
The definition of human being

The presence/absence of the actual existence of truth can be decided by choosing the definition of a human being as either a body or a life.

The materialistic perspective of defining a human being as a body can commit a mistake of believing that the brain inside the body inevitably causes the phenomenon of consciousness.

In this case, if you ever lose the brain you will also lose the phenomenon of consciousness, and at the same time you will also lose thegood, theevil,and the truth.

The loss of the phenomenon of consciousness coincides withthe loss of God and the afterlife, which leads to the loss of truth.

This is due to the fact that the phenomenon of consciousness that recognizes the good and evil of Godgets lost at the same time when the brain gets lost.

In the materialistic perspective where the human being is defined as a body, there is no existence of the truth, nor God.

As you meet death after spending 80 years of your life, the view of life becomes finite. Thisthen of course becomes“idolatry” that idolizesanybeings that are finite, relative and materialistic.

The view of finite life will create the view of life that idolizes finite pleasure, relative national interests, and materialistic profit.

The view of finite life is based on the materialistic perspective that looks at human being as a body.

In that case, there will be no truth, no God, and no afterlife.

Since there will be no good nor evil coming out from the view of the finite life, pleasure and profit, national interests and materials will be idolized, and this will be the major cause of the decomposition of the whole world.

The view of the finite life that regards human being as a body is the actual root of all evil.

If you regard human being as a body, the white and black color of its skin will cause racism, the aging of the body will cause the discrimination against the aged, and the damage to the body parts will cause discrimination against the disabled.

Material represents the “servitude” part of the mastery/servitude relationship, and so the view of life will be based on the purpose of achieving the power of servitude, and if you set it on the basis of power, then the weak person with weak power will become a victim,and that will produce theproblem of child abuse.

Also, the material (God’s body) means “profitability”, and so if you setprofit as a basis, then a human can become someone who may lie to others for the purpose of obtaining that profit, or deceive others or even take advantage of others’ weakness for the desire to obtain that profit.

Conscious activities to cease that situation is the result of influence of the brain as well, and so if you are to affirm that this is the result of electric signals inside the brain, then that conscious activities will mean nothing in the end.

When the brain is lost, electric signals inside that brain will be lost at the same time, and that will also be the time when the conscious activity based on good and evil will be lost.

The faith andGod’s truth, morality,and good/evil will not be produced from the theory that states howthe phenomenon of consciousness is the reflection of the brain.

There will be no other option but for everyone to become evil.

The view of a finite life that regards human being as a body, is the actual root of all evil.

The view of a life that can turnall mankind into evil, is the view of a finite life.

If there are conscious activities in the world after the brain is lost, and if that activities can recognize the good and evil, then the statement that the phenomenon of consciousness is the reflection of the brain, cannot be true.

A phenomenon of consciousness is the only reality. : Kitaro Nishida

In this world of civilization where we all live in, a human being is vaguely defined as a body and is being regarded as a type of material, but the existence of the universe (God’s existence)forever sets the definition of us humans as the spirits, the lives, and the soul matters.

The laws of salvation not only talk about solving the structure and mechanism of the macrocosm, but also about the laws that solved the structure and mechanism of the afterlife, that is, the multi-dimensional world.

Our world and civilization define the human existence as a body, that is, a material. However, the universe and the natural world forever set the definition of human being as a life, and a soul.

Our civilization defines human being as a body (material), and the universe defines human being as a soul.

With this recognition, the universe and the civilization are separated, and the universe and the mankind are also separated.

The highest spiritual enlightenment of Buddhism is;“Oneness of the universe and oneself”, and this is the spiritual enlightenment that states that the universe is yourself.

This can also be applied to Hinduism and Brahmanism, and thephrase “Tat TvamAsi”which states that the fundamental principle of the universe, that is, Brahman, and oneself are the same thing, is the ultimate spiritual enlightenment.

This can also be said to the spiritual enlightenment that is common to all divine spirits that live in the highly sacred part of God’s world on the Earth, and that spiritual enlightenment is said to be common to both“oneness of the universe and oneself”, and “Heaven and the Earth are the one”.

However, our civilization and the natural world are separated, and so are the civilization and the universe.

They are not being unified.

The essence of civilization is the body of God (national interest, wealth), and the essence of the natural world is the mind of God.

Based on these essences, the civilization and the natural world are separated.

