
Law of the same wavelength connection Ⅱ

The universe gives life to the galaxy, the universe gives life to the earth, and the universe gives life to the natural world on the earth.

And the natural world keeps all human beings in the past, present and future alive forever.

We have no choice but to breathe air, eat food from the cells of the God’s body of nature, and drink water.

A person cannot live for even three minutes without breathing air.

The human body must depend on the body of God (natural world) and cannot survive even for a moment.

The heart of man must also depend on the heart of God, otherwise he cannot return to heaven.

The human body is nourished by the body of God, and the human heart is nourished by the heart of God.

Because the universe and mankind, God and mankind are unified forever.

Mankind simply does not know the fact that the universe that exists in front of us is the true God.

Mankind, unknowingly, depends on God forever, whether in the heart of God or in the body of God.

It’s the same as a child relying on his parents without knowing their hearts.

We take crude oil from God’s body to warm ourselves, run cars and planes, and run factory machinery.

We take iron from the body of God to make cars and carry out economic activities while buying and selling.

If the universe of this world is the body of God, then the multidimensional world of the afterlife is also the body of God.

No matter who we are, we human beings cannot live apart from God for a moment, regardless of whether we are alive or dead.

Because we are one with the universe in this world and the multidimensional world in the afterlife.

Even the devils of hell cannot live apart from God.

Therefore, the hell world exists in the lower part of 5th dimension of the multidimensional world.

They are doing evil deeds in the body of God, the multidimensional world.

No human can live apart from God for a moment, regardless of the time of the past, present, or future.

The heart of God is the fundamental essence of the human heart.

The essence (subjectivity) of one’s heart manifests the universe (objective) in front of us.

The personalities of oneself and others are different, but both are connected to the same heart of God.

The absolute contradiction between the individuality of oneself and that of others is unified by the heart of God.

The essence of one’s heart and the essence of another’s heart are the same in the heart of God.

Emerson leaves this belief in God as an idea of ​​”self-reliance” because God is in the midst of oneself.

The heart of God, the essence of self, manifests the universe and the natural world. So, as Emerson says, “the natural world is a wonderful self-elucidation of human life.”

The essence of human life is well manifested in the natural world.

“The universe is the manifestation of God and the body of God,” said Shinji Takahashi.

The source of all good is the heart of God, and the source of all evil is the body of God (matter).

The universe is a great manifestation of God’s ethics, and this ethics is called the heart of God.

To know all the various good things is to know the heart of God. To know all the various evils is to know the body of God.

To know all good and all evil is to know the heart of God and the body of God.

In other words, knowing the universe is the creation of human beings who know good and evil like God.

It is the universe and the natural world that gives life to all human beings in the past, present and future.

The celestial spirits of the 9th dimensional world and beyond have reached the enlightenment of the universe, which is the essence of the self.

They all have the enlightenment of “the oneness of the universe and oneself” as their common enlightenment.

Being one with the universe means that we are fully familiar with the law of the universe.

Therefore, such people can preach the heart of the universe that keeps all humanity alive, that is, the heart of God.

It is the enlightenment of the oneness of Satan and the Archangels.

The essence of Satan’s heart has the God’s heart, and the essence of the Archangels’ hearts also have exactly the same God’s heart.

The absolute contradiction between the Prince of Darkness and the Archangels is forever Aufheben by the heart of God.

It means that all spiritual people in the heavenly, mortal, and hell worlds are forever equal only in the heart of God.

For humankind, when it comes to equality, there is only this heart of God.

Therefore, if we deny the existence of God, from that moment we lose the value of equality forever.

If we deny the existence of God, there is only discrimination.

We are forever equal only in that we have the same heart of God in our hearts.

If we lose the heart of God, there can only be conflicts and contradictions that arise from that discrimination.

Nothing is equal, either physically or mentally.

If equal, there should be no difference in comparison with others.

In other words, it must be exactly the same.

It must be the same amount, the same scale, and the same quality among the things that each human being has.

Unless everything is exactly the same, we do not call it equality.

In all of the past, present and future, humankind is given only one equality.

We are forever equal only in that we have the same heart of God in our hearts.

Therefore, heaven is a world that will not disappear even if we realize the one heart of God.

The world that will disappear when we realize the one heart of God is the hell world.

If we realize the heart of God, the hell world will disappear.

Therefore, the hell world is not a world created by God.

Because it can disappear.

What does not disappear is good.

What disappears is evil.

The ego has only relative qualities such as knowledge, thoughts, concepts, cognitions, and emotions.

