjectivity and objectivity, the mind of God and the body of God comprise the unification of subjective and objective phenomena.

The world that is seen (objective) is the world of the mind who is seeing (subjective) : Kitaro Nishida

In the theory of space, it is spiritual material and the whole world that is seen is the world of minds of the entire human race which will be forever the unification of subjective and objective phenomena.

The world of Bosatsu, also seen in heaven, is indeed the world of Bosatsu mind which is the unification of subjective and objective phenomena.

The world that is seen is the world of Budda, the world of Budda’s mind, in it subjectivity and objectivity are eternally unified.

The principle of the unification of subjective and objective phenomena connects this world and heaven eternally.

In the theory of time, which is also the theory of history, it is explained in historical philosophy by Hegel.

Hegel evidently indicated that the history itself is in fact the eternal world-wide plan by God.

Hence, the entire history that has been seen is the eternal process of the entire human race’ spiritual evolution.

Every individual has several stages of spiritual growth from the teenage years, in thirties to the fifties.

Hegel knew that even by understanding the human race as one unit, there are stages of spiritual evolution of this race.

Everything has its stages and degrees: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Just as an individual pursues one’s “life” to seek true self, the human race as a unit walks “history” to seek our true self.

Through the human race at teen years, in thirties and fifties, we gradually evolve spiritually.

Hegel called this sphere “history”.

That if there are stages in growth, there must be a direction to pursue.

He called this historical ultimate purpose as the absolute spirit and understood it as God.

To be specific, “rational crafts” are underway through each individual’s life.

The human race has long been walking towards the absolute spirit guided by the rational crafts over the years.

When Hegel figured out about this, he also discovered that the history itself is a world-wide plan made by God.

Through three steps in dialectic – thesis, antithesis and synthesis as the law of motion, we seek God.

There’s thesis in Buddhism and antithesis in Christianity.

Then there arises a synthetic religion.

These steps in dialectic, by repeating to negate, restore and sublimate, our race has historically sought the absolute sprit and God himself.

The universe is God himself, and the mind of God and the body of God, which are spirit and material, eternally dominate the whole universe.

The mind of God is “heaven” and the body of God is the “earth” – eternally the unification of heaven and the earth.

Spirit is” heaven” and material is ”the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

Justice is ”heaven” and benefits and national interests are ”the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

Something absolute is” heaven” and something relative is ”the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

Happiness is ”heaven” and pleasure is relatively ”the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

Happiness and pleasure look similar but are not the same: Kitaro Nishida

Happiness is what God-self feels, and pleasure is what self feels.

Happiness is absolute, and pleasure is relative.

Happiness is ”heaven” and pleasure is ”the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

God-self is ”heaven” and self is ”the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

Life is ”heaven” and material is ”the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

Justice is ”heaven” and benefits are ”the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

If you lived your life accordingly, this is the ultimate nirvana in Hindu called “Tat Tvam Asi” and in Buddhism, it is called “the universe is self”.

It means that the keystone of the universe “Brahman” and self are unified as one.

That the structure and system of the vast universe in front of our eyes and human spirit coming together.

Place justice in ”heaven” and place benefits and national interest on ”the earth”.

Place God-self in ”heaven” and place self on ”the earth”.

Place happiness in ”heaven” and place pleasure on ”the earth”.

Place subconsciousness in ”heaven” and place consciousness on ”the earth”.

As God himself indicates to us human beings through the nature and the universe, if you lived your life in the road of the unification of heaven and the earth, this becomes the commonly-shared nirvana in the highest spiritual sphere of Gods also known as “the universe is self”.

That the vast universe in front of us, those discovered to become Gods, are in the highest spiritual sphere.

Neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.: Luke:17-21

Yes, it exists within subconsciousness.

Consciousness is evil, subconsciousness is good – if you discover this, you are well in the sphere of nirvana: Shinji Takahashi

Heaven, the so-called God’s heaven by Jesus, are in deep in each individual’s self, deep in consciousness, hence in subconsciousness.

Multidimensional world, hence heaven, is eternally in deep in self.

Then, what happens if subconsciousness’ ”heaven” and consciousness’ ”the earth” come together and become the unification of heaven and the earth?

Will there be even one person who falls down to the hell?

Subconsciousness, the state in which heaven and self are always communicating.

Will there be even one person who falls down to the hell?

Communicating with heaven being alive.

Yes, nobody will fall down to the hell.

