
The Hidden Purpose of Causality 2

It is said that “Make the heart of the Father on earth, just as the heart of the Father is made in heaven,” However, Jesus still separates heaven and hell with ego, and says “The heart of the Father is made in heaven,” looking only at heaven.

He cuts between heaven and hell with ego; therefore, this metaphors virtue as ego, or expediency.

The heart of the Father is still not made in heaven.

A world where the heart of the Father is a world where hell has disappeared, and no evil spirits and devils exist.

When this happens, it could be said that the heart of the Father has been made in heaven for the first time.

Status quo, hell exists, and this world has become a population supply area for hell. It cannot be said that the heart of the Father has not yet been made in both heaven and earth.

The population increase in hell will not stop if we do not create the land of God in this world or Earth Utopia.

When the creation of earth is complete, heaven will be completed as well.

A world where the heart of the Father is made both in heaven and earth is a world that humanity should aim for.

It is not possible to preach or explain the truth without assuming the existence of God and the other world.

It is the same for Causality. With only this world, Causality would not be complete.

The universe is the manifestation of God, the temple of God.

The heart of God is the cause (mind), and the body of God (material) is the result.

Mind and material are always under cause and effect, and this cause and effect are in an inevitable bond. (Mind and material unite as one)

The cause is “heaven”, the result is “earth”, and both are eternal as one.

If one creates his or her own virtuous cause, a virtuous result would always come.

This virtuous result is called a blessing.

The largest blessing is going back to heaven after death.

If one creates his or her own evil cause, an evil result would always come.

This evil result is called divine punishment.

The largest divine punishment is going to hell after death.

This virtuous cause, virtuous result, evil cause, evil result Causality is the will of God, and religiously, Causality is called God.

Causality is God itself; therefore, whether one is the High Spirit or Lucifer, no one could even put a scratch on it.

Even that emperor of hell, Lucifer cannot wound even one scratch.

No matter how much evil he does for thousands of years in hell, it is Lucifer himself that receives evil results. Causality itself will never be violated, scathed, or robbed, and is always controlled with happiness.

Even Lucifer cannot scathe, violate, strike, or rob the law of Causality forever.

It is Lucifer himself who tries to violate a god called Causality and gets violated.

It is Lucifer himself who tries to scathe a god called Causality and gets scathed.

It is Lucifer himself who tries to stain a god called Causality and gets stained.

It is Lucifer himself who creates evil causes and receives evil results.

Then, what would happen if Causality, which cannot be violated, struck, scathed, or robbed even by the devil forever, and the life of an individual come together as one?

That individual would become a self that cannot be violated, struck, scathed, or robbed.

This is the enlightenment of the unification of deity (God) and human.

The deepest religion establishes on top of the unity of God and human. – Kitaro Nishida

Heaven is a world where one receives virtue.

Hell is a world where one receives evil.

At any time, this world is created by the law of unification of subject and object, which is said in the philosophy of Nishida.

The whole world that is watched is the world that all human hearts watch, and subject and object always unite as one.

All the history that can be watched is the growth process of all human hearts that watch.

That is why Hegel said that history is the world plan of God and the final objective of history is God.

When Hegel saw into the “cunning of reason” that moves forwards the inner mind of humanity, he clearly discerned that history is the world plan of God.

That is not only for this world but for the other worlds as well.

That world called heaven is a world where the hearts of the spirits of heaven live in. Subject and object are always as one.

That world called hell is a world where the hearts of the evil spirits live in. Subject and object are always as one.

The law of unification of subject and object is a law that penetrates through this and that worlds.

In a world where subject and object are separate, God does not become hope. It would be impossible to define the existence of humanity as an existence of the mind and personality.

Even if one polishes his or her mind and improves his or her heart and evolves, the improved mind is separate from the objective world, so there would be no effect on the outer world.

There is no guarantee that the outer world would become better even if the heart improves because it is separated from the outer world.

There is no guarantee that the outer world would become worse even if the heart gets worse.

Subject and object are separate, and inner and outer worlds are separate. Therefore, whether the mind gets better or worse, the objective world would depict phenomena that have no relation with the mind.

In this case, truth, justice, love, and virtue do not affect the outer world in any way, so God does not become hope.

Even if one acts for justice, that heart would not affect the objective world in any way.

In a world structure where objective and subject are separate, it is impossible to define the existence of humans as the existence of spirits, and God does not become hope.

The world can only become corrupted.

However, in a world where subject and object unite, the improvement and evolution of the mind directly affect the objective world.

Only the wisdom, justice, love, and virtue of God will become the only values that would save the objective world from corruption.

The world created by the law of unification of subject and object means that the world in front of us defines us, humans, as the existence of minds forever.

In other words, the large universe itself, or God, defines us, humans, as the existence of personality and mind forever, through the law of unification of subject and object.

And if we are existences of minds, the hope of the mind is the heart of God.

God created the large universe as the existence of hope, and through the creation of the large universe, defines us, humans, as eternal existences of minds.

If one cultivates his or her heart, the objective world would always improve.

If one corrupts his or her heart, the objective world would always degrade.

That is because subject and object are always as one.

The improvement of the heart means that the improvement of the mind can only be done by the heart of God. The only existence that saves and improves the world from corruption is God.

This is the reason why God is eternal hope.

Atheism is completely foolish.