That means the statement of“Oneness of the universe and oneself” is not correct.

Mind of God is “Heaven”, and body of God is “The Earth”, and they will forever be one whole body.

The world and the natural world are separated, and so as the civilization and the universe, just like Heaven and the Earth are separated.

“Oneness of the universe and oneself” is the good, and “the separation of the universe and ourselves”is the evil.

“Heaven and the Earth as one” is the good, “the separation of Heaven and the Earth” is the evil.

This is one of the major causes of the decomposition of the whole world.

We will need to work on changing the existing situation by working on the root cause.

The civilization of “Oneness of the universe and oneself” and the creation of the world are called “The creation of the paradise of Eden’s”.

The civilization of Heaven and the Earth as one, and the creation of the world are called “The construction work of the Kingdom of God”.

So then, how does the macrocosm set the infinite definition that human being are the life as well as the soul?

Thelaw that sets the infinite definition that us human beings are the life as well as the soul, is called the law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena that unifies an objective phenomenon and a subjective phenomenon.

The Nishida Philosophy constructs the philosophy of God as a pure experience philosophy of undifferentiated objective/subjective, which is the state one step before the objective and the subjective getting separated.

The whole world (objective) that is being seen by all mankindequals the world of the minds(subjective) of all mankind that see the whole world.

This law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena is the law that runs through both afterlife and this present life.

That world, the afterlife that is known as Heaven, is the world of the minds of the spirits that live in Heaven, and that is the world where the subjective phenomenon and the objective phenomenon are unified.

Also, the world that is known as Hellis the world of the minds of the Hell spirits that live in Hell, and the subjective phenomenon and the objective phenomenon are forever unified.

For those with less experience with the spiritual enlightenment, some of them would firstdetermine that there is a world where Heaven and Hell exist, and then a spirit would come out of that world or go into that world.But this is wrong.

Mind and Heaven as one world, which is separated from another world with mind and Hell, meaning the mind (subjective) and the world (objective) are separated, but then this is incorrect.

“Unification of objective and subjective phenomena” is the good, and “Separation of objective and subjective phenomena” is the evil.

There is no world with Heaven and Hell, but the minds themselves are the ones that are creating the world with Heaven and Hell, whether you call it the present life or the afterlife.

Mind and the world are the one as a whole, and so are the objectives and subjectives.

The way a mind of every individual behaves is creating the world called Heaven and Hell.

The same rule applies to this earthly world.

The way a mind of each mankind behaves is creating the decomposition of today’s world.

Just like how God gave birth to the macrocosm from his mind, the minds of mankind are giving birth to the decomposed world.

The mind of God is “Heaven”, and the minds of humans are “the Earth”, and they will forever be one whole body, but in our world Heaven and the Earth are separated.

That is, the God’s mind and the human minds are separated.

The most profound religion is thus established upon the unity of God and human

The true meaning of mankind is found in grasping the significance of this unity. : Kitaro Nishida

Assuming you object to this law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena; you will probably insist that the subject (mind) is cut off from the object (world).

And if the subject and object are cut off from each other from the beginning, then even if the subject, our mind,is improved with the spiritual enlightenment, or by mastering our religious beliefs, or bymaking a spiritual evolution, since the subject is separated from the objective world, the objective world can never be improved even if we do everything to improve our minds.

Since you insist that the objective is cut away from the subjective, even if we try to improve the subject = minds in any ways with the use of spiritual enlightenments, since the subject is differentiated from the object, there will be no effect on the objective world while it gets either worse or better.

Improving the mind won’t make the world better, and worsening the mind can even have a better world.

Since the mind and the world are separated, they will not impact each other as much.

Then what would be the point of improving the minds?

Since improving the mind won’t affect how the world becomes– whether it be worse or better, because it will show phenomena that has no relevancy to the mind, there will be no point of improving the mind.

Even if something exists outside the mind, away from the mind, it will have no relation with our minds and soit cannot be recognized as something that really exists. : Kitaro Nishida

If the objective world will indicate the phenomenon that has no relevancy to the mind, then there will be no necessity to improve the mind.

This is because the world will show phenomenon that has no relevancy to how the mind exists.

In this case, the mind will not become the purpose, God will also not become the purpose, and that will mean faith will no longer be needed.

