
Morality and Legality Ⅰ

The world is a child of Darwin.

The figure of Darwin, who explored the body of God, the so-called activity of the natural world, and denied the heart of God, is the very figure of human beings who pursued material civilization and denied God.

As a result of his quest for the body of God, he denied the heart of God.

It is the same as denying the heart because the heart never comes out even if the body is dissected.

There is no equality in the visible world, only in the invisible world, but if you deny your heart, that equality is lost.

And mankind can never deny its equality, albeit invisible.

The heart of God is invisible, the human heart is also invisible.

God created humans in imitation of himself.

Only the invisible heart can be brought back to the next world, and the body cannot be brought back to the next world.

What can be brought back to the next world is good.

What cannot be brought back to the next world is evil.

The next world is “heaven”, this world is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the body of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The unification of heaven and earth is good.

The separation of heaven and earth is evil.

Life is “heaven”, matter is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Since Darwin’s theory of evolution, the “origin of the species” of human beings derived by scientists is microorganisms. However, if we explore the matter, which is the body, to the utmost limit, human beings themselves will prove the lowness of the origin of the matter.

If we define “human beings are the body”, microorganisms become the “origin of the species” of human beings, and science cannot prove the greatness of life.

If we define “human beings are life”, the greatness of life will be proved in the realms of religion and philosophy.

The separation of religion and science is the separation of the heart of God and the body of God.

Religion and science are separated because the heart of God and the body of God, that is, life and matter, are separated in the perception of mankind.

“The universe is a manifestation of God”, and when you look at the universe itself, life and matter are neither separated nor originally divided, but human beings have a separated perception because of the immaturity.

Religion and philosophy have sought the heart of God, and science has sought the body of God.

Originally, both are searching for God, but as a result, they are separated from their ignorance of the structure of the universe.

Needless to say, the heart of God, which is life, and the body of God, which is matter, are one.

Only the angle of contact with the universe is different.

Religion and science are one in God.

If we define “human beings are the body”, the “origin of the species” of human beings becomes microorganisms, and if we define “human beings are the heart”, the “origin of the species” of human beings becomes “the existence of God”.

The heart is connected to the God in the universe.

And there is no one in humankind who can deny the existence of God.

If we deny the existence of God, mankind will lose equality forever.

The core of this “law of salvation” is to conclude that the “origin of the species” of mankind is “the existence of God” through all eternity.

To define clearly that human beings as life, heart, and personality, not the body.

Since we consider human beings to be the physical body, we put wealth in “heaven,” ruin the natural world and even cause climate change.

Since we consider human beings to be the physical body, the black and white of the physical skin causes the problem of racial discrimination.

Since we consider human beings to be the physical body, we start a war to protect them.

Since we consider human beings to be the physical body, we think we will die and disappear within 80 years.

Since we consider human beings to be the physical body, some of us commit suicide.

Human beings cannot die by committing suicide.

Human beings cannot save or kill their own lives.

Since we consider ourselves to be the physical body, we put everything in this world into “heaven.”

Then, we put this world in “heaven” and the next world in “earth.” That is causing the separation of heaven and earth.

The next world is “heaven”, this world is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth are forever.

The subconsciousness (the next world) is “heaven”, the surface consciousness is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth are forever.

It is said that being far from life and close to matter is immature.  Because it is close to matter, we think of human beings as physical bodies.

The immaturity of each human being is the cause of all the problems in the world.

Immaturity means being far from the heart of God and close to the body of God. Maturity and immaturity are forever determined by the universe in front of us, that is, God himself.

God and all mankind live as one forever, so if anyone strengthens their ego, they will be dominated by the body of God, and if they strengthen their higher selves, they will be dominated by the heart of God.

Those who are dominated by the body of God take thoughts and actions with the attributes of matter, and those who are dominated by the heart of God take thoughts and actions with the attributes of true goodness.

The former corrupts the world, and the latter improves the world.

Those who are dominated by the body of God are corrupting the world.

There are also causes in modern politics and economic principles, but why was mankind dominated by the body (matter) of God?

Because we lost faith in God.

That’s it.

Lack of faith in God is the cause of corruption in the whole world.

Because we lost faith in God, we came to live the way egos want us to live.