It can only be said as foolish if it is said that one does not believe in the only existence that could develop and make the world better.

It is to bring back the worship of God supported by proper knowledge.

There is no other way that this world would be saved.

The Causality of the virtuous cause, virtuous result and the evil cause, evil result works perfectly throughout the past, the present, and the future, and surpasses time.

Surpassing time, Causality is eternal.

The law of Causality is God itself, so God is eternal.

And eternity is the other world itself, so Causality works perfectly in the other world.

Why can people not believe in Causality, which cannot be even scratched by Lucifer?

One reason is the existence of great evil, where we see bosses of the mafia living gracefully.

There is some that point out that they act evil and receive a blessing.

However, in this case, even if a great evil lived gracefully, lived in a mansion with a pool, was put outside of the frame of the law, and was never judged by the law for his or her life, Causality will always conclude after death.

If there is only this world, one may not rely on Causality.

That is why the truth has to solve both this and the other world.

The High Spirit once said that a religious person who received a medal from the nation during life went to avici after death and is in agony from the pain of virtue.

One religious leader who called oneself that he or she could do the same acts as Jesus and led people to a blessing using misusing psychic power is screaming in hell full of flames after death.

Because one misuses the light of God, he or she falls to hell full of flames.

One reason why one cannot believe in Causality, or God, is the existence of great evil. However, great evil is created by the immaturity of us humans, the society, the law, and the environment.

To eliminate great evil, there is no other way but to continue to improve and evolve life by the worship and enlightenment of God.

The second reason why one cannot believe in Causality is the problem of child abuse.

Children have not made any evil causes.

However, children die in war, get abused sexually, and receive divine punishment, which is a result of evil.

Children have not made any evil causes to die in war, nor have they created any evil causes to be abused.

Though, many children die in war and get abused.

That makes some to not believe in Causality.

This was also pointed out by the famous writer, Dostoevsky.

He said, “You adults can keep rambling about justice, love, ideal, salvation, and other high-sounding talks,”

“However, I will not accept the ideal while there is even one tear dropping from the eye of a child,”

“No kind of ideal has the same value as a teardrop of a child,”

“Whatever ideal is preached by a philosopher or a thinker, I will not accept any ideal or value if tears are dropping from the eyes of children,”

“If that is the reality and life, I will politely return the entrance ticket of life to God,”

This was told through Ivan Karamazov. This shows that children are paying for the immaturity of humanity, society, and law. If humanity, society, law, and environment matured as much as how much God wanted it to be, the tears that flow from the eyes of children would stop.

Immaturity is when one is far from the heart of God and close to the body of God. From God’s point of view, immaturity is to be far from the mind and close to the material. Therefore, each person has to solve their immature life in order to solve these problems.

For example, if all 7.8 billion people on earth were to be Socrates, there would be no great evil and there would be no tears flowing from the eyes of children.

Would Socrates act as a great evil?

Would Socrates abuse children?

If all of humanity were as mature as Socrates, problems pointed out by Dostoevsky would not be in existence.

Then, what divides our world and the world where everyone is Socrates?

It is the immaturity of the mind.

We humans do not have minds as mature as Socrates.

When one is far from the body of God and close to the heart of God, one is mature. Therefore, humans have not understood the heart of God as much as Socrates.

The modern human does not know the truth as Socrates.

It is humanity that is ignorant, not Socrates.

This immaturity of the mind is a case that makes Causality unbelievable.

The immaturity of each human being is deceiving the undeceivable Causality.

It is said that virtuous cause, virtuous result and evil cause, evil result, but the law of Causality is actually moved by will that surpasses virtue.

Creating virtuous causes would bring virtuous results.

This virtuous result is called a blessing, and the largest blessing is going back to heaven.

Creating evil causes would bring evil results.

This evil result is called divine punishment, and the largest divine punishment is falling to hell.

It is up to the person whether he or she would create virtuous or evil causes but creating virtuous causes would bring virtuous results.

In religious terms, this virtuous result is called salvation.

Creating evil causes would bring evil results.

In religious terms, this evil result is called falling to hell.

However, hell is not a world created by God.

Creating evil causes, receiving evil results, and falling to hell, which is not a creation of God, means that evil is not the will of God.

That is because hell is not a world created by God.

If one chooses to be evil, falling to hell, which is a world not created by God, means that evil is not the will of God.

If one acts with virtue, going back to heaven, a world created by God, means that through Causality, God is imploring us humans to act virtuously, realize justice, and love others.

The absolute Causality that cannot be even scratched by Lucifer is imploring the will of God, which is to realize virtue and justice.

This virtue is not relative virtue, such as virtue compared to evil, but absolute virtue, which surpasses the comparison of evil and virtue.

The law of Causality has the will of God, who has surpassed heaven and hell, built-in, and God is requesting us to be virtuous through Causality.

The law of Causality has the will that has surpassed virtuous cause, virtuous result and evil cause, evil result, built-in.

And the law of Causality requesting virtue and justice means that God is teaching us to realize justice and to have us all go back to heaven.

A world where all humans go back to heaven is the land of God and a world of happiness, for everyone goes back to heaven.

If you fall to hell, you will become unfortunate.

Therefore, the will of God that could be understood from Causality is that God’s eternal objective is human happiness.

This is the hidden purpose of Causality.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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