
The Hidden Purpose of Causality 1

The absolute contradiction of the Great Satan and the Archangel is only in Aufheben by the existence of God.

There exists God in the essence of the life of the Great Satan, and the same existence of God dwells in the essence of the life of the Archangel.

Only by the existence of God, there is the unification of the Great Satan and the Archangel, the unification of heaven and hell, the unification of self and others.

All lifeforms of the past, present, and future, in heaven, earth, and hell, can be said as forever equal only by the existence of God.

Therefore, if we deny the existence of God, we would lose our values of equality.

That is because there is only one way of defining equality.

Thus, all other minds and bodies are in the discrimination phase.

The two main concepts of existing Democracy, “Liberty and Equality,” are contradictory.

They teach equality even though there is no equality with the denial of God.

It can be said that all matter is forever equal because God exists in the essence of the mind.

There is no equality in humanity except here.

And when one exercises liberty by following the equal Heart of God, “The truth shall make you free,”

All of humanity become free.

The contradictory two main concepts of the existing Democracy, “Liberty and Equality,” will be in aufheben only by the existence of God.

And God is not the common interest of the people, but the common “meaning of life” of the people.

This is “The Democratic Testament of God,” which is a political system that would create a breakthrough in the evolution of Democracy.

From “The Democratic Testament of God,” the Heart of God becomes “heaven” and the Body of God as “earth”. Therefore, the system will match the structure and mechanism of the great universe in front of us.

The unification of the universe and self is virtuous.

Separation from the universe (God) is evil.

The world leader of the next millennium would be the nation or civilization that realizes this nation of “The Democratic Testament of God”.

There is nothing other than a contradiction in claiming equality on one hand and denying the existence of God in the other.

If we deny the existence of God, there will be no equality.

All lifeforms in heaven, earth, and hell are forever equal only by the existence of God.

Therefore, heaven is a world that would exist anyway whether we enlighten the equal Heart of God or not.

Hell is a world that would disappear if we enlighten the equal Heart of God.

Because hell would disappear if one understands the Heart of God, hell is not a world made by God.

The Hidden Purpose of God cannot be understood if these fundamentals cannot be understood.

There is an idea called Calvin’s double predestination.

It is an idea where the people who will be relieved and those who will be ruined are scheduled by God in advance.

It is a theory where the Bible is literature for those who are or are scheduled to be in salvation, and not for those who will be or are scheduled to be ruined.

First of all, there is no one in existence that is scheduled to be relieved or ruined by God.

The Heart of God forever exists in every fundamental nature of human life. Therefore, God would always hope that everyone would be relieved and be happy.

There is and will be no one forever who is scheduled to be ruined.

However, doing good or evil is up to themselves, and there would be no plans for one to be relieved if one chooses to act evil.

From the standpoint of God, there are no schedules to be relieved nor ruined.

In short, this theory by Calvin is an idea of evidence that does not realize Causality.

Causality is the will of God. Therefore, not realizing Causality means that the will of God and Calvin are separate.

Being separate from God is not the self uniting with the universe.

If those who can go back to heaven and those who will go to hell are scheduled in advance by God, there would be no reason for worship and practicing the truth.

The double predestination claims that being relieved or ruined is scheduled in advance. Because it is already scheduled, those who are scheduled to be relieved can do anything they want in this world.

During the lifespan of 80 years, if one practices evil consistently, deceives and entraps people, lies, and murders, but is scheduled to be relieved, this theory claims that this person can go back to heaven. This is harmful.

Also, one who is scheduled to be ruined will go to hell, how much he or she lives honestly without lies, does not deceive others, and act with virtue. This again is harmful.

In reality, the logic of the world created by God does not work that way.

This means that Calvin had not realized Causality.

If one creates a good cause from their heart, a good result comes.

This result of virtue is called blessing.

If one creates an evil cause from their heart, an evil result comes.

This result of evil is called divine punishment.

Then, who created good or bad causes?

It is nothing but yourself.

The reason why one must not lead with blessing and punishment is that they are both results (materials).

One threatening after getting divine punishment or seducing with blessing both corresponds to idolatry, which is guiding the human heart to the Body of God (material).

Cause and effect are inevitably linked. – Kant

If one creates a good cause, a good result will come.