Therefore, if you live according to the ego without faith in God, you will surely be ruled in the direction of God’s body (material) in this universe.

As Dr. Einstein said, matter is space-time, and time and space are relative.

Mankind and God live forever as one.

Therefore, when we human beings lose our faith in God and live according to the ego, the relativity of the ego and the relativity of the matter are connected by the “law of the same wavelength connection (the law of like attracts like)”, and human beings are ruled in the direction of the body of God.

Therefore, human beings who have lost their faith in God put their relative wealth and national interest in “heaven”, commit idolatry, and cause the corruption of the world.

Being far from the heart of God and close to the body of God is called immaturity.

The heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

God teaches mankind how to live through the structure and mechanics of the universe.

He teaches us to put God’s heart in “heaven” forever and God’s body in “earth.”

However, human beings who have lost their faith in God and have come to live according to the ego are ruled by the body of God because the relativity of the ego and the relativity of matter are linked.

Then, the body of God, which is the “earth,” are put in the “heaven,” and all humankind is to head toward the “earth.”

It is manifested in the form of climate change and accelerated extinction rates of living organisms.

In the universe, the heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

However, our civilization puts God’s body in “heaven” and God’s heart in “earth.” And it is cut off from the universe in front of us.

If you are cut off from God, whatever you are, you will be evil.

Since the universe is a manifestation of the heart of God, the universe exists as good by the heart of God.

“The universe is good,” said Plato.

God teaches us through the universe that human beings should be good and exist by the heart of God, just as the universe is forever.

However, most are ruled by the body of God, and our civilization is truly arrogant.

Arrogance to God means to make relative things absolute and to put what God defines as “earth” forever in “heaven”.

Capitalism that puts relative wealth in “heaven”.

A politician who puts relative national interests in “heaven”.

Socialism that puts relative substances in “heaven”.

A dictator who puts his relative ego in “heaven”.

Democracy that puts those who are far from the heart of God and close to the body of God in “heaven” as sovereigns.

All of these are arrogant to God.

The cause of the collapse of civilization, past, present and future, is always the arrogance to God.

All the civilizations of the past were, without exception, destroyed by this arrogance to God.

It is very likely that this will happen again.

The universe is God, and the unification of God and humankind is forever.

Therefore, when human beings strengthen their relative ego, the law of like attracts like works, and they will be ruled by relative matter.

If they strengthen their higher selves, they will be ruled in the direction of God’s heart as well.

And if they are ruled in the direction of the heart of God, the earth will improve, and if they are ruled in the direction of the body of God, the earth will deteriorate as it is today.

God forever puts his heart in “heaven” and teaches mankind to do so through the universe.

It will not change after tens of thousands of years.

The heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Put justice in “heaven” and profits and national interests in “earth”.

Put your higher self and conscience in “heaven” and your ego in “earth”.

God teaches us immature human beings through the universe to put God’s heart in “heaven” and put God’s body in “earth”.

However, the will of God did not reach the ears of mankind, and because of the immaturity of mankind, we put the body of God in “heaven” and the heart of God in “earth.” Therefore, our civilization does not match the structure of the universe and is separated from it.

It is a civilization that has been banished from the Garden of Eden.

God wants to make all mankind happy, but Adam and Eve have taken the relative pleasures that make mankind unhappy.

Because of that, they were banished from the Garden of Eden.

The fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil is sweet.

Wealth is sweet.

The national interest is sweet.

So, Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Because they ate the sweet fruit of the relativity, they began to care about the relative human eye rather than the divine eye, and as a result, they began to hide their crotch.

And from that relativity they then began to create endless contradictions and conflicts.

They could not live with the heart of God, who wanted to make humanity happy, and were banished from the Garden of Eden.

“Wealth always betrays us,” Emerson.

This is also due to the law of the same wavelength connection (the law of like attracts like).

The heart of God, who always wants to make mankind happy, and the heart of those who want to get selfish pleasure, do not have the same wavelength and are separated.

Good spirits connect to good spirits, and evil spirits connect to evil spirits.

Those who have the heart of hell connect to the hell world, and those who have the heart of heaven connect to heaven.

All human beings are exactly what their hearts want.

If you seek good, you become a good man, and if you seek evil, you become a bad man.

If you seek justice, you will connect to the spirit of heaven, and if you seek evil, you will connect to hell, and will be possessed by evil spirits.

The heart of God is the highest good, and the body of God is the lowest good.

Both must be good, but if you place the substance that is the “earth” of the lowest good in “heaven,” it will become the world farthest from God as you choose, and it will be corrupted by that lowest good.