Then, the relativity of the ego and the relativity of matter became linked and we became dominated by matter.

Since matter has the attribute of being far from the heart of God, we have come to work hard to create a world far from God.

We put wealth far from God in “heaven” and we are creating a world far from God.

We put the national interests far from God in “heaven” and we are creating a world far from God.

We call the masses far from God as sovereigns and placed them in “heaven”, and we are working hard to create a world far from God.

And then we created the sixth mass extinction era, caused climate change, and brilliantly created a world far from God.

Those who are far from life and close to matter are called immature, and they are far from God.

Those who are far from absolute and close to relative are called immature, and they are far from God.

Those who are far from the higher self and close to ego are called immature, and they are far from God.

Justice is “heaven”, wealth is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth are forever.

Capitalism, that puts wealth, which is defined as “earth” by God, in “heaven.”

An arrogant politician, who puts the national interests, which is defined as “earth” by God, in “heaven.”

Arrogance to God is the absoluteization of relative things.

Democracy, that puts the masses, which is defined as “earth” by God, in “heaven” as the sovereigns.

All of them are creating a world that is the opposite of the heart of God.

I don’t know if it’s a rebellious period of humankind, anyway, human beings are scribbling on the temple of God, that is, the earth, and trying to destroy it by its ignorance.

It is natural that it rots because it is disconnected from the universe in front of us.

In the universe, life is “heaven”, matter is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

We put this “earth” matter in “heaven” and indulged in idolatry, and we are cut off from the cosmos in front of us.

Our civilization has been banished from the universe and banished from the paradise of Eden.

This is the cause of the end of the world that has been prophesied so far.

“Morality and legality” are terms in Kant’s philosophy.

Morality refers to the goodness in which the moral law directly regulates the will, and when the basis for the regulation of the will lies in the moral law, this is called “morality”.

To put it simply, the basis for regulating the will is justice itself, and religiously it is the good when that good originates from the higher self.

In other words, when goodness and its deeds are coming out of the higher self, they are called morality.

“Legality” is a suitable term for the situation in which the higher self does not have the basis for regulating the will.  When the basis for regulating the will does not come from the higher self, in more detail, when the basis for regulating the will of the good comes from self-love or timidity, that is, the ego, it is called “legality.”

For example, when you are “honest” because you will be disadvantaged from the calculation of your interests, or when you “sympathize” with others because of your timidity and weakness, that “honesty” and “sympathy” come from self-love and pleasure. That is not called morality in Kant’s philosophy, but rather legality.

The good that comes out of the ego is not morality, but legality.

Conversely, only the goodness that comes from the higher self is called “morality.”

Kant called it “my inner moral law,” and when the goodness, its deeds, and the basis for regulating the will are emerge from it and lie in the moral law itself, it is called morality.

This is one of the secrets of good and evil in the world of God.

The universe is a manifestation of the heart of God and is composed of life and matter, that is, the heart of God and the body of God.

The law that good and evil in the eyes of God look the same in the visible and physical world is acting. This is the one of the secrets of good and evil.

In the world seen with the naked eye, good and evil look the same.

Let me give you some examples.

The higher self is good, and ego is evil.

The higher self is sensitive to the heart of God, and the ego is sensitive to the body of God.

The good that comes out of the sensitive relationship between the higher self and the heart of God is called the true good, and the value that comes out of the sensitive relationship between the ego and the body (matter) of God is called evil or the good of the expedient.

The higher self has the property of seeking the heart of God and being dominated by it, and the ego has the property of seeking pleasure and profit and being dominated by it.

The absolute one leads to the absolute one, and the relative one leads to the relative one.

Happiness is good, pleasure is evil, the higher self is good, and ego is evil.

This is the basic property.

Good and evil, happiness and pleasure, the higher self and ego, life and matter are the same to the naked eye.

The thorough development of good and the thorough development of evil look the same in the naked eye and in the world of matter.

It means good and evil look the same to us.

Now, let’s develop it thoroughly.

Since people of the higher selves are regulated by moral law, when they face the environmental problems that are the body of God, they take the natural world more seriously than the national interests. They agree to sign the Paris Agreement and the Convention on Biological Diversity. However, people of the egos value ​​the national interests more than the natural world, which is the body of God, because of the inevitable nature of the ego, which is the nature of seeking profit and pleasure.