One that constantly creates good causes during his or her 80-year life would inevitably obtain good results.

The largest good result (blessing) would be going back to heaven.

If humanity consistently asked themselves with virtue and created good causes throughout their 80-year life, they would, without exception, obtain good results.

Therefore, no one would fall to hell.

There is not a single person scheduled to go to hell.

Cause and effect are inevitably linked.

There is no way to abscond Causality.

Creating good causes would not bring evil results and creating evil causes would not bring good results.

However, in Calvin’s double predestination, one who is scheduled to be ruined would get evil results, a divine punishment, even if he or she continued to create good causes.

In this theory, one who is scheduled to be relieved would obtain good results even if he or she kept creating evil causes throughout life.

It has not realized the Causality of good and evil.

The good and evil of God and the law of cause and effect cannot be absconded, even by a savior.

Let’s say that there is a person who killed 10 innocent people.

What would happen to this person after death?

He or she would suffer in hell 99.9%.

Even if he or she was wealthy, had high status, or was virtuous, killing 10 innocent people would result in suffering in hell 99.9%.

There is no way to escape from this karma.

You cannot abscond virtue as evil or evil as a virtue.

However, in Calvin’s theory, one who is scheduled to be relieved from God can go back to heaven even if he or she killed 10 innocent people.

The double predestination is incorrect.

Causality is God itself, and there is nothing that can abscond it.

The presence of the emperor of hell, Lucifer, proves this.

Lucifer himself does evil deeds, creates evil causes, and receives the evil results for thousands of years.

The good cause good result, evil cause evil result, or Causality itself, which is God itself, has not been affected by any means.

Always, it is Lucifer himself that receives evil results from his evil causes.

Lucifer himself tried to stain God, and always stained himself.

Causality itself cannot be stained, tainted, injured, or get struck. It cannot be destroyed even if one wanted to.

If one creates a good cause, a good result will come.

If one creates an evil cause, an evil result will come.

Causality is God itself and is the true nature of the life of us humans.

Then, what if the law of cause and effect, which is the fundamental nature of life, and our lives unite as one?

One that unites these two would become an existence that cannot be stained, tainted, injured, destroyed, or get struck, just like Causality.

This is the enlightenment of unification of deity (God) and human.

This law of cause and effect will be in effect forever, in perfect state.

The existence of this law of cause and effect is proof that God controls the vast universe with happiness.

Lao-tze expressed this as “Heaven’s net has large meshes, but nothing escapes or becomes lost,”

The meshes of heaven seem to be large.

It looks like a large net with holes where rogues can do evil deeds.

However, this net of heaven does not let even one rogue escape.

In heaven, there are no rogues, and every life light itself up by the light of God.

Then, why is this law of cause and effect not relied upon, and why is this hidden purpose not known?

The law of cause and effect has one hidden purpose. This we will discuss next time. Before this, why do people act evil even though more than half of the children of God fall to hell by not fearing the law of cause and effect and act evil, ecosystems get destructed, and the existence of it gets denied by climate change?

In short, this can be said as the lack of worship of God. In theory, if one believes in the law of cause and effect, acting evil would bring evil results, so there should be no one that would choose to act evil.

However, the reality is different.

The lack of worship of God makes the prematurity of life permanent. This prematurity of life creates an increase in people who ignores Causality.

Premature life is far from life and closer to the material. Therefore, premature life follows interest and pleasure, which are the meanings of material.

They deceive, exploit weaknesses, lie, and indulge in hypocrisy. They become satisfied if they make a profit from those deeds.

This premature life that is far from happiness and close to pleasure creates a way of life that ignores Causality.

And more than half of humans fall to hell in the modern era.

Falling to hell means that one creates evil causes and gets evil results.

This largest evil result (divine punishment) is called going to hell.

The lack of worship of God creates a lack of worship of Causality.

Therefore, the worship of God is the worship of Causality.

The worship of Causality is called worship to God.

The law of cause and effect protects humans from blind faith and fanaticism towards unfounded delusions that are common in religion.

Good results follow good causes.

Evil results follow evil causes.

Cause and effect are inevitably linked.

Some cannot believe this.

Worship to God is the worship of the law of cause and effect.