Those who are far from happiness and close to pleasure are called immature.

Those who are far from the higher self and close to the ego are called immature.

Therefore, if human beings live according to the ego, this world will have to be a world far from God.

Because we are far from God’s heart, we will create a world far from God’s heart and corrupt ourselves.

Both good and evil are created by one’s own heart.

Good spirits connect to good spirits, evil spirits connect to evil spirits, 7th dimensional enlightenment connects to the 7th dimensional world, and 8th dimensional enlightenment connects to the 8th dimensional world.

A heart can connect to any world.

The law of the same wavelength connection is a law that proves the unification between God and human beings, and since it is a law, acts of the ego are not available at all.

Even if you think you are good, if you are evil in the eyes of God, you will be connected to the hell world, and even if you think you are evil, if you are good in the eyes of God, you will be connected to heaven.

It is not the good and evil of one’s own convenience, but the good and evil of God.

For example, suicides commit suicide because they think it will be easier for them.

However, from the point of view of God himself, it is an act that denies the meaning of life, so their hearts will connect to the hell world, and they will end up falling into hell.

Suicides cannot return to heaven.

The law of the same wavelength connection is governed by the good and evil of God, and the good and evil of human beings cannot affect it.

So, we must humbly explore the will of God.

If you misunderstand the good and evil of God, your heart will be connected to the hell world, no matter how good you think you are.

That is the case with most religious gurus.

What they thought was good and preached during their lifetime was actually evil in the eyes of God himself, so they fell into hell.

They fell into hell by the law of the same wavelength connection.

God rules all mankind by this law of the same wavelength connection.

If your heart is good, the good spirit will enter your heart according to the law of the same wavelength connection.

If your heart is evil, the evil spirit will enter your mind according to the law of the same wavelength connection.

And if you are guided by the good spirits, you will return to heaven after physical death.

If you die while possessed by evil spirits, you will be dragged into hell and will reflect on your sins until you purify your heart.

If you follow the heart of God, you will return to heaven and be happy, but if you do not follow the heart of God, you will fall into hell and be unhappy.

Here, too, the same is true.

The fact that all people are happy if they follow the heart of God means that the heart of God is eternal happiness.

By good we live a happy life in heaven.

Therefore, good is happiness.

God forever rules all mankind with the law of the same wavelength connection.

God’s will and his good and evil are realized by the law of the same wavelength connection.

The good and evil that the law of the same wavelength connection leads is called truth.

It is also the basis for asserting that human-made morals and ethics do not necessarily follow the heart of God.

Even if the person looks moral and respectable at first glance, if he is possessed by evil spirits, he cannot at least follow the will of God.

The multidimensional world is forever ruled by the heart of God.

Therefore, if you are a good person, you will surely have a good spirit in your heart.

The law of the same wavelength connection is one of the enlightenments of the unification of heaven and earth.

It is a law that proves and reveals the fact that God, “heaven,” and the human, “earth,” are forever unified.

When your heart is good, you cannot connect to evil spirits, and when your heart is evil, you cannot connect to good spirits.

Good spirits connect to good spirits, and evil spirits connect to evil spirits.

The principle of possession of evil spirits is also determined by this law of like attracts like (the law of the same wavelength connection).

Because people emit evil in their hearts, they connect to evil spirits and possessed by evil spirits.

If you are emitting good in the light of your conscience, you will not be possessed by evil spirits because you are connecting to the good spirits.

The only thing that protects one’s heart is one’s conscience, the will of God.

And the more evil spirits that fall into hell, the more they abuse the law of the same wavelength connection.

They increase the possession phenomenon of evil spirits in this world and try to confuse the earthly world.

The law of the same wavelength connection is one of the enlightenments of the unification of heaven and earth.

However, its original meaning is the same wavelength connection between God and humans.

If this law of the same wavelength connection does not work, we immature human beings cannot connect to God.

God’s “vertical affection” flowing from top to bottom is called mercy.

In that sense, the law of the same wavelength connection can be said to be the great mercy of God.

We humans on earth can connect to higher dimensional consciousness with greater enlightenment than our hearts because the law of the same wavelength connection works forever.

If you emit good, you will connect to the good spirit, and if you emit evil, you will connect to the evil spirit.

People emit evil and connect to hell, but since the hell world is not a world created by God, evil cannot be said to be the heart of God.

The law of the same wavelength connection means that God implicitly demands that mankind do good.

And if you do good, you will return to heaven created by God.

We must say that the heart of God is good.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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