
I make all things new.

The universe is a manifestation of God and a temple of God.

The essence of the natural world is the heart of God forever.

The nature of our civilization is the body of God (matter / relativity).

The universe and civilization are divided in their essence.

In the universe and the natural world, the heart of God (spirit) is the “heaven”, the body of God (matter) is the “earth”, and they are eternally unified.

It will not change forever.

Nevertheless, our civilization places national interests in “heaven”, wealth in “heaven”, ego in “heaven”, pleasure in “heaven”, matter in “heaven”, relative things in “heaven”.

Arrogance to God is the absolutization of relative things.

All civilizations of the past have also been fallen by this arrogance to God.

This will be the case again.

Our civilization is really arrogant.

It creates the civilization that is the opposite of the structure and mechanism of the universe. It places the body of God in “heaven” and the heart of God in “earth.”

It is a banished civilization that is divided from the universe (the existence of God).

This is called the Expulsion from Paradise.

We no longer place the heart of God in “heaven” and place our egos in “heaven” and would not listen to God.

Then, from the relativity of the ego and the matter, we developed a relative comparative view. It made us sentient of the eyes of others, and we began to put fig leaves in our crotch.

Adam and Eve began to choose relative things.

They began to place relative things in “heaven” and absolute things in “earth”.

They were expelled from Paradise because they no longer chose the eternal will of God, which is the happiness of all mankind, but only their own pleasures and interests, and chose the path that led mankind to unhappy.

Mankind is now the same as Adam and Eve.

In this universe, the absolute things are in “heaven” and the relative things are in “earth” permanently, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Life is “heaven”, matter is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Place justice in “heaven” and profits and national interests in “earth”.

Place unification in “heaven” and contradiction in “earth”.

Place the higher self in “heaven” and the ego in “earth”.

Place happiness in “heaven” and pleasure in “earth”.

Place the heart of God in “heaven” and the body of God in “earth.”

God teaches mankind the way to live through the universe and the natural world forever, but mankind has come to live in the exact opposite way, just as Adam and Eve. Therefore, mankind has come to live in the unfortunate world that contains ecosystem destruction and climate change.

Capitalism places wealth, which is the “earth,” in “heaven.”

Socialism places matter, which is the “earth”, in “heaven”.

Politicians place national interests, which are the “earth”, in “heaven”.

Democracy places the masses, which are the “earth” and far from the God, in “heaven” as sovereigns.

When it is far from the heart of God and close to the body of God, this is called immaturity.

When it is far from life and close to matter, this is called immaturity.

When it is far from justice and close to profit, this is called immaturity, because it is far from the heart of God.

All of these things are the opposite of the heart of God.

The ground, which enables us to conclude that this is wrong, is the cosmos (the existence of God) in front of us.

In the cosmos, even though the heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the heavens and the earth are forever unified, our civilization reverses them. It places the body of God in “heaven” and the heart of God in “earth”. That is why we can conclude that it is wrong from the perspective of the cosmos, that is, God himself.

Because it is close to matter, the black and white skin of human beings creates the problem of racial discrimination from their immaturity.

Because it is far from life and close to matter, we see humans not with life but with the body.

Then, it is neither justice, love, nor truth to preserve and maintain our bodies.

It is water and food that maintain our bodies. That is the reason why we place the wealth and national interests that manage them in “heaven,” and we have come to devastate the ecosystem, and even cause climate change.

The cause of all the problems in the world is the immaturity of each human being.

The maturity and immaturity of personality is forever determined by the cosmos in front of us, that is, God himself.

These problems cannot be solved except that each human being achieves the improvement and evolution of life through faith and enlightenment in God.

Our dirty money has been earned through the great sin of destroying species and changing the climate.

Our economy is where we throw the dirty money into the washing machine and launder money cleanly.

The earth is the temple of God and the field that feeds humankind.

We are laundering money in the temple of God, as if we earned the money from the labor of justice.

If it was the money earned through justice, the temple of God has not been devastated so far.

Moreover, we even create a large number of prostitutes who sell justice for money.

