
God’s Thought Level

What is “God’s Thought Level”?

God’s Thought Level has three main characteristics that are common to both the east and west of the ocean.

First one is to realize that the higher self is good, the ego is evil.

In other words, we clearly realize that all goodness originates from the higher self and is attributed to the higher self.

All diverse goodness and justice always come from God.

This is the first point.

At least in the past, those who have preached the thought of God have said that all evil originates from the ego and is attributed to the ego.

Modern truths are more advanced, but I’ll put this on hold for now.

Let’s take a look at the common characteristics of those who have realized and preached the thought of God in the past, not in the present.

In Christianity, it is said that “don’t swear at all” or, we should say “yes, yes” or “no, no” to God.

It is said that things that is not coming out of God comes from evil because it comes from the ego that cut the ego and the higher self.

Why did Jesus say, “Don’t swear at all”? When a person swears to God, he must swear to do good.

No one swears evil to God.

But that good does not come from the ego of the one who swore.

Good always comes from God.

Jesus said not to swear because the act of swearing means an uplifting feeling as if the ego could do good alone.

Even if humans swear good, that good comes from God.

From God’s point of view, He says, “You, Son of God.

Do not swear to me.

If it is good, you don’t have to swear, because it’s done with my power.

You humans do not have the power to make a single hair white or black. ”

From Jesus’ point of view, the act of swearing means arrogance as if the ego and the higher self could be cut off and good could be done by the ego alone.

The act of swearing to God means the expulsion of Paradise, where God and the ego were cut off. That is why Jesus said, “don’t swear.”

Jesus also sees the ego as evil.

All good comes from God, but all evil comes from the ego.

Without this “ego”, there is no evil in the world, and if there is no ego, all evil will disappear from the world.

In the early stages of enlightenment, we do not realize that we are good, but that is actually the opposite, that we are evil.

Both the ego and matter have relative properties, and this alone creates infinite conflicts and contradictions from that relativity, and there is no salvation or happiness for humankind.

Adam and Eve were banished from Paradise because they chose relative interests and pleasures rather than choosing the absolute heart of God.

They chose unhappiness, not happiness.

They chose profit and pleasure, not happiness of human beings.

From the relativity of the matter and their comparative views, they became aware of the eyes of others and began to hide his crotch with fig leaves.

Therefore, from the fact that there is no happiness nor salvation for all human beings as long as there are egos, we run into the contradiction that the only way to save human beings is to exterminate our own species.

This contradiction comes from the ego.

This is one of the “eternal contradictions”, and in the early stages, those who are inquisitive will surely encounter this contradiction.

To save all humankind, we must destroy the human beings ourselves.

We conflict with this contradiction.

If you do not kill the ego, there is no salvation for all humankind, however, that ego cannot be killed or abandoned forever.

We fall into “eternal contradiction” because we see our ego as evil.

This point is advanced in modern truth.

The ego is the lowest good, not evil.

The ego is relative and is linked to the relativity of matter.

Both the ego and the matter are the lowest good, the good just far from God.

God has not created a piece of evil.

Therefore, when low good is placed in “heaven”, evil that does not originally exist becomes a phenomenon.

If you put a matter that is far from God in “heaven”, evil will come out.

Many who have preached the thoughts of God in the past see the ego as evil, but the false and extreme view of the ego gives rise to this “eternal contradiction.”

This “extreme” means that if we were to remove all humanity from this world, the flora and fauna would surely run a peaceful paradise with the natural world.

Since Jesus sees the ego as “the source of all various evils,” he has preached the ego itself as the source of all sin, that is, original sin.

That is why he preaches, “Abandon your ego.”

The late Shinji Takahashi said, “Self-preservation is evil,” and “the surface consciousness (ego) is evil, and the subconscious mind (higher self) is good.

If you realize this, you can see that you have entered the state of enlightenment. ”

Swedenborg said, “Everything that has its own identity (ego) is evil, and everything that is good originates from the Lord (God),” and he concludes that even himself is evil.

Swedenborg also saw the ego as evil.

Hegel’s philosophy leaves that “the essence and substance of the spirit”, that is, the heart of God, is “absolute negativity in the concept of ego identity (ego).”

Hegel also realizes that the heart of God lies in the absolute denial of ego and surface consciousness.

In Buddhism, it is said “not-self,” that means all the laws of God are selfless and have no ego.

Although in Lao-tse, it is described as “unconditioned nature,” everything is stable in mutual relations.

If you put in even the slightest feasance of ego here, it cannot be said to be reality, it is all expedient, and it can no longer be said to be eternal truth.

The “feasance of ego” is, in a comparatively speaking way, the “action of overeating” and the “action of the ego that deviates from a finite range because of the relationship with the truth.”

For example, if a lion gives off a human-like ego and eats herbivores that is in front of it more than necessary, even though it is full, the ecosystem of the food chain will collapse.

The deviant behavior of the ego is a factor in the extinction of all living things, and the extreme behavior of the ego destroys us and civilization.

Therefore, Lao-tse preached we should not do things by the ego, but by “unconditioned nature.” This is the enlightenment of “unification of the nature and the self.”

Each has its own personality, but both Confucius and Zen Buddhist priests preach the same enlightenment.

What do they have in common?

Christianity which described the ego as the “original sin”, the late Shinji Takahashi who described the “surface consciousness (ego) as evil”, Swedenborg who said, “everything with uniqueness (ego) is evil,” Hegel who “absolutely denied ego identity (ego)”, Buddhism, which said “not-self”, and Lao-tse, who said the path of “unconditioned nature”, which denied the ego’s actions. They have things in common, which are the fact that they described the ego as evil, or that they realized that the ego is “none” or denied.

The first God’s thought level is to realize that “God is good, the ego is evil”, or that God exists where he denies the ego.

