

The so-called afterlife exists in the subconscious mind behind the surface consciousness.

The afterlife never exists apart from one’s heart.

There is no universe apart from the heart, there is no nature apart from the heart, there is no truth apart from the heart, there is no world apart from the heart, there is no God apart from the heart.

Nothing is apart from one’s heart.

Everything exists as a manifestation of one’s heart.

“Our body is also only a part of our self-consciousness phenomenon.

The consciousness is not in the body, but rather in the self-consciousness,” said Kitaro Nishida.

Nishida’s philosophy leaves that the phenomenon of consciousness in surface consciousness falls into solipsism.

The consciousness phenomenon in Nishida’s philosophy captures one before the separation of subject and object; it is a consciousness phenomenon of God that captures the one before the separation of “heaven” and “earth”.

It is the philosophy of the creation of the universe.

Dr. Nishida took his own philosophy many steps further than the philosophy he had when he first appeared in the world as Aristotle.

The heaven (objective) that can be seen is the world (subjective) of the spiritual heart of the heaven that lives there, and the unification of subject and object is forever.

The mortal world (objective) that can be seen is the world (subjective) of the human heart that lives there, and the unification of subject and object is forever.

The hell world (objective) that can be seen is the world (subjective) of the hell spirit that lives there, and the unification of subject and object is forever.

The heavenly world, the mortal world, and the hell world are all created by the law of unification of subject and object, and hearts decide everything.

Just as the physical universe was born from the heart of God, human beings are also made to produce everything from their heart.

Currently, the world attributed climate change to greenhouse gases (GHG), but that is only a result, not the true cause of climate change.

GHG does not come out magically for no reason or cause.

As long as we are trying to reduce GHG in good faith, it is good that is metaphorical to the result, good that is metaphorical to the substance, that is, good of expedient. The effective range of its goodness is “finite” according to the attributes of matter.

Since it is “finite”, reducing GHG has only a finite range of effects and cannot solve the problem of climate change.

It represents the ignorance of mankind who does not know the structure and mechanism of the universe.

The universe is a manifestation of the heart of God, where the subject (heart) manifests the object (world).

“Subject enables object,” said Kant.

The real cause of climate change is the lack of faith in God.

Climate change is happening because humanity has lost faith in God.

Human beings live with the great universe, that is, God Himself, and the unification of deity and human is forever. Therefore, if human beings strengthen their higher selves, they will be ruled by the heart of God. On the other hand, if human beings strengthen their ego, the relativity of their ego and the relativity of matter will be connected and will be ruled by the body of God (matter).

If you strengthen your conscience, you will connect to the heart of God, and if you strengthen your ego, you will connect to the body (matter) of God.

And human beings ruled by the body of God can only take thoughts and actions with the attributes of matter.

The attribute of matter is “relativity” and “profit”.

That is why they put relative wealth and national interests in “heaven.”

No matter how much wealth and national interests are pursued, the world will not improve.

Since the relativity of the ego and the relativity of matter are connected by the law of the same wavelength connection (the law of like attracts like), human beings who have lost faith in God and have come to live according to the ego began to put their relative wealth and national interests in “heaven”, committing arrogance to God.

In this universe, the absolute thing is “heaven”, the relative thing is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

As they lost their faith in God, they began to live according to their ego and were dominated by matter, putting wealth and national interests in “heaven” and devouring them, and had a violent egoism.

The egoism that puts the ego in “heaven” has led people to casually emit GHG into the atmosphere through their economic activities.

So if we suppress egoism, GHG will also reduce.

The cause of climate change is the egoism that puts the ego in “heaven”, and GHG is just the result.

So why did humanity come to put the irredeemable relative ego in “heaven”?

Because they lost faith in God.

That’s it.

The egoism of mankind is causing climate change because they have lost faith in God.

If you lose your faith in God, you will inevitably be under the control of God’s body in this universe and indulge in idolatry that puts matter in “heaven.”

And they can only take thoughts and actions with the attributes of matter.

The attribute of a substance is “subordinate”.

The heart of God is the “master” and the body of God is the “subordinate.”

The higher self is the “master,” and the ego is the “subordinate” because of its relativity.

