

The principle of possession is familiar to those who has learned the truth since GLA was established, but it is not always the common knowledge in the religious world.

The principle of possession is that the demon possessed are possessed by the evil spirits and the spirit of goodness are possessed by good one.

People who like soccer gather with those who like soccer.

People who like study gather with those who like study.

People who are like gangsters gather with those who are like gangsters.

Evil spirits tend to possess the people who pour out the mind like the evils.

The spirits of goodness tend to interfere with those who pour out goodness from their mind.

Everything depends on our mind.

According to GLA, it was said that the reason why the people who were demon possessed was to invite the evil spirits by the uncleanness of their mind.

Since the people who are demon possessed pour out the mind like the evils, they are possessed as things follow the law of like attracts like, which means here, the demon possessed invites the evil spirits and the spirits of goodness invites the good ones.

If we don’t like to be demon possessed, we should pour out the goodness out of our mind.

To do so, it needs to enlighten the truth, humbly reflect, and make our mind glow.

Evil spirits cannot possess the people who pour out righteousness and goodness from their mind.

As follow the principle of possession that the demon possessed are possessed by the evil spirits and the spirit of goodness are possessed by good one, if we firmly pour out the goodness from our mind, the good spirits gather together with the good ones and we cannot be demon possessed as the evil spirits cannot possess the good spirits.

Whether it is anacondas or Satan, no one can possess the mind of the person.

Also, if we die with demon possessed, we are dragged into hell. Therefore, the only way is to change our mind to the goodness.

The mind of God is “heaven,” the mind of humans is “earth,” and they are eternally united.

Since heaven and the earth are separated and the mind of God and our mind are not connected, we become demon possessed.

The demon possessed is also due to the separation of heaven and the earth.

If the mind of God and humans, which refer to heaven and the earth respectively, are united, we won’t be possessed by the evil spirits and Satan.

Thus, the deepest religion is established on the unification of God and humans. By Kitaro Nishida

However, in Japan, there are many strange religions called healing hands religions (basically to heal or exorcise with hands), which pretend to be the same as Jesus did and deceive many people.

The demon is possessed on your back.

If I pour out the light of God from my hands by holding them up and defeat the evil spirits with the light, it exorcises the evil spirits and you can be happy.

Your unhappiness is due to the evil spirits possessed.

Therefore, if the evil spirits are exorcised, you can be happy.

To do so, it will cost $1,000… $2,000.” they say and a large amount of money will be required.

In this way people are deceived.

Enlightenment and reflection are “heaven,” exorcism is “earth,” and they are eternally united.

In the process of practicing either enlightening the mind of God or honestly reflecting according to the mind of God, the evil mind possessed by the evil spirits gradually changes to the mind of goodness.

Gradually, our mind changes to the goodness.

Then, since the evil spirits cannot possess the good lives, the demon possessed are exorcised.

And the evil spirits will never possess them.

This accounts for 80% of exorcism and is the standard method.

Changing our mind to the goodness by ourselves in order to exorcise the evil spirits is the true logic.

Fighting against the evil spirits is the fighting against the demons in our mind from the beginning to the end, facing with our conscience, and fighting against ourselves.

Armageddon is first taken place in the mind of each person.

No matter how wonderful teaching Jesus or Buddha does, such teaching alone cannot change the mind of people.

The mind of people cannot be changed so easily.

Especially for those who have been the demon possessed for many years, it is not easy to change themselves due to the tendency of their nature.

Through faith in God, enlightenment, and reflection, honestly facing with ourselves and changing our mind is the only way to exorcise the evil spirits.

In the process of honestly facing with our own mind and keeping practice with reflection according to the mind of God for 5, 10 years and so on, our mind gradually change to the goodness.

Then neither Satan nor the evil spirits can possess the good personality.

It is the true logic to exorcise by uniting the mind of God and ours.

It’s a huge mistake to go to strange psychics and try to exorcise by the healing hands.

It only invites the possession of more dreadful Satan.

