
The Democratic Testament of God Ⅱ

The universe is created by the law of unification of subject and object.

In other words, the universe in front of us, that is, God defines us human beings as spiritual beings forever.

The universe is the body of God.

Our bodies are also only a part of our own consciousness phenomenon.

“The consciousness is not in the body, but rather in the self-consciousness,” said Kitaro Nishida.

In fact, the universe is in the heart.

Since the source of all good is the heart of God and the source of all evil is the body of God, knowing the heart of God means knowing all good, and knowing the body of God means knowing all evil.

To know the heart of God and to know the body of God means to know the universe, and to know the universe is to know all good and evil.

The creation of human who knows good and evil like God is the creation of human who knows the universe.

The future history of mankind will be the history of the search for the heart and body of God, that is, the spirit and matter that make up the universe.

We enter the history of the quest for the universe not only from science but also from religion and philosophical aspects.

Because this is the quest for truth, the quest for the heart of God.

In modern times, all those who have preached the thought of God understand and preach this.

Hegel was a great philosopher who remarked that rational things are realistic and realistic things are rational. He was also aware of God’s thoughts. For him, “reason” is not reason as an inference ability.

Hegel’s “reason” is synonymous with God’s heart, and he called God’s heart reason.

The rational things are realistic, and the realistic things are rational. It means as follows: The heart of God is the very reality that is realized in the universe and the natural world. The heart of God also appears in the realistic things of the universe and the natural world.

Emerson is also a great thinker who was aware of God’s thought. He said, “Nature is a symbol of the spirit.” He left behind the symbolism that things and objects themselves are symbols of God’s thought.

The heart of God is symbolized in the natural world.

Goethe said, “The changing thing is just a metaphor for the eternal thing.”

He said that “changing thing,” or matter, are nothing more than metaphors of “eternal thing,” or God’s heart.

The heart of God is manifested as a metaphor, a symbol, and a reality in the universe and the natural world, which is a common feature of those who have realized the idea of God in modern times.

All the truths that appear in the past, present and future come from the natural world and the universe.

The heart of God is manifested here.

Therefore, we must read the structure and mechanism of the universe and the natural world as God intended.

This is because what is read accurately is called the truth and the heart of God.

The Bible is not the word of God word by word, but the heart of God manifested in the natural world and the universe is the word of God word by word.

Even a small flower blooming on the side of the road manifests the glory of God.

God’s thought in nature is exactly the word of God word by word.

The natural world can be called the “eternal mother” of truth.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the body of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The spirit is “heaven”, the matter is “earth,” and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

God teaches mankind how to live through the universe and the natural world.

However, immature human beings, far from the heart of God, close to the body of God, far from the spirit, close to matter, far from unification, close to contradiction, far from happiness, close to pleasure, far from the higher self, close to the ego, cannot live this way. Since human beings are close to the ego, they live as the ego commands, and the relativity of the ego and the relativity of matter are linked, and they are dominated by matter. They put the matter that is the “earth” in the “heaven”, and they are separated from the cosmos in front of them, that is, God.

All beings apart from God become evil.

This is called the expulsion from the Paradise of Eden.

Immature human beings, far from the absolute and close to the relative, put the relative things, the “earth,” in the “heaven.” Through the conflicts and contradictions that inevitably arise from that relativity, evil becomes an unlimited phenomenon. Therefore, human beings will rot while panting in the rough world.

Absoluteization of relative things is called arrogance to God, and in Middle Eastern religions it is called idolatry and has been strictly prohibited.

If we put the relative things in “heaven”, that is, if we aim the relative things infinitely, human beings cannot escape from the conflicts and contradictions that arise from the relativity.

Modern civilization is a civilization of idolatry.

It is natural that it is rotting.

Capitalism, that puts the relative thing of wealth in “heaven”.

Socialism, that puts the relative thing of matter in “heaven”.

Politicians, who put the relative thing of national interest in “heaven”.

Democracy, that puts profits in “heaven” by a national contract based on the common interests of the people.

Democracy has become a political system away from the universe, that puts the contradiction of the “earth” in the “heaven”. From the immaturity of the spirit, which is far from unification and close to contradiction, human beings are unaware of the contradiction of the two major concepts in democracy, “freedom and equality.”

Far from the absolute and close to the relative is said to be far from the heart of God and is also called immaturity.

Mankind pursues wealth far from God, national interests far from God, and those who are far from God are called sovereigns and placed in “heaven”, and we are working hard to create a world and civilization far from God. As we choose, the world is on the verge of collapse, far from the heart of God.

We commit arrogance to God on a global scale. All civilizations in the past have also been destroyed by this arrogance to God.

Wealth, which is the “earth,” is put in “heaven,” national interest, which is “earth,” is put in “heaven,” the masses, which are “earth,” are put in “heaven,” and the ego, which is “earth,” is put in “heaven.” Mankind is heading for the “earth” instead of heading for the “heaven” with all its might.

It is natural for the world to corrupt, and civilization is on the verge of collapse due to climate change.

God’s heart is “heaven”, God’s body is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever. However, human beings have created a civilization opposite to the heart of God, and live in a civilization that puts the body of God in “heaven” and the heart of God in “earth.”

It’s a really arrogant civilization.

It is arrogant to appear on the verge of downfall.

The essence of this salvation movement is to reverse the “heaven” and “earth” of the civilization that puts the body of God in “heaven” and the heart of God in “earth”. Then, according to the structure and mechanism of the universe, it is to create a civilization that puts the heart of God in the “heaven” and the body of God in the “earth”.

