
The Democratic Testament of God Ⅰ

The theory that all consciousness phenomena are reflections of the brain and are merely electrical signals in the brain is incorrect.

If the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain and it appears due to the activity of the brain, then what if the brain is lost?

Can a consciousness phenomenon occur?

Most people say, “I have no idea.”

They take the agnosticism that the world after the loss of the brain may or may not exist, but in reality, the agnosticism does not hold.

If on the one hand we conclude that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain, but on the other hand we take the agnosticism that we do not know the world after the brain is lost, then the first assertion that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain becomes “arbitrary”.

The reason is that if the consciousness phenomenon continues in the world after the loss of the brain, it cannot be said to reflect the brain.

In this case, it cannot be said that the electrical signals of the brain create the phenomenon of consciousness.

Since the consciousness phenomenon continues even after the loss of the brain, it is impossible to conclude that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain.

If you still assert, it is “arbitrary”.

Also, if we take the “agnosticism” that we do not know the world after the loss of the brain, “there may or may not be the world after the loss of brain.” Therefore, at least it is impossible to conclude that “the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain.”

It is appropriate to judge that it may or may not reflect the brain.

Nevertheless, if one concludes that it reflects the brain, but on the other hand takes the agnosticism, it is a contradiction, and the first assertion is “arbitrary”.

Sir Karl Raimund Popper once said, “Scientific thinking is about discussing what is falsifiable.”

It is a very Kant way of thinking that puts agnosticism beyond the subject of scholarship, but if one step is wrong, it becomes “materialism” and moves away from the truth.

The consciousness phenomenon may or may not reflect the brain.

The world after the loss of the brain may or may not be.

We assert nothing, we cannot judge, and we lose the grounds.

Without the existence of God and the afterlife, all science and scholarship would be put into an irrefutable world, and no one could conclude anything.

This is one of the most important ideas in overcoming modern rationalism.

If the world after the loss of the brain exists, that is, the afterlife exists, the consciousness phenomenon cannot be said to reflect the brain, and agnosticism cannot be taken.

The idea of concluding that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain leads to the following idea: the afterlife is nothing, God is a delusion, and therefore good and evil and justice are also nothing.

In other words, nothing exists.

According to the theory that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain, there is no God, there is no true goodness, and all universal values ​​disappear with the cessation of brain function, so justice and love will not come into existence in this world.

Since the consciousness phenomenon is asserted to reflect the brain, the world after the loss of the brain is not agnostic, but synonymous with “nothing”.

Since the consciousness phenomenon is claimed to reflect the brain, if the brain is lost, naturally, the consciousness phenomenon can only be interpreted as “nothing”.

There is no agnosticism.

Nevertheless, if we take agnosticism, it will be inconsistent as mentioned above. The theory that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain and is nothing more than electrical signals of the brain is merely an arbitrary and ignorant belief.

The theory that interprets the consciousness phenomenon as a reflection of the brain is a material view that considers the body as oneself.

Worshiping the heart (spirit) of God is called faith, and worshiping the body (material) of God is called “idol worship.”

The idea that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain corresponds to “idol worship” that worships the body of God.

Since they think of the material body as themselves, so if the body disappears, they think the consciousness phenomenon will also disappear.

Therefore, they think that if the brain disappears, the consciousness phenomenon will also disappear.

The cause of suicide is also “idol worship” that worships the body (matter) of God.

They commit suicide because they think that humankind is a matter called the body, and if they kill the matter, the body, the consciousness phenomenon disappears.

Those people worship the material body.

They think that if the matter of the brain disappears, the consciousness phenomenon will disappear.

However, in reality, even if the brain is lost, the consciousness phenomenon is not lost, and even if the body is lost, the spirit would not be lost forever.

It is the same as justice and love would not be lost forever.

If there is no justice, there is no spirit.

If justice does not go away, then the spirit also does not go away.

What does not disappear is good.

What disappears is evil.

What is not lost is good.

What is lost is evil.

God’s justice is God’s righteousness, not ego’s righteousness.

