
Morality and Legality Ⅱ

Good and evil in the eyes of God are the same in the visible world to the naked eye.

The thorough development of the higher self and the thorough development of the ego, that is, the thorough development of good and evil are the same in the world of phenomena.

Therefore, it is impossible to judge the good and evil of God by looking only at the material world.

An immature person who is far from life and close to matter cannot judge the good and evil of God.

In the material world, good and evil look the same.

When life evolves through faith and enlightenment in God, world peace appears as the result (the body of God) of the cause (the heart of God).

The world that can be seen (objective) is the world of the viewer’s mind (subjective), and the subjective and objective are unified.

The world of heaven that can be seen is the world of the minds of the good spirits that live there, and the subjectivity and the objective are unified.

The world of hell that can be seen is the world of the minds of the evil spirits that live there, and the subjectivity and the objective are unified.

Law of unification of subject and object is an eternal and immutable law that penetrates the heavenly world, the present world, and the hell world.

Enlightenment is “heaven”, world peace is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

In other words, world peace is profit, not justice.

Justice is righteousness of God.

World peace appears because those who realize God’s justice and who are willing to do so will not lie or deceive others into war for any benefit.

The person of higher self tries to realize world peace according to the righteousness of God.

This is a good person.

The person of the ego seeks profit, so he seeks only the benefit of world peace, without enlightenment or faith, without improvement or evolution of life.

Both the good man of the higher self and the bad man of the ego claim world peace.

However, one is good, and the other is evil or

“good for expedients”.

The world peace that comes out of the higher self is called morality, and the world peace that comes out of the ego is called legality.

The law that true evil always looks good is working, and it refers to this legality.

The good man of the higher self tries to achieve world peace for the sake of God’s justice, but the bad man of the ego claims world peace for the benefit.

Due to the lack of faith in God, the relativity of the ego and the relativity of interest are linked and shared.

In a world of missiles, it’s too dangerous for them to make money.

They want to make money, but they can’t make money where bullets and missiles are flying over the minefield.

They say world peace because they want to make money.

Both good and bad people claim world peace.

In the material world, good and evil look the same, but in the realm of value judgment, one is good and the other is evil or good for expedients.

This good is called morality, and this evil is called legality.

Enlightenment is “heaven”, the world of nonviolence is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Nonviolence is profit, not justice.

When we do not exercise matter according to God’s righteousness, this is called violence.

When we do not exercise power according to God’s righteousness, this exercise of power is called violence.

When we do not use military force according to God’s righteousness, this use of military force is called violence.

When we do not exercise speech according to God’s righteousness, we call this exercise of speech violence.

The universe is the manifestation of God and the body of God.

The material universe follows the heart of God forever, so the universe is itself a non-violent world.

If there was no belief in God, no enlightenment, no improvement or evolution of life, non-violent world would not appear.

Because if we do not realize or know the righteousness of God, we cannot exercise matter according to that righteousness.

This is the reason why the world of nonviolence never appears.

It is exactly the “world of hunger”.

It is a “world of hunger” that does not make you full even if you eat it.

It is a “world of hunger” that you cannot obtain world peace even if you seek it.

It is a “world of hunger” that you cannot get a world of non-violence even if you seek it.

It becomes a “world of hunger” because it does not seek the heart of God but only profits.

People who are thirsty but don’t try to drink water, but try to drink seawater.

They will be more and more thirsty.

The person who exercises matter according to the righteousness of God and tries to realize the world of non-violence is the person of higher self, the so-called good person, and morality.

The person of the ego, the so-called villain, has no faith in God and no enlightenment, so he seeks only profits as the ego wants.

He has no faith in God, no improvement or evolution in life, but he only seeks benefits from nonviolence.

It is the person of higher self, the so-called good and moral, who seeks to realize a non-violent world by exercising matter according to God’s righteousness.

The person of the ego, the so-called villain, seeks only profit, so he seeks to realize only a non-violent world, without the rightness of God, the improvement or evolution of life.

The good man claims the world of non-violence, but the bad man also claims the world of non-violence.

Good and evil are the same in the material world.

Both claim nonviolence, but one is morality and the other is legality.

Legality is neither good nor justice.

Enlightenment is “heaven”, elimination of racial discrimination is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

If we realize the heart of God, racism will disappear.

The cause of racial discrimination is the immaturity of each human being, far from the heart (spirit) of God and close to the body (matter) of God.

Because they are close to the body of God, immature people see human beings as matter, the so-called physical body.

Then, they discriminate against the black and white and yellow of the physical skin, and those acts create the problem of racial discrimination.

Since the immaturity of each human being is the cause of racial discrimination, the only way to eliminate it is to create a self that is far from the body of God and close to the heart of God by faith and enlightenment in God.

In other words, there is no way but to evolve and improve life through faith and enlightenment in God.

Therefore, no matter how we blame racism while we are immature, we will not get the benefit of eliminating racism.

This also only creates a “world of hunger”.

It is a “world of hunger” that will not fill your stomach even if you eat.

Even if you ask for the elimination of racial discrimination, you will end up creating a “world of hunger” that you cannot get what you want.

Enlightenment is “heaven”, elimination of racial discrimination is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Eliminating racial discrimination is also a benefit, not justice.

Mankind confuses God’s justice with interest too much.

Racism will not go away without realizing the heart of God.

Those who try to eliminate racial discrimination through faith and enlightenment in God are the people of higher selves, the so-called good people, and morality.

Since the ego always seeks profit, it creates a “world of hunger.” It seeks only for the benefit of eliminating this racial discrimination without enlightenment, improvement, or faith.