Prostitutes sell their bodies for money, while soul prostitutes sell God for money.

There once was a person named Judas Iscariot who sold Jesus for 30 pieces of silver.

Today, many people have become Judas Iscariot, and the world have become a merciless world that sells justice for money.

The modern people have become Adam and Eve, and also Judas Iscariot.

It is natural that the whole world has been corrupted.

Justice is the righteousness of God, not the righteousness of the ego.

Many people believe that greenhouse gases are the cause of climate change, but that is a result, not a cause.

They have no idea about what the cause is.

Greenhouse gases do not come out suddenly for no reason.

Here, too, we can see the immaturity of humankind, who only see a result (matter).

The true cause of climate change is our egoism, which places the ego in “heaven.”

Because we placed our egos in “heaven,” we were dominated by matter, devouring its relative interests, and devouring the natural world.

And by devouring the natural world, large amounts of greenhouse gases are emitted, which causes climate change.

Now, why did we place our egos in “heaven”?

Because we lost faith in God.

That’s it.

Therefore, the true causes of climate change are the lack of faith in God and the immaturity of humankind.

Eliminating greenhouse gases does not eliminate the immaturity of humankind.

Eliminating greenhouse gases does not eliminate the ignorance of humankind.

Eliminating greenhouse gases does not eliminate the egoism of humankind.

Eliminating greenhouse gases does not eliminate the arrogance of humankind.

We blame greenhouse gases which are matters, but here too, we can see the immaturity of humankind, which is far from life and close to matter.

We are destroying many species to the extent, and today is said to be the sixth mass extinction era. Humankind is like a terrorist to the natural world and ecosystems.

When we go against the will of God, mankind will not only be expelled from God, but will become a terrorist.

Therefore, the movement of truth will be a true war on terrorism.

Human beings are becoming terrorists, because we are placing wealth in “heaven”, national interests in “heaven”, matter in “heaven”, the body of God in “heaven”, relative things in “heaven.” We are becoming prostitutes, and start money laundering.

Laundering money, making prostitutes, or becoming terrorists are usually what a Mafia does.

Mankind becomes a mafia when we are indulged in arrogance to God.

While we live in the temple of God and ignore the Lord of that temple, our world will collapse on a global scale.

There will be no other way to save mankind than to regain the legitimate faith in God.

Place the heart of God in “heaven” and the body of God in “earth.”

Place the cause in “heaven” and the result in “earth”.

Place your personality in “heaven” and your body in “earth”.

Place justice in “heaven” and wealth and national interests in “earth”.

This eternal way of life is also consistent with the structure and mechanism of the universe.

This is the way of life that lives with the universe, that is, God.

As I wrote last time, there is no equality by denying the existence of God.

There is no equality in the visible world.

There is equality only in the invisible world.

There is no idea other than equality, which is forever invisible.

Therefore, in Zen, the will of God is called “nothing”, and in Nishida philosophy, it is called “absolutely nothing”.

However, we cannot deny it, we have to believe it, and we have to admit it.

There is no equality other than the existence of God, and if we deny the existence of God, equality will be lost forever from our world.

If you think that there is other equality, point it out and show it to me.

Even if we go to the end of the universe, there is no equality other than the heart of God within the essence of life.

That is, because equality is valuable that must be affirmed, we must believe God and admit Him.

If we deny this equality, it means we deny the commonality of mankind and lose all of our universal values.

The two contradictory concepts of democracy, “freedom and equality,” are aufheben by the presence of God.

The concept of “freedom and equality” in this “The Democratic Testament of God” is not the contradictory concept of “freedom and equality” in democracy.

That concept is true equality and true freedom.

It is called “evolution” from the perspective of God himself because it is far from contradiction and close to unification.

Unless human beings have to accept equality, atheism is going to disappear completely from the earth in the future.

And we will not only believe, but will understand the heart of God more concretely.

Through the realization of the “The Democratic Testament of God” nation, the heart of God will be placed in “heaven” forever, and the body of God will be placed in “earth”.