If God’s justice does not disappear, then God’s heart will not disappear, and if God’s heart does not disappear, human consciousness will not disappear.

Our body is also only a part of our own consciousness phenomenon.

“The consciousness is not in the body, but rather in the self-consciousness,” it is quoted from Kitaro Nishida.

Since the consciousness phenomenon is real and immortal, human beings are created as beings who can never commit suicide truly.

Even if someone commits suicide, he is not dead and lives in hell.

No human can spare or kill his own heart at his own decision.

Because it belongs to the realm of God, and we are all given life by God forever.

Therefore, if we come true to the heart of God, we will go to heaven, and if we do not, we will go to hell.

And if we go to heaven, we are happy, and if we fall into hell, we are miserable.

The heart that divides the happiness and unhappiness of humankind is the heart of God.

Some people commit suicide because they think that their flesh are themselves, but this view of matter is causing tragedy in the afterlife.

They confuse cause and effect, confuse spirit and matter, and confuse body and spirit.

The idea that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain is “idol worship” that induces the human mind to matter.

To derail a person’s mind means to induce him to the body of God, that is, the matter, not the heart of God.

If we insist that the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain, good and evil and morality, justice and value do not hold in this world.

If the consciousness phenomenon reflects the brain, the world after the loss of the brain is “nothing”, so there is no afterlife, no God, no good and evil.

There is no morality, no right or wrong, no ugliness or beauty, no truth or false.

They all disappear with the loss of the brain.

All value is no longer valid in this world.

Therefore, Kant “requested” “the existence of God” and “the immortality of the spirit” as inevitable from the moral view of the world in the Critique of Practical Reason.

He said that without “the existence of God” and “the immortality of the spirit (the afterlife)”, no universal value would be possible in this world.

He argued, with knowledge, that those who insist on justice on the one hand and deny the existence of God and the immortality of the spirit on the other hand have fundamentally contradictory views of life and values.

The value itself is no longer valid in this world, not in the afterlife.

If we recognize justice, we must recognize the existence of God and the existence of the afterlife.

If we die and become “nothing”, we will have a “finite outlook on life” of 80 years, and since finite means matter, people will always pursue finite, so-called “profit” and “national interest,” and in fact, they are pursuing them already.

And the relative things of this profit and national interests are put in “heaven” and the whole world is corrupt.

Lack of faith and arrogance to God are causing corruption in the world.

Arrogance to God is the absoluteization of relative things.

The material view that considers the body as oneself and the finite view of life give rise to all the problems of humankind.

We need an eternal definition of human existence that human beings are not the body, but the spirit, not the matter, but the heart, the soul.

Since we consider humans to be physical, we commit suicide.

Since we consider humans to be physical, we discriminate against them by the black and white of their physical skin.

Since we consider humans to be physical, we do not realize God’s justice.

Since we do not realize God’s justice, we cannot exercise speech, power, wealth, or matter based on justice, and we cause violence and war.

The immaturity of humankind, far from justice and close to profit, is causing problems in the world.

The immaturity of humankind, far from the heart of God and close to the body of God, has led to climate change.

The universe is a manifestation of God.

The heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

We need to define human beings as souls, spirits, and hearts.

However, even if the humans do not define them, the universe in front of us, that is, God himself, defines us forever.

The law of unification of subject and object is the eternal law that runs through this world and the afterlife.

Therefore, if the subject, that is, heart is improved, the objective world will be improved, and if the heart is worsened, the world will be worse.

This is because the mind (subject) and the world (object) are one.

The whole world seen (object) is the mind world of all human beings (subject), and the unification of subject and object are forever.

The world of heaven that can be seen is the mind world of the good spirits that live there, and the unification of subject and object are forever.

The world of hell that can be seen is the mind world of the evil spirits that live there, and the unification of subject and object are forever.

It is the law of unification of subject and object that defines this world and the afterlife forever, which also defines what human beings are from the root.

If you deny this law of unification of subject and object, the subject and the object will be cut off.