There’s no hell in nirvana of the unification of heaven and the earth.

This is the law of Buddha surpassing Mahayana, one of the absolute

Nirvana of the unification of heaven and the earth is the nirvana of the universe-self.

In this case, our purpose is not limited to individuals, but the entire human beings, our civilization as a whole to create a civilization shared by Gods in the highest spiritual sphere based on the nirvana of the universe-self.

God’s heaven, the land of Buddha, or the utopia of Buddha, has the system of the universe-self with the basis of nirvana of the unification of heaven and the earth.

Then, what about our ongoing civilization?

Material equals timeline and time and space are relative, stated by Dr.Einstein in his theory of relativity.

By making “profit” in capitalism, something relative absolute and placing “profit” that is ”the earth” on ”heaven”.

Neoliberalism, too, places ”the earth” called “benefits” on ”heaven” and that is how they are disconnected from the universe(the presence of God).

In the universe in front of our eyes and the nature, life is ”heaven” and material is ”the earth” – the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

They are doing the opposite of this.

By placing benefits in heaven” and justice on ”the earth”.

By placing material in ”heaven” and life on ”the earth”.

By placing the body of God in ”heaven” and the mind of God on ”the earth”.

The principle of economy itself places profit in ”heaven” and it is disconnected from the nature.

Same with politics.

Everyone wants the freedom of expression, freedom of speech, and freedom of not being constrained by unjust power. This “everyone” the concept shared by the people, based on the benefits adapts the national contract, democracy.

There are already more than 132 democratic countries in the world.

132 countries, by the national contract based on the people’s benefits, place ”the earth” benefits into ”heaven” and disconnected from the universe.

In the universe, Justice is ”heaven” and benefitsis “the earth”, the eternal unification of heaven and the earth.

In the universe, the eternal spirit is ”heaven” and material is “the earth”, the unification of heaven and the earth.

In politics too, they place the body of God(material) in ”heaven” and the mind of God on ”the earth”.

The evidence that determines this wrong is the vast the universe in front of our eyes(the presence of God).

In the vast universe in front of our eyes, even though the eternal mind of God is ”heaven” and the body of God is ”the earth”, our civilization places the body of God, ”the earth”, in ”heaven” and places the mind of God, ”heaven” on ”the earth”.

That is why the vast universe, hence God himself sees this wrong.

Same with socialism.

By adapting materialism, it places material, “the earth” in ”heaven”.

Democracy and socialism both place the body of God in ”heaven” and the mind of God on ”the earth”.

However favourable, it is never out of the means of good – good as in material, good as in results and good as in benefits.

The effective range of good is “limited”.

That is why it has been disconnected from the universe, God before our eyes.

It’s not the universe-self.

The purpose of this last salvation law, is to create a world in which the positions of the body of God and the mind of God in capitalism, neoliberalism, democracy and socialism are upside-down.

To turn over the world where the body of God is placed in ”heaven” and the mind of God are placed on ”the earth”.

Hence like the vast universe in front of our eyes, to create a civilization which places the mind of God in ”heaven” and the body of God on ”the earth”.

This is God’s heaven and the basic principles of the last utopia on the planet.

Most of the earthlings are walking along the wrong road, may not this lead to a serious situation?

It has already become a phenomenon in the form of climate change.

The Great Salvation Movement is essentially the creation of a civilization that places the mind of God in “heaven”, the body of God in “the earth”, through the realization of the Democratic Testament of God state, God’s heaven Construction ..

This is Eden’s paradise creation itself ..

Arrogance to God means absolutizing relative things ..

In the economy, the relative thing of profit is absolute, and even in politics the absolute thing national interest is absolute.

Some religious people also indulge in the living God faith which makes absolute relative to self.

If the prophets of the past had prophesied the end of the world, they prophesied that “world arrogance” will destroy the world ..

All the past civilizations have also been destroyed by the arrogance to this God ..

The possibility of doing so is extremely high this time as well.

To realize the Democratic Testament of God state which is a national contract based on the significance of common people’s life from democracy which is a national contract based on common people’s benefits.

This is the only way to save the concept of “freedom and equality” which is the two major concepts of democracy ..

Current democracy is inconsistent with “freedom and equality”.

Ignoring the existence of God, “equality” teaches “equality” with democracy though it is nowhere.

Human beings are still eternally even in future only in that they have the same God in the middle of each individual’s life ..