Mankind who puts the “subordinate” ego in “heaven” will put all the subordinates in “heaven”.

They put these subordinates, such as wealth and national interests, status and honor, power and pleasure, in “heaven” because they indulge in the arrogance of putting their ego in “heaven.”

The arrogant human beings who put their ego in “heaven” are also controlled by matter, so matter is also put in “heaven”.

Justice is the “master” and power are the “subordinate”.

Those who are dominated by the subordinate of matter are dominated by power, not justice. So, they run wild and abuse helpless children, use violence against women, and cause power harassment problems.

It is caused by the immaturity of mankind, far from the heart of God, close to the body of God, far from justice, and close to power.

It is also the immaturity of humankind that we blame the substance GHG instead of egoism for the cause of climate change. Mankind is far from the mind, close to matter, far from the cause, close to the result.

As Kant says, cause and effect are inevitably connected and cannot be separated from each other.

The cause of climate change is a lack of faith in God. As a result, human beings live according to the ego, and the ego always seeks relative things, that is, pleasure.

Then egoism becomes the subject of humankind, violently devastating the natural world and ecosystems, emitting GHGs endlessly, and resulting in climate change.

The true cause of climate change is not the GHG, but the egoism of mankind that puts its ego in “heaven.” Since the ego is put in “heaven” and the matter are also put in “heaven”, human beings indulge in idolatry.

Therefore, the cause of climate change is, in other words, idolatry.

Putting the heart of God in “heaven” is called faith in God, and putting the body (matter) of God in “heaven” is called idolatry.

Idolatry is the most terrible arrogance to God because it puts the body of God in “heaven.”

Arrogance to God is to make the relative things absolute and to put what God has forever defined as “earth” in “heaven”.

In the universe in front of us, the heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

Justice is “heaven”, power is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

If we can live this way, there will be no climate change.

God teaches mankind to put His heart in “heaven” and His body in “earth” forever through the universe.

The universe is a manifestation of the heart of God, and God teaches that human beings should be good by the heart of God, just as the universe exists as good by the heart of God.

The ultimate ideal, the heart of God, is realized in the universe and the natural world.

The heart of God is realized in the body of God, and the ideal and the reality are forever unified in the universe.

Through the universe and the natural world, God teaches, “Don’t separate ideals from reality,” “realize the great ideals just as God does forever,” and “Match ‘Sollen,’ this should be, with ‘Sein,’ this is.”

In this universe, the heart of God (subjective) appears honestly in the body of God (objective).

God is the eternal honesty.

God has never lied by separating subjective and objective.

God teaches that through the law of unification of subject and object, do not separate the subject and the object, do not separate the inside and the outside, and do not lie.

The Bible is not the word of God word by word, but the heart of God manifested in the universe and the natural world is the word of God word by word.

Even a single flower that blooms by the side of the road shows the glory of God.

God’s heart means “quality” and God’s body means “quantity”.

The universe is a manifestation of God.

In the universe, the “quality” of God’s heart manifests “quantity.”

Through the universe, God teaches that “improve the quality of enlightenment,” “improve the quality of the heart,” and “those who do not have quality should not seek only quantity.”

He teaches that quality and quantity should be equal, and that quality and quantity should be proportional.

When this balance between quality and quantity is lost, the balance of the universe will be lost.

Corruption in the modern world is also caused by this imbalance between quality and quantity.

Without realizing the heart of God, people are devouring the body of God, seeking only the “quantity” of wealth and national interests.

It’s not balanced in quality and quantity, and it’s not as proportional as in the universe.

Our civilization puts God’s body in “heaven” and God’s heart in “earth.” Therefore, it is separated from the universe in front of us, which puts God’s heart in “heaven” and God’s body in “earth.”

When separated from God (the universe), all beings become evil.

This is also due to the immaturity of mankind, far from the heart of God and close to the body of God.

It is no exaggeration to say that it accelerates the extinction rate of living things and causes climate change.

Regain faith in God based on the right knowledge, not blind faith or fanaticism.

This divine way is the only way to return the world to the original

Paradise of Eden.

Mankind has no choice.