And if the subject and the object are cut off, no matter how the subject, the heart, is improved by enlightenment, how the faith is mastered, and how much the spirit evolves, the objective world will not improve.

Since they claim that the subject and the object are cut off, no matter how much the subjective mind is improved by enlightenment, it has no effect on the objective world. The objective world gets worse and better regardless of the state of mind.

Even if we improve our mind, the world will not improve, and even if we worsen our mind, the world will improve likewise.

Since the mind and the world are cut off, neither affects each other.

Then it would be useless to try to improve our mind.

Even if we improve our mind, the world shows a phenomenon that have nothing to do with our mind, such as getting worse or better, so there is no point in polishing our mind.

If the objective world shows a phenomenon that has nothing to do with the mind, there is no need to polish the mind.

That is because, even if it is polished, the world represents a phenomenon that has nothing to do with the way the mind is.

In this case, the mind is not the purpose, God is not the purpose, and faith is not needed.

In a world structure where subject and object are cut off, no matter how good our minds are, it has no effect on the objective world, so there is no guarantee that the world will be better even if they become good.

When the subject and the object are separated, it is useless to polish the mind, it is useless to believe in God, and it is useless to get enlightenment.

Then, in the objective world, we only have to worship this matter, and there is no need to believe in God.

However, if we worship matter, the contradictions and conflicts of society will become infinite due to their relativity, and the world will forever corrupt.

When the subject and the object are separated, the world does not improve even if the subject and the mind are refined, and even if the mind get enlightenment, it has no effect on the objective world. Even if the mind evolves and improves, the world will not improve because it is disconnected from the objective world.

Then what if we forget our hearts, forget our wisdom and justice, forget our love and order, forget our hearts of God, and aim solely for profit and national interest, matter and ego?

There is only global corruption in this world and hell in the afterlife.

There is no hope for a world structure in which subject and object are separated.

The separation of subject and object defines human existence as matter.

It means making the value of the mind worthless.

No matter how good our minds are, the objective world will never improve.

Therefore, in a world where subject and object are separated, the existence of human beings cannot be defined as the spirit and the mind.

But what if the subject and the object are unified, as in Nishida’s philosophy?

Since the subject and the object, the mind and the world are unified and one, the world becomes better when the mind gets better, and the world gets worse when the mind gets worse.

So, what is the actual world structure?

The subject and the object are exactly unified.

The law of unification of subject and object is the eternal law, so if we improve our mind (subject), the world (object) will surely improve.

This is because the subject and the object are unified.

The improvement and evolution of the subject, that is, the spirit, by the enlightenment, directly affects the objective world.

And this law of unification of subject and object runs through this world and the afterlife forever.

Then, what does the world created by this law of unification of subject and object mean?

It defines human beings as spirits, not bodies.

The existence of the cosmos in front of us, that is, God himself, forever defines human beings as spiritual beings, souls, and hearts.

The world defines us as the minds and the spiritual beings.

What this law of unification of subject and object means is that we cannot improve the objective world except by polishing our minds.

Because of the unified world structure of subject and object, we have no choice but to improve our minds.

So, if we have good minds, the world will be good, and if we have bad minds, the world will be bad.

This is because the subject and the object are unified.

Therefore, the very existence of the world created by the law of unification of subject and object becomes hope.

One’s heart improves the objective world. The only thing that makes one’s heart better is the heart of God in the middle of oneself. That is why God has become the eternal hope of mankind.

The universe is created to hope for the heart of God.

The fact that God created this world by the law of unification of subject and object means that this cosmos was created as a hopeful being.

Therefore, faith and enlightenment to God, wisdom and love, justice and order–these beautiful things, the graceful things, and the excellent things have important meanings.

The structure and mechanism of the world is based on the law of unification of subject and object, and the existence of this world defines the existence of human beings as the spiritual existence from the root.

The universe, that is, God himself, defines us human beings as spirits and hearts through this world structure of unification of subject and object.

And if this law of unification of subject and object is the law of eternity, it means that we human beings are spiritual beings and children of God who have the heart of God forever.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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