This is the person of the ego, the evil or the good of the expedients, and the legality.

Both the good man of the higher self and the bad man of the ego claim the elimination of racial discrimination.

The cases are the same, but the causes are different.

The case of eliminating racial discrimination is the same, but the cause is different because one comes from the higher self and the other comes from the ego.

A person prescribes the same drug, because he thinks that the cause is the same since the cases are the same. That person is called a “quack doctor”.

Those who do not try to find out the cause are arrogant.

Judging everything by the matter, because the cases were the same, they thought that the cause was the same and prescribed the same drug, which has led to the exacerbation of the disease.

They have advocated that if they said world peace, everything was good, if they said that they would eliminate racial discrimination, everything was good, and if they said nonviolence, everything was good.

And they exacerbated the world’s illness, our world is on the verge of collapse due to climate change.

The value of the same case but different causes can be called “morality and legality.”

Even if the cases are different, the causes may be the same, or the causes may be different as the cases are different.

It is arrogant not to try to find out the cause anyway.

Humility is everything.

Even if we obey the law, claim environmental protection and world peace, advocate nonviolence, and talk about the elimination of racial discrimination, the value of legality that comes out of our ego cannot be moral.

But for some reason there is a mysterious value in which morality and results match.

So, Kant made a clear distinction from morality in this legality.

However, Kant’s philosophy does not say that if this legality is aimed at, it will be the root of evil.

As far as it comes from the ego, it is neither good nor moral, but for some reason it only matches the result of good.

It is only recognized as having such mysterious value.

Even if the inner motivation is self-interest and only suits the good purpose in the external facts (legality), it is never said to be good deed for the purpose of personality realization.

We sometimes admire such actions as well.

But we never assessed it in terms of morality, but merely in terms of profit.

“From a moral point of view, such actions are inferior to those who have done their best, even if it is stupid,” this is quoted from Kitaro Nishida.

People sometimes “praise” the legality, that is, “environmental protection,” “humanity salvation,” “world peace,” “elimination of the hell world,” “compliance with the law,” and “nonviolence” that emerge from this ego.

However, Kant’s philosophy and Nishida’s philosophy have in common that it is by no means good.

Originally, good means the value that comes from the higher self that transcends the ego.

We can say that morality is the real truth and legality is the fake truth.

The goodness of legality is the good for expedients as long as it is done with good intentions, and the effective range of goodness is finite according to the attributes of matter.

If it becomes infinite, it becomes a belief in merit and a source of evil.

The reason and cause of corruption in the modern world is also this infinity of the legality.

Enlightenment is “heaven”, the abolition of the death penalty is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

If all human beings evolve infinitely through faith and enlightenment in God, no one will commit a serious crime that would result in the death penalty, so the death penalty system will naturally disappear.

If we go toward the heart of God, the death penalty will naturally disappear. It means that God himself has a heart that does not affirm the death penalty.

In modern times, there is immaturity on the part of human beings who commit serious crimes that result in the death penalty, so some countries have adopted the death penalty system, but for historical purposes, the right direction is the abolition of the death penalty system.

Some people commit serious crimes for their desire for profit because they are immature, far from justice and close to profit.

And if some commit a serious crime, there are victims, and some countries support the death penalty, considering its fairness.

However, in the long run, it is a system that must be abolished by improving and evolving life.

God does not affirm that humans are eternally immature.

Enlightenment is “heaven”, the abolition of the death penalty is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The person who tries to abolish the death penalty by faith and enlightenment in God is the person of higher self and morality.

Since the ego is seeking profit, he insists on gaining only the benefit of abolishing the death penalty, without enlightenment or improvement, and without faith in God.

It is convenient for the egoist if they commit a selfish crime for pleasure without restriction and they do not get the death penalty.

The good man of the higher self also insists on the abolition of the death penalty, but the bad man of the ego also insists on the abolition of the death penalty.

The aiming of the abolition of death penalty is the same for both good and evil.

But in the realm of value judgment in truth, one is the morality of good and the other is the legality of evil.

Even in the same case, the same drug cannot be prescribed because the cause is different.

Today we are prescribing the same medicine.

It’s the world of quack doctors.

Whether it comes from the higher self or the ego, all of them have been recognized as good, as long as they say world peace and the abolition of the death penalty.

It is a history of arrogance that has obscured the good and evil of God.

We have put world peace, which is the “earth,” in “heaven,” nonviolence, which is “earth,” in “heaven,” and the elimination of racial discrimination, which is “earth,” in “heaven.” We have put salvation, which is “earth,” in “heaven,” environmental protection, which is “earth,” in “heaven,” and all profits in “heaven.”

This is the immaturity of mankind, far from justice and close to profit.

The immaturity of mankind, far from the heart of God and close to the body of God.

The immaturity of mankind, far from the cause and close to the result.

The immaturity of mankind, far from unity and close to contradiction.

The cause of all the problems in the world is the immaturity of each human being.

Faith in God always accompanies enlightenment.

Faith without enlightenment is just blind faith and fanaticism.

Immaturity is due to lack of enlightenment, and a further cause of that lack of enlightenment is the lack of faith in God.

Lack of faith in God is the true cause of world corruption and climate change.

The truth of morality and legality is self-evident to philosophers who represent the wisdom of mankind, such as Hegel, Kant, and Kitaro Nishida.

They take this for granted, accumulate thoughts, and build their own philosophy through their superhuman thoughts.

However, this morality and legality are not always generally known, and many do not.

That is why I’m dealing with it this time, but this will continue a little longer.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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