There is only this, equality is the only thing ..

If we deny the existence of God, we will not have eternally equality ..

Even if you grasp the body, you do not have the same size and homogeneous body.

Even if you catch spirit, there is not a single person of the same size and homogeneity of identical quality because of personality ..

As far as equality is concerned, human beings are exactly the same among individuals, they are of the same size and the same amount and the same quality, and in comparison with others, there should be no difference.

Unless they are completely identical and completely homogeneous, completely identical in quantity and the same scale, they are not said to be “equal”.

This is the only one given to human beings.

Only in the point that it has the same mind of God as the fundamental essence of spirit, it is completely the same size and same quality homogeneous ..

This is not the only world.

It is God in the essence of Great Satan ‘s life and the same God in the essence of Archangel’ s life.

If we see the existence of God, the fundamental nature of this life, it becomes nirvana of the great demon king immediate great angel.

Heaven soon becomes a hell.

Only in existence of God in the past, the present and the future Third world the whole people of the heavenly world, the world, the hell world are said to be eternally equality ..

This is true equality ..

For us “equality” is this alone.

And according to the only “equality”, according to the mind of God human beings exercise “freedom” when each person exercises “freedom” the truth makes you free, that is, all human beings are free.

It is the existence that God is existence unity to unify the two major concepts of democracy “freedom and equality” ..

And if you realize this one mind of God, understand, world that is not lost is heaven.

If you understand this same one heart, the world will be the hell.

The world where mind of God is realized without knowing infinitely is heaven.

If you realize the mind of God, the world will be lost.

If you realize the mind of God, the world that is gone is the hell world, and the hell world is not the world that God made.

Because it will disappear ..

I do not say that it is a real world that really loses world, real existence.

Evil, knowing so good ..

Those who do not know will hesitate, those who do not hesitate.

A spirit person in the hell is a people living in a strange world who have people who do not know the fact that their nature is a child of good God ..

So God Spirits says hell spirits are “they are lost.”

Therefore, if a spirit person in the hell world sees all its own nature, and saw the mind of God in himself, at that moment the hell world will disappear.

If we deny the existence of God, that eternally “equality” is lost from our world ..

Because there is only this equality ..

And the only equality of the mind of God is not the common benefits of the people but the significance of the people’s common life ..

When faith in God and nirvana evolve and improve life, it is said that the material appearing as the cause (the body of God) as a cause (benefit) is called benefits and worshiping this is called benefits faith I will.

The essence of our civilization is this the body of God (material).

The nature is the expression of the mind of God.

The essence of that the nature is from the eternal mind of God ..

So if you put yourself in the nature, there are no exceptions, human beings feel comfortable there ..

The essence of our civilization is aimed at benefits and national interests that appear as a result (the body of God) as a cause (the mind of God) when faith in God and life evolved and improved by nirvana.

The body of God, a really arrogant civilization that puts “heaven” a material ..

To put material in “heaven” means to indulge in idol worship .. Also relative, benefits are relative, national interest is also relative, ego is relative ..

Worshiping the mind of God (spirit) is called faith, and worshiping the body of God (material) is idolatry ..

Cause of corruption, this idolatry .

That is to say that it is an arrogant civilization which absolutely made a relative thing ..

Because of the arrogance to this God, our civilization will be reset once.

There is no exception.

All past civilizations have also been destroyed by arrogance to this God ..

The essence of the nature is the mind of God (spirit), the essence of civilization is the body of God (material), and the heaven and the earth are separated.

The nature and the civilization are divided.

To be separated from heaven and earth is God’s heaven, which means that it is separated from the Garden of Eden, the nature and the universe ..

Naturally, in the future civilization creation, we must make the essence of the nature, the mind of God, and our civilization in agreement in its essence.

The political regime that realizes this is called the Democratic Testament of God ..

The civilization and the nation that realized this will become the worldwide owner of the millennium in the future, bringing unprecedented prosperity to human beings and the world.

This is the political regime that evolves all the democratic countries of 132 countries, the Democratic Testament of God ..

Only by the existence of God it means that the two concepts of “freedom and equality” are unified and restored to their original meaning ..

This is a political system that transforms all of the three thousand worlds of the heavenly world, the current world, and the hell world from the root ..

In this time of the Salvation campaign, I was going to compile the law, so I am going to compile the highest peak of the truth at the moment ..

It seems that there are various things until then.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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