And our civilization and the universe will be unified, and the gears of a new civilization will begin to rotate.

The essence of our civilization is wealth and national interest, the body of God.

The essence of the universe and the natural world is the heart of God forever.

The essence of civilization is the body of God, the essence of the natural world is the heart of God, and civilization and the natural world are separated by that essence.

It is a civilization that has been banished from the Paradise of Eden.

It is far from the universe.

In the universe, the heart of God is “heaven”, the body of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever. However, our civilization puts the body of God in “heaven” and the heart of God in “earth” and is separated from the universe.

It is a civilization that is cut off from the heart of God.

It means that the heart of God and our civilization are separated.

Since it is separated from God, it will continue to rot indefinitely, as it is of the nature of evil.

The body lives by the bread of God’s body, but the spirit can only live by each and every one of God’s hearts.

The body will die if the heart stops, and the mind will die if the heart of God is not lit.

This death is called hell.

The heart of God is the life of the spirit.

The body lives by the body of God, but the spirit lives by the heart of God.

A person lives by the body of God and the heart of God, both physically and mentally.

In other words, all people live with the universe (God).

The universe, that is, human beings, lives together with God forever. Therefore, if the relative ego is strengthened, it is also dominated by the relative body (material) of God, and if the higher self is strengthened, it is also dominated by the absolute heart of God.

And the ego, which is dominated by the body (material) of God, creates a world far from the heart of God and decays spontaneously.

When it is far from the heart of God and close to the body of God, this is called immaturity. The attribute of the body of God is that it is far from the heart of God. Therefore, human beings who put their ego in “heaven” and are dominated by matter create a world far from the heart of God, that is, dystopia, according to their choice.

It is the opposite world to Earth Utopia.

God forever defines mankind as a spiritual being through the law of unification of subject and object. Nevertheless, human beings put the body, which is the “earth,” in “heaven” and the spirit, which is the “heaven,” in “earth,” and are heading in the opposite direction of God’s heart.

And since human beings put their bodies in “heaven”, the black and white of their skin creates the problem of racial discrimination. Because they put their bodies in “heaven”, they put their wealth in “heaven” to preserve and maintain their bodies, and they are trolling around the natural world, the temple of God.

It is caused by the immaturity of mankind, far from the heart of God and close to the body of God.

We cannot directly instinct the heart of God with our body.

Human beings instinctively recognize the heart of God with their spirit.

The heart of God is in the midst of each person, and one instinctively recognizes the heart of God as its inevitable value.

A good artist does not simply express what he wants, but expresses what he must. As such, God’s justice is also a value that must be realized.

God’s justice, God’s love, God’s order, God’s sincerity, God’s honesty, and true goodness are inevitable values ​​that must be realized.

Justice is not something that “may or may not be realized.”

God’s true goodness does not belong to the realm of freedom of choice.

“Freedom of choice is rather a state of loss of freedom,” said Kitaro Nishida.

True goodness is the inevitable value that must be realized, and when a person instinctively recognizes the heart of God with that heart, he or she instinctively recognizes it as this inevitable value.

One instinctively recognizes it as justice that must be realized.

Justice is not something that can be realized or not, it is an inevitable value that must be realized.

So what happens to a person when he lives in that inevitable value, the value of true goodness that must be realized, that is, when he lives for the heart of God?

You are right. That human being becomes an inevitable being that must exist in this world, even in this rotten world.

The human being is not a worthless being that does not have to exist.

Human beings, who are living for that inevitable value (God’s heart), are inevitable and valuable beings that must exist in the world.

The unification of inevitable value and human is called the unification of deity (God) and human.

“Thus, the deepest religion can be established on the same body of the deity and human, and the true meaning of the religion is to acquire the significance of this unification of deity and human,” said Kitaro Nishida.

Only God makes all of us immature human beings valuable and inevitable in this world.

Atheism is completely stupid.

What makes us valuable other than the heart of God?

Then, what kind of existence will all human beings be if they live for the inevitable value and justice that must be realized, not just for individuals?

You’re right. All human beings are no longer meaningless and worthless beings that do not have to exist. All human beings will be inevitable and valuable beings that must exist in the world.

All human beings will also be valuable by the heart of God.

When all human beings are unified with the heart of God as a unit, all human beings are also valuable inevitable beings, just as God.

These people are called the Sons of God.

Then, what happens to the whole world when all human beings live in the inevitable value that must be realized?

You are right. The whole world will also be an inevitable and valuable world that must exist.

This is called the Construction of the Kingdom of God, the Creation of Eden’s Paradise, and the Earth Utopia.

The heart of God is the inevitable value, which is the value that should be instinctively recognized in the spirit.

The quest for truth is the quest for inevitable value, and the quest for the heart of God is the quest for universal value.

Since the modern world is a world that goes against the will of God, it is not a valuable world that must exist, and the decline of its existence is imminent.

When we live for the purpose of true goodness, that is, the heart of God, both humankind and the world become inevitable and valuable beings that must exist.

When a person awakens to faith in God, there is no one worthless.

God is the one who makes every human being valuable.

Today, we are losing this most important existence.

Mankind needs to awaken to a legitimate faith in God based on the right knowledge, not blind faith or fanaticism.

Earth Utopia cannot ignore the existence of God.

God is the entrance and exit of the Earth Utopia.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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