Even if they know that it is disadvantageous to their own country, they think the natural world is more important than the national interest of their own country, because it saves humankind. Even if they are immature, ethical people and nations have the nature of that kind.

In other words, they know something more important than the nation.

The people of higher selves try to realize “environmental protection” from the relationship between the evolution of life and the law.

They are the “good people” seen from the eyes of God.

But what about people of the ego?

I said that good and evil are the same in the material world.

Let’s develop the ego thoroughly.

The ego seeks profit and pleasure, so they cut down the forest to make a profit, and they keep cutting the trees to the limit, they will end up with a bald mountain.

There are no more trees to cut.

The lack of trees to cut makes it impossible to satisfy the profit and pleasure that are the nature of the ego.

What would they say at this time, still trying to make a profit?

They would start to claim “environmental protection” which means tree planting.

The motive comes not from the good or the higher self, but from the ego.

They claim “environmental protection” because they want to make a profit.

As far as it comes from the ego, it is clearly “evil” in the eyes of God, but in the physical world it is consistent with the result of good.

Good, of course, claims environmental protection.

The result of “environmental protection” is the same for good and evil.

It means that the good person of the higher self and the bad person of the ego look the same in the material world and the naked eye.

The person of the higher self “keeps the law” as the law shows the justice of God to some extent, but the person of the ego “keeps the law” because they will become uncomfortable when punished, judging from the self-standard of pleasure and discomfort.

The good person of the higher self “keeps the law”, but the bad person of the ego also “keeps the law”.

It is the same in the material world.

The conclusion that “keep the law” is the same whether it comes from the heart of God or from the self-love of the ego.

In the material world, good and evil have the same result.

The motivation does not come out of neither the heart of God nor justice, it clearly comes out of self-love, profit, and pleasure. In the physical world it is legally consistent with the consequences of good.

This is called “legality”.

The person of the higher self “smiles” when she realizes the justice of God, but the person of the ego also “smiles” when she gains wealth.

The result of “smile” is the same.

In the world seen with the naked eye, good and evil are the same.

The higher self seeks the heart of God and justice, and the ego seeks pleasure and profit.

The good person of the higher self tries to achieve the salvation of mankind by the legitimate evolutionary improvement of life, but the bad person of the ego seeks profit, so she seeks only the salvation of mankind without the improvement of life.

Both good and evil say the same thing as “salvation of humankind.”

Since one is the higher self and the other is the ego, in the area of ​​value judgment, one is good and the other is evil or good for expedients.

Even if two of them say the same thing, good and evil are different.

It means that whether it comes out of the higher self or the ego, if we develop it thoroughly, it will look the same in the material world.

The good person of the higher self tries to realize world peace by the evolutionary improvement of life, but if the evil of the ego is thoroughly developed, it is consistent with the result of the good person.

Since the ego seeks profit and pleasure, it seeks only “world peace” without any improvement in life.

The conclusion of “world peace” is the same.

Both good and bad people claim “world peace.”

This is one of the secrets of good and evil in the world of God, and without knowing this secret, it is impossible to distinguish and judge the good and the bad from the eyes of God.

The good person of the higher self tries to realize the dissolution of the hell world as the heart of God, but the bad person of the ego also wants to eliminate the hell world because the hell world is unpleasant from the self-standard of profit and pleasure.

Both the good and the bad claim the same thing as “get rid of the hell world.”

Whether it comes out of the higher self or the ego, we say the same thing in the physical world.

Kant called these “goods of fake” from the ego as legality and clearly distinguished them from morality.

No matter how much they say environmental protection, keep the law, claim world peace, sympathize with others, and be honest, we cannot accept these goddesses that clearly come from the ego and self-love as morals.

But for some reason, this evil is in line with the result of good and looks the same in the naked eye.

However, in the material world, the good and the bad say the same thing and look the same.

Therefore, an immature person who is far from life and close to matter cannot accurately judge the good and evil of God.

In the material world, which is close to matter, good and evil say the same thing and look the same.

That’s why immature person is fooled.

This is the basis of “morality and legality”.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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