Weaker evil spirits are possessed to make them sick in advance, and then stronger ones drive weaker ones out.

In such cases, the sickness may be cured temporarily, and those who experienced such benefit of being free from the illness strongly believe the religion, resulting in becoming the followers of the evil spirits.

That’s how the evil spirits strengthen their powers.

The principle of exorcism is to drive the evil spirits out by controlling our mind.

Correcting our thought and deed according to the mind of God and exorcising by the right way of existing our mind is the true.

This accounts for 80% of exorcism and is the standard method.

20% of exceptions are exorcisms in Christianity, which rely on others’ powers.

When the priest or the pastor with very pure(clean) mind strongly desire to save the mind of person, Michael and others in heaven responds to the mind of his sincerity and kindness and may help to save.

However, it is an exception and not the standard.

As the principle of possession that the demon possessed are possessed by the evil spirits, they are possessed since those who are demon possessed have the mind of uncleanness.

Since their mind always pour out the evils, they are possessed by the evil spirits.

The characters of demon possessed are that they are always arrogant, haughty, angry, and they care too much about the superiors and inferiors, and they never stop attacking and scorning others.

They are always irritated and bothered so their mind is never rested.

It is the condition that they have lost their true natures.

Then, they have no choice but to change their mind to the goodness. It is up to them if they change their mind to the goodness or live as the evils, and even the Messiah cannot do anything about it since every person is the king of their mind (kingdoms), which means only the owner of the mind can change it.

The only way to exorcise the evil spirits is to face with our mind and keep practicing with reflection according to the truth.

It is not the reflection based on the body (profit) of God.

Even if we regret that we have caused the damage to the others’ profits, it does not make much sense because we will chase the profits after we reflected it.

It’s just a reflection of means that uses the metaphor of profits.

It needs reflection according to the mind of God, not the body.

We cannot exorcise by healing hands and supernatural powers.

Although you may not agree as Jesus and Shinji Takahashi often casted out the evil spirits, neither Shinji Takahashi nor Jesus have the ability to exorcise.

What they have done were either only using supernatural powers as means to let their mind to consider the truth as important, or temporarily exorcising by the light of God.

Flies stop on food, but they temporarily leave the food when we drive them away with our hands.

This is what Jesus and Shinji Takahashi have done, and even Jesus cannot exorcise.

Unless the smell of food and the mind are corrected by the goodness from the bottom, flies come back again even if we temporarily drive them away.

It means that we will be possessed again.

This is because the smell of food in our mind has not yet corrected.

Unless the smell of our mind is fundamentally corrected by the goodness of God, whether by Jesus or Shinji Takahashi, we will be possessed by the same evil spirits even if we temporarily drive them away with the light of God.

The way how our mind exist is the most important thing.

Mr. Takahashi used to exorcise at Yaoki Building or somewhere frequently.

There are some people who have actually been suffering from the demon possessed for 10 or 20 years.

Although Shinji Takahashi cannot exorcise truly, he always exorcised such people without any charge as he was so sorry for them.

Those who were exorcised on the 3rd floor of the building looked temporarily fine.

While they came down from the 2nd to the 1st floor and exited from the entrance saying with hands waiving “Thank you” to Shinji Takahashi on the 3rd floor, at the time they reached to the 1st floor, they were already possessed by the same evil spirits exorcised a few minutes ago.

While descending from the 3rd to the 1st floor, they were already possessed by the same evil spirits.

Since the mind was not corrected by the goodness, the smell of the mind invited the flies of evil spirits and they immediately stopped there again.

Unless the mind is corrected by the goodness, they possess again and again though the evil spirits are driven out by the light of God.

Exorcism of healing hands doesn’t mean anything.

This was also pointed out by Silver Birch that the Bible does not describe the after progress of those who have been exorcised and cured of their lameness and blindness by the work of Jesus.

He pointed out that the Bible doesn’t have any description of what happened after their legs and eyes were treated and healed by the light of Jesus.