And our civilization will match the structure and mechanism of the cosmos in front of us.

In other words, God himself and our civilization will merge.

The essence of the universe and the natural world is the heart of God forever. Moreover, the essence of our civilization also becomes the heart of God, and the universe and our civilization merge with that essence.

This is the creation of civilization of the next generation.

It is to make our civilization the same with the cosmos in front of us in its essence.

And if the universe and civilization are merged, the “heaven” of the next world (subconscious) and the “earth” of this world (surface consciousness) will be unified.

Modern civilization is divided because of the immaturity of mankind.

“Heaven” and “earth” will merge, and the universe and civilization will fuse.

And we will create the paradise of Eden with God.

The human race who became Adam and Eve will return to the paradise of Eden again.

And from now on, all human beings will be happy with God.

A happy world is a world in which no one belonging to that civilization falls into hell.

It would be miserable if you fell into hell.

You will go to heaven if you understand the heart of God, you will go to hell if you do not understand it.

If you realize the heart of God, you will be happy. If you do not realize it, you will be unhappy.

The heart that divides heaven from hell, and happiness from unhappiness, is the heart of God.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the heart of human beings is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is eternal.

Gaining the enlightenment of the unification of heaven and earth, which merges “heaven,” that is the heart of God, with the “earth,” that is the heart of the self.

Gaining the enlightenment of the unification of the universe and the self which merges the “heaven,” that is the universe, and the “earth,” that is mankind.

Gaining the enlightenment of unification of deity (God) and human, which merges the “heaven,” that is God, and the “earth,” that is mankind.

This is the only truth.

The enlightenment of the unification of the universe and the self, the enlightenment of the unification of heaven and earth, the enlightenment of unification of deity (God) and human, they merely preach the same enlightenment from different angles.

It means to unify the heart of God with your heart.

So, what happens if the heart of God and the heart of a human are united?

What happens if the hearts of God, who never fall into hell, and that of a human are unified?

You are right. That human being, just as God, will never fall into hell.

She is definitely going to go back to heaven.

She will become happy if she returns to heaven.

She will become unhappy if she falls into hell.

Then, what if the heart of God, who never falls into hell, and the heart of all mankind are unified?

You are right. All human beings, just as God, will never fall into hell.

The creation of a civilization and a nation that never falls into hell, this is the creation of Paradise, and the birth of the kingdom of God.

No one falls into hell, so everyone is happy.

Without faith in God, there is no happiness nor salvation for mankind.

The universe is eternal because of such a structure and mechanism.

Mankind should no longer misunderstand the heart of God.

This time, through the realization of the “The Democratic Testament of God” nation, we will only realize this “establishment of absolute authority in the cosmos, making the essence of human life objective, and eternity of the existence of God.”

Just by establishing this one authority of equality, all of the heavenly world, the present world, and the hell world will change from the root.

As human life on earth undergoes a qualitative transformation, even the objective world will be purified as the law of unification of subject and object pointed out.

It depends on the state of mind whether the ecosystem and climate will recover or not.

Subjectivity enables objective: Kant.

The mind gives birth to the world.

Just as God created the universe with His heart, mankind also creates the world with her heart.

The law of salvation this time is not just to save humankind, but to recover the ecosystem, the groundwater, the wind, and the climate through its heart.

The corruption of the world is all born from the heart.

In addition, as the mind undergoes a qualitative change due to the truth, the state of the heavenly world will change, and the state of the hell world will also change from the root.

This merely establishes the authority that mankind is eternally equal and one in God.

The inner world will change, the outer world will change, and everything will change, so heaven will evolve dramatically around this world, and it will be harder to fall into hell, so the state of hell will also change.

The heavenly world, the present world, and the hell world, all of them will change from the root.

All of these things will happen by just establishing the authority of God.

This is the true meaning of “I make all things new”.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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  1. Exorcism

  2. Elysium Ⅲ

  3. Faith

  4. Proof of God’s existence

  5. Morality and Legality Ⅲ

  6. Creation of the Garden of Eden 1

  7. Law of the Creator

  8. Eternity


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