The second God’s thought level is to realize the fact that “the higher self is good and the ego is evil, but the human ego becomes a good person only as long as he is baptized by the higher self that is originated from the depths of the ego.”

He realizes the fact that only God can make human be good.

Since all goodness originates from God, a true good man becomes good only when he receives revelation and inspiration from the subconscious, and baptized by this subconscious.

This can be called “baptism of conscience”.

The late Shinji Takahashi called this conscience a “guardian spirit,” and explained that the “guardian spirit” is a being who guides the good thoughts of a person in the human conscience.

Specifically, in the conscience of the person, this spirit guides a person in away something like “I suddenly think of goodness”, “I suddenly come up with a good idea”, “I want to be kind to that person”, and so on. However, most people don’t realize it’s a guide from the guardian spirit, they think that they just happen to come up with a good idea or come up with it.

That is the guidance from the next world, but most humans do not seem to understand it as the guidance from the next world.

Unless you are looking very deeply into your heart, it will be difficult to realize the guidance.

But in reality, the guardian spirits always guide us.

They know us more than we know.

They remember what we have forgotten, and they guide us about it.

From the perspective of the spirit of the next world, humans in this world look like children who know nothing.

Even if we are guided, we do not even understand the fact that we are being guided.

However, when it comes to the God’s thought level, the guidance becomes a revelation from the high spirit, which has the same body of God, so it becomes the truth as if God itself appeared.

And it goes without saying that what comes out of the ego has historically been banned as “idol worship” in the Old and New Testaments in the sense that it is created by the human ego.

What comes out of the ego, preconception, prejudice, fallacy, stereotype, and common sense are all created by humans.

As long as all the institutions, ideas, and scholarships based on profits come from the “ego,” they are not created by God, but by humans. In the Old and New Testaments, they are called “idols,” and they have been banned.

It means that we should worship only what God made, not what humans made.

Swedenborg says that “all good comes from the Lord,” which states that all good comes from God.

We realize that a person can only become a good person by receiving revelation and inspiration from the higher self behind the ego and the subconscious mind behind the surface consciousness.

This is the second point of God’s thought level.

The third characteristic of God’s thought level is to realize “God is good, ego is evil”, but the higher self, that is, the God himself who is in the fundamental essence of human life, is exposing his ideology and will to the material universe and the natural world.

The universe itself is God’s Great Bible, and in this world the heart of God is expressed only in the universe and the natural world.

This is the third point.

The universe is the universal standard of good and evil, the natural world is the place where the heart of God is expressed, and it is also the reality that expose the true nature of life.

“The natural world is a wonderful self-explanation of human life,” this is quoted from Emerson.

Life is well represented in the natural world, and human life is well understood in the natural world.

The universe is an expression of God, and the natural world is an expression of the nature of human life.

And it means that it is in communication with the universe and the natural world, and that the “God’s code” in that natural world can be read.

It can be read because it is familiar with the heart and law of God.

The late Shinji Takahashi described this third feature as “the universe is the expression of God and the body of God” and said “the natural world is the manifestation of the law of God. People should correct their thoughts and deeds with this law.” Emerson preached the same as “symbolism.”

As stated in his famous book “Nature,” it can be said that “words are not the only symbols. Things and objects in the natural world are symbols of the heart of God.”

Things and objects in nature symbolize the heart and thought of God.

All the movements of the sun, moon, stars, mountains, rivers, grass, trees, earth, water, fire, and wind symbolize the heart of God.

On the same point, German literary master Goethe said, “What is changing is nothing more than the ratio of eternal things,” and he realized that the natural world and the universe are the great poems of God.

He said that the universe is the poems of God.

The “changing thing”, that is, the matter, is nothing more than the “ratio” of God’s heart, that is, the “eternal thing.”

From Goethe’s point of view, the universe and the natural world must have been a wonderful world in which the heart of God was infinitely expressed metaphorically, not a mechanical and mortal being.

Goethe was said to be the god of poetry, so he looked at the universe and the world from the perspective of “poem.”

Nishida’s philosophy leaves this point as “the truth is what the reality is.”

It means that the reality of the universe and the natural world is the expression and truth of God’s heart.

Plato said that “the existence of the universe itself is good,” and Hegel said that “the rational is realistic, and the realistic is rational.” They all said about this same fact.

For Hegel, reason is God itself, so the heart of God is realized in the natural world and the universe, and the real things of the natural world and the universe also show the heart of God.

That is, the truth is the reality.

What do they have in common?

The late Shinji Takahashi, who said “The natural world is a manifestation of law.” Emerson, who said “Things and objects themselves are symbols of God’s heart.” Goethe, who said “The universe are the great poems of God.” Nishida philosophy, which taught “The reality is the truth.” Plato, who said “The existence of the universe itself is good.” Hegel, who said “The rational thing is realistic, the realistic thing is rational.” Buddhism, which preached “unification of the universe and the self.” They all know that the heart of God is expressed only in the universe, and the idea is expressed in the natural world as “ratio,” “symbol,” “appearance,” “reality,” and “poem.”

These are the three common characteristics of those who have reached the God’s thought level, regardless of the east or west of the ocean.

The first God’s thought level is to realize that “God is good and ego is evil.”

The second God’s thought level is to realize the fact that “a person becomes good only when he is baptized from the world of higher self, which is deep inside the ego.”

The third God’s thought level is to realize that “God is good and ego is evil, but the higher self, that is, God himself, expresses his thought as a symbol, as a poem, as a ratio in the universe and the natural world.”

They always realize that the universe is an expression of God’s thought.

Regardless of the West or the East, those who have realized the idea of ​​God are sure to understand these three ideological characteristics, and have preached and will continue to preach them.

These are the three characteristics of God’s thought level that will not change in the future.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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