There are two more foundations other than the immaturity of humans that make people not believe in the law of cause and effect.

One is child abuse, and the other is the existence of great evil.

This makes people not believe the law of cause and effect.

If one creates an evil cause, an evil result will come. This evil result is called divine punishment. Then, what kind of evil cause did young children dying in war and children getting abused create?

It must be that the child created an evil cause, which resulted in death during a war.

It must be that the child created an evil cause, which resulted in sexual abuse.

He or she must have gotten divine punishment.

However, nobody thinks or believes that the child created an evil cause.

But children die in war, even though they have not created an evil cause.

They receive an evil result.

Children get abused even though they have not created an evil cause.

That is why one cannot believe in Causality.

However, Causality is working perfectly here.

Children are receiving a reaction as a reflection of the immaturity of adults, society, and the world.

Certainly, children do not create evil causes.

However, children cannot live without adults. Therefore, children receive the irresponsible distortions of adults.

If a senior act strangely, it goes to the young, the children.

The immaturity of life produces many irresponsible people.

The immaturity of heaven appears in the immaturity of the world.

This is one of the causes of hell.

Hell exists because “heaven” is immature.

Child abuse is one of the reasons why people cannot believe in Causality.

The second point is the existence of great evil.

It is said that creating an evil cause will result in divine punishment. However, great evil does not receive divine punishment.

The real killer of the assassination of J.F. Kennedy has not been arrested.

The Mafia leader still lives with grace.

The Mafia leader receives huge amounts of profit, even though he or she is acting evil.

Causality cannot be believed.

This is the second point.

Causality is one of the rules that penetrate both this and the other worlds. It is not a law that is cut between this world, the earth, and the other world, heaven.

It is not a law that works only in this world.

It seems as if the law of cause and effect does not work towards great evil in this world. However, Causality will conclude in the world after death even if it looked like it did not work in this world.

Even if a great evil were to escape from his or her criminal activities for life, and even if he or she has been put outside of the limits of the law, Causality will always conclude in the world after death.

Causality is God itself, so cutting off this and the other world and seeing Causality only in this world would certainly not make one believe in Causality.

It would make people not believe in God.

Therefore, the other world,that is we need to preach about the multidimensional world.

Causality is perfected only with the existence of the other world.

And heaven on land is perfected only with the existence of the other world.

The other world would see true perfection only through the creation of the land of God and heaven on land.

When one becomes the heart of the father on land, a perfected world whereas if one can become the true heart of the father in heaven is created.

Right now, there is no heart of the father in heaven.

Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth, as it is in heaven.: Matthew 6-10

Jesus had preached that heaven and hell are cut by ego, and by only looking at heaven, the heart of the father is made in heaven.

This is a virtue that is metaphoric to the ego because the ego cuts heaven and hell. It is a virtue that is expedient.

A world where the heart of the father comes in heaven is a world where hell has disappeared from the other world, “heaven”, and where all evil spirits or Satan does not exist.

When there are no devils or evil spirits in heaven, it can be said that the heart of the father has become in heaven.

While there is hell in the other world, there is no heart of the father made in heaven.

High Spirit has gone to hell for the salvation of evil spirits, but without avail.

Many people fall into hell from their relationship with this world. Therefore, even if evil spirits are relieved, the population of hell does not change.

This could be said as the blood discharge of God.

Because hell is created from its relationship with this world, to stop the blood discharge of God, we need to create heaven on land, the land of God.

Nowadays, this world is becoming a population supply for hell, and the population of hell does not decline how much the High Spirit relieves evil spirits.

We need to stop the supply of the population to hell.

After that will the acts of the High Spirit relieving evil spirits be fruitful.

The population of hell will start to decline.

The incompletion of the other world is the incompletion of this world.

The incompletion of this world is the incompletion of the other world.

This world and the other world cannot be cut.

The completion of the other world is the completion of this world.

The completion of this world is the completion of the other world.

This world and the other world cannot be cut.

When the heart of the father is made in this world, the heart of the father will be made in the other world as well.

Right now, the heart of the father has not been made in both worlds.

Creating the Land of God on this earth means to complete the multidimensional world of the other world, and not only completing but evolving the whole multidimensional world towards God.

For this, there is “the compilation of the law”, which is the truth.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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