How do humans, who have only relative qualities, improve this world?

Obviously, the more they do, the worse it gets.

The world will never improve by ignoring God’s heart.

Because this universe is the world of God.

Blind faith and fanaticism are the furthest from faith in God and are a type of brainwashing.

What separates brainwashing and education is “correct knowledge.”

When teaching the right knowledge, this is called education, and when teaching the wrong knowledge, this is called brainwashing.

Therefore, the essence of scholarship has always been the quest for truth and the accumulation of correct knowledge.

Because if you teach wrong knowledge by education, it is no longer education, but brainwashing.

Most religions and scholarships seem to have fallen into brainwashing rather than education.

The quest for truth is the quest for the heart of God and the quest for correct knowledge.

The gate of truth is not the gate that atheists can enter in the first place.

Because all the right knowledge comes from God.

The source of all good is the heart of God, and the source of all evil is the body of God.

To know all good is to know the heart of God, and to know all evil is to know the body of God.

Knowing the heart of God and the body of God, that is, knowing the universe, means knowing the heart of God, knowing the true self, and knowing all good and evil like God.

The universe is a great manifestation of God’s ethics, and this ethics is called truth.

The perfect heart of God, as Hegel says, is the ultimate purpose of history, so no one can ever preach or realize it; however, we must steadily elucidate this God’s heart step by step throughout history.

Human beings in the future will steer to the quest for the heart of God and the body of God, the great universe.

The quest for truth refers to the quest for the universe.

It means that the universe in front of us is God itself.

Some people still argue foolishly about the existence of God, but before discussing the existence of God, we should know the fact that the universe that exists in front of us is God.

There is no point in discussing the existence of God by those who do not know that the universe is God.

Because they are discussing God without knowing its meaning.

Look at the universe in front of us.

This universe is the body of God, and as long as the body of God exists, the heart of God also exists.

The heart of God is at the center of each person’s heart.

The heart of God is in the inside world (subjective) of the human mind, and the body of God is in the outside world.

And the inside world and the outside world are one, and the subject and the object are unified.

It means that the unification of the heart of God and the body of God is forever.

No one in the past, present, and future can deny the existence of the universe.

No one has ever been, and will never be able to deny the existence of the universe.

In other words, since the universe is God, no one has been and will be able to deny the existence of God.

Faith in God is not something that forces or imposes on others. The existence of God is something that must be acknowledged, believed, and affirmed.

God exists as a universe and embodies as a substance, so that no matter how immature one may be, he never denies the existence of God.

God manifests Himself so that even immature people who are close to matter cannot deny the existence of God.

Since the universe is God, and He controls all humankind in the past, present, and future with happiness forever.

If you think it’s a lie, strengthen your ego.

If you strengthen your relative ego, no matter who you are, you will be dominated by the same relative body (material) of God.

Then, you will seek subordinate power and status honor for the purpose of relative wealth and national interest. Or because matter has the property of being far from the heart of God, you will create a world far from the heart of God.

It exists in front of you.

If we human beings lose faith in God, we will live according to our ego. If we live according to the ego, the relativity of the ego and the relativity of matter will be linked, and we will be ruled by the body of God.

Since the body of God means “earth” forever, human beings will unite toward “earth” and the whole world will automatically be corrupted.

When the human race loses faith in God, human race and the world become automatically unhappy. That’s how the heavens and the earth are created.

Know the structure and mechanism of the universe.

The world is corrupt because people don’t know it.

When mankind is ruled by the heart of God, the world will continue to improve, and when mankind is ruled by the body of God, the world will continue to deteriorate like modern civilization.

Because God and mankind live forever as one.

The fact that the world is getting worse means that human beings are ruled by the body of God.

This is also due to the immaturity of mankind, far from the heart of God and close to the body of God.

This lack of faith in God is the root cause of mankind being ruled by the body of God and heading for the “earth” of matter.

It means that human beings are under the control of God’s body because they have lost their faith in God, which is the cause of the corruption of the world.

Then, in order to improve the whole world, we must be awakened to the faith in God and understand and recognize the heart of God concretely, not blind faith or fanaticism.

Other than that, there is no way to restore the world.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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