The structure of the world where the subject and the object are separated, no matter how well we improve our minds, since this will cause no impact on the objective world, there will be no guarantee that the world will be a better place even if we improve our minds.

The God’s mind will become despair.

If the subject and the object are separated, then it will be a waste to improve the mind, and it will be a waste to believe in God, and the world will become a waste to have any spiritual enlightenment.

Because then, we would just need to idolize the material, the objective world, and there will be no necessity at allto believe in God.

Relatively speaking, if we idolize the wealth, and the material, then the world will forever head towards its decomposition.

The world without God will have no choice but to head towards the decomposition.

In the case with the structure of the world where the subject and the object are separated,the world will not become a better place even if the subject = the mind is improved, and the spiritual enlightenment will have no impact on the objective world, and the world will not become a better place even if the mind is improved and a spiritual evolution/improvement is attempted,since it is separated from the objective world.

Then if we forget about the mind, justice and love, wisdom and discipline, andGod’s mind, and single-heartedly aim for profits, national interests, materials and the ego, what will happen next?

There will only be the decomposition of the world for the present life, and the Hell for the afterlife.

There will be no hope for the structure of the world where subjects and objects are separated.

So then, what about the case where the subjects and objects are unified, just like the Nishida Philosophy states?

Since the subjects and objects are unified, and that the mind and the world are also unified as one whole being, if we improve our minds, the world will definitely become better, and as a contrast if the mind gets deteriorated, so as the world too.

In the world where the subject and object are separated, the world will become a place where the mind will have no significance.

This is because no matter how better the life becomes, the objective world will never become a better place.

Therefore,you cannot define the existence of human being as a life in the world structure where the subject and object are separated.

This is because the world is structured so that the objective world cannot be made into a better place.

There is no meaning to the mind and personality.

Then what are the mechanism and structure like for the actual world?

The subject and object are unified as one whole being, just like how Nishida Philosophy describes.

Since the law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena is infinitely valid, if the mind (subject) can be improved, the world (object) too can definitely be improved.

Because the subject and object are unified as one.

The evolution/improvement of the subject = life, asbased on that spiritual enlightenment, will just impact the objective world.

And this law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena will forever apply to both the afterlife and the present life.

Then, what does the world, that is structured based on this law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena, mean to us?

The structure and mechanism of this world defines that the human being is not a body, but a life.

What this law of objective/subjective unification means is that the objective world cannot be improved by any other ways other than by improving minds and life.

The thought of humans/children of Gods will probably be fullyrecommended from now on, but before that happens, we need to understand that this world has the structure and mechanism where the subject and object are unified, and that the mechanism of the world structure itself is the one that forever defines the existence of human being as a life.

Since the world structure is based on the law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena, all we can do is to improve our own minds.

The existence of macrocosm and its structure and mechanism are the ones that originally define the existence of us humans as a life.

That is, God itself is the one that defines us humans as the existence of life.

So, if the life is improved, the world will also be better, and if the life is worsened, the world will also be worsened.

This is because the objective and subjective phenomena are unified.

The law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena itself is our hope.

If God created this world based on this law, then that means God created this macrocosm as the existence of hope.

This is why the faith for God, the spiritual enlightenment, wisdom and love, justice and discipline, the beautiful beings, the good beings, and the excellent beings, will all have important meanings.

God’s mind itself will become hope.

The world’s structure and mechanism are based on the law of unification of objective and subjective phenomena, and this means the law of this world is the one that originally defines the human existence as a life.

The macrocosm, the God itself, forever define us humans as spirits and a life through the world structure based on the object/subject unification law.

And if the object/subject unification lawis the infinite law, then we will forever be the existence of life, and forever be the children of God.

The macrocosm in front of our eyes, that is, God itself, is the one that forever defines our small human existence as life and the soul matters.

If you ever be questioned whether the human existence can be defined as a body or a soul, then based on the existence of the macrocosm that spreads in front of us, we can clearly affirm that the humans are the soul matters.

Since humans are the soul matters, the God’s mind that dwells within those souls will forever be the hope.

The structure of the universe and its existence are created so that the God himself will be our hope.

Therefore, the God’s creation of Heaven and the Earth equals the creation of hope.


Although I have to finish here because of my paper width, there are people who give me comments in English, and I feel sorry because I cannot reply nicely since my English is not good.

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I am also explaining the salvation law for all human beings, every one of 7.7 bllion people.

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