He pointed out that even if Jesus temporarily exorcised with the light of God, these people would soon be possessed again by the same evil spirits and become the lameness and the blindness unless the mind of the exiled people were fundamentally corrected by truth.

The universe is the divine expression and the temple of God.

The mind of God is “heaven,” the body of God is “earth,” and they are eternally united.

Lives are “heaven,” matter is “earth,” and they are eternally united.

Enlightenment and reflection are “heaven”, exorcism is “earth,” and they are eternally united.

The ground for concluding the healing hands religions are wrong, is also the macrocosm in front of us.

In spite of the fact that enlightenment and reflection are “heaven,” exorcism is “earth,” and they are eternally united, exorcism as being “earth” is placed in “heaven,” which can be concluded as wrong from the perspective of macrocosm, that is God itself.

It also applies to the religions of supernatural powers.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” and if enlightenment occurs, there are some times when supernatural powers are manifested as a result.

Enlightenment is “heaven,” spiritual ability is “earth,” and they are eternally united.

The religions of supernatural powers place spiritual ability, which should be in “earth,” in “heaven” and set as a goal, keep practice to gain the power, and name them the mind of God. Therefore, it can be concluded as wrong from the perspective of macrocosm, that is God itself.

We do not live to exorcise, nor gain supernatural powers.

We live to know the true identity of our mind.

If there is no unification of the mind of God and ours, neither the evil spirits nor the possessed spirit of Satan can be driven out nor exorcised.

Exorcism is one of the divine favors and results.

The bad mind is “heaven,” possession of the evil spirits is “earth,” and they are united.

Pouring the demons out from mind resulting in being possessed by Satan.

If we die in such state of mind, we are naturally drawn into hell.

If so, we have no choice but to fight against our mind and to win against the demon of our mind.

Enlightenment and reflection are “heaven,” exorcism is “earth,” and they are eternally united.

If we enlighten or reflect, the evil spirits cannot stay possessed in our mind, and exorcism is fulfilled as a result.

Exorcism of Jesus is not called exorcism in terms of truth.

The work of Jesus only temporarily drove the evil spirits out with the light of God and healed them.

The exorcise cannot be done by supernatural powers.

It means that the evil spirits and Satan can only be exorcised by the mind of God.

We need to seek enlightenment and try to reflect and regret our sins to change our mind to the good mind of God.

It is our choices to change our mind to good or to live as it is with the evil spirits, and it is also our choices from the beginning to the end to correct our mind to the right direction.

We cannot change the mind of others, but we can only change our mind.

Its unique business is called reflection practice, and this is the essence of Buddhism.

If all human species, not even missing one fulfilled reflection practice like Buddha, no one falls into hell.

The characteristic of those who fall into hell is that only those who do not enlighten the mind of God or reflect their sins.

All returning to heaven, that is, the movement of making all human species happy.

We are all happy because everyone returns to the heaven.

It would be unhappy if we fell into hell.

After dying, to return to heaven, we have to learn and gain the mind of God somehow.

The truth is self-salvation from the beginning to the end.

It is impossible to save all human species by relying on others.

We cannot defeat the demons in our mind using others’ power.

We are the only ones can change our mind.

Although we try to change others’ mind, it is not possible to do so.

We cannot cultivate others’ fields.

The ones who cultivate others’ fields are them.

The one who cultivates own field is ourselves.

We can cultivate however we like.

Exorcism done in Christianity is a power of others relying on the High Spirit, and as you can see the exorcist in Vatican, they do not know anything such as the principle of possession and the method of exorcism.

However, in the case of the priest with pure(clean) mind, someone in the High Spirit may respond to it and help exorcism. Nevertheless, such exorcism still relies on the High Spirit as others power.

It cannot be the true exorcism.

Although relying on others power is still acknowledgeable as methods of exorcism, they only account for 20% of exceptions.

The standard method of exorcism should totally rely on our good mind by correcting our mind to back to the right direction by ourselves and changing our mind to the good one according to conscience.

This is the true exorcism.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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