
Eternal Teacher

The universe is a manifestation of God and a temple of God.

The universe is the body of God.

Whether it is an individual or the entire human race, the maturity and immaturity of life is determined forever by the universe in front of us, that is, God himself.

Therefore, when it is far from the body (matter) of God and close to the heart (spirit) of God, this personality is called maturity.

When it is far from contradiction, close to unity, far from pleasure, close to happiness, far from ego, close to higher self, far from result, close to cause, far from quantity, close to quality, far from relativity, close to absoluteness, far from profits and national interests, and close to justice, this personality is called maturity, and immaturity is the opposite.

When it is far from the heart of God and close to the body of God, that personality is called immature.

And the cause of all the problems in the world is the immaturity of each human being.

Creating a self that is far from the body of God and close to the heart of God through faith and enlightenment in God is called “evolution of personality.”

Today is a world where the standard of evolution is lost.

The heart of God is lost.

When one creates a self that is far from the body of God and close to the heart of God, this is called evolution.

There is no evolution of life without the existence of God.

Heaven on earth cannot be achieved without the spiritual evolution of the faith and enlightenment of each human being.

God teaches mankind how to live through the structure and mechanism of the universe forever.

In that sense, “the universe and the natural world are eternal teachers.”

The source of all good is the heart (spirit) of God, and the source of all evil is the body (matter) of God.

The body of God, the source of all evil, is the manifestation of the heart of God, the source of all goodness, and in the universe, the heart of God rules the body of God.

It is the world which justice rules evil forever.

The universe teaches humanity to live this way.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the body of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth are forever.

Put justice in “heaven” and profits and national interests in “earth”.

Put the higher self in “heaven” and the ego in “earth”.

Put the absolute one in “heaven” and the relative one in “earth”.

Put the spirit in “heaven” and the matter in “earth”.

If one lives this way for a lifetime, this will be the ultimate enlightenment of Buddhism, the “enlightenment of the unification of the universe and the self.”

She/he lived according to the structure and mechanism of the universe.

It is the unification of the universe and the self.

As the “eternal teacher,” God teaches mankind how to live.

The universe (objective) is a manifestation of God’s heart (subjective), and the inner world (subjective) and the outer world (objective) are not separated.

The heart of God is honestly revealed in the natural world and the universe, expressing the fact that God is the eternal honest existence.

Again, the universe teaches humanity to live honestly.

Some of human beings are making money in the temple of God called the Earth, which was created by the “eternal honesty.”

Those who make money in the temple of God are madmen and will eventually be expelled from the temple.

Jesus has also scattered the business tools of those who are doing business in the temple.

The temple is a place to kneel on God, a place to pray to God, a place to visit God’s heart, and a place to realize God’s heart.

Modern people do not seem to think of the universe or the earth as the temple of God, and they do the opposite of God’s heart.

Pursuing wealth far from God, national interests far from God, and placing the masses far from God in “heaven” as sovereigns, all human beings are working hard to create a world far from God.

And, according to the thoughts and deeds of mankind, this world is far from God.

What if we create a world far from God?

It is a world where from insects to animals and plants are desolated, the water quality and soil are polluted, causing climate change, and 60% of human beings fall into hell.

Capitalism that puts wealth, which is the “earth,” in “heaven.”

Socialism, that puts matter, which is the “earth,” in “heaven”.

Politicians, who put the national interest, which is the “earth,” in “heaven”.

Democracy, that puts the masses, which is the “earth,” in “heaven”.

All of them are arrogant to God.

Arrogance to God is the absoluteization of relative things.

Arrogant religionists, who indulge in cult of personality by placing the relative thing, which is the ego, in “heaven”.

Arrogant businessmen, who put the relative thing, which is wealth, in “heaven”.

Arrogant politicians, who put the relative thing, which is national interest, in “heaven”.

All of them are arrogant to God.

Worshiping the body of God is called idolatry, and worshiping the heart of God is called faith.

When relativity is made absolute and placed in “heaven”, that relativity inevitably creates infinite conflicts and contradictions.

It’s not finite.

As long as they put it in “heaven”, conflicts and contradictions are created infinitely.

From that conflict, hatred, resentment, superiority, inferiority, jealousy, and other evils become infinite.

And I wish we all could overcome that evil, but not all of us can.

In this case, they fall into hell, and the heaven and the earth are separated.

For this reason, God in Middle Eastern have strictly prohibited idolatry of placing this matter in “heaven.”

He prohibited worshiping what humans have made.

He allowed us only to worship what God made.

Preconception, prejudice, fallacy, preconceived ideas, false thoughts and philosophies, all made by humans.

The essence of the life of the savior also has the heart of God, and the essence of the life of those who are not the savior also has the exact same existence of God.

The absolute contradiction between the savior and the non-savior is forever Aufheben in the presence of God.

Believing in the essence of human life is called faith in God.

And the fundamental essence of this human life is the cosmos in front of the world that objectifies itself.

Therefore, the cosmos, which is composed of the heart of God and the body of God, rules everything forever.

In heaven, the heart of God rules all the higher spirits, from Allah to Moses and from Jesus to Buddha.

In hell, the body of God controls all demons including Lucifer, and demons can only live with the attributes of matter.

The attributes of matter are relative, and they will poke at this relative thing.

Pleasure is relative and distress is relative.

It depends on the person.

Demons give us pleasure to make us put the ego in “heaven”, trying to disconnect us from the universe, or giving distress to anguish and possess.

From the relative comparative view, they lead us to a sense of superiority and inferiority, and from the upper and lower views, they create an absolute contradiction between those who discriminate and those who are discriminated against, leading to pleasure and suffering.

Also, from this relativity, the inside and the outside are separated, and only lies are going on.

The attributes of matter are “submissive”, the heart of God is the “lord”, and the body of God is the “subordinate”.

The demons are dominated by this subordinate.

They are dominated by work history and educational background, status and honor, power and authority, wealth and national interests, they induce us toward them, and aim at rich people and powers, military and religious gurus, celebrities and authorities.

This is because they are governed by the subordinate that is an attribute of this matter.

In addition, there is “weakness” in the attribute of matter, and the point is that the body and matter are weak to human beings.

Wealth is pursued because we have a physical body.

Without the body, no one pursues wealth.

Some of us take the thought and action of taking advantage of people’s weaknesses from this “weakness”.

It is the body of God and matter that controls the devils.

They can only live with the attributes of matter.

Among the attributes of matter, there is a “distal” attribute that is far from the heart of God, that is why they live in a world far from the heart of God, the so-called hell world.

It seems that they intend to be hostile to God, even though they are forever ruled by God.

It is far from hostile.

The devils are pitiful spirits that cannot think or do things without the body of God.

Satan is symbolized by a snake, which clings to the earth and moves in a spiral motion.

It symbolizes the fact that life becomes like a snake if you live by clinging to matter.

In fact, clinging to matter, the devil can only live with the attributes of God’s body.

In other words, it is the body (matter) of God that controls the devil.

Therefore, the study of the attributes of matter is the study of knowing all of evil.

If you know the heart of God and the body of God, you will be a person who knows good and evil like God.

Those who know the universe are those who know all good and evil.

It is the heart of God that rules heaven.

It is the body of God that controls hell.

The heaven world, the present world, and the hell world are all forever ruled by this cosmos, that is, God himself.

Knowing the universe is the way to know God and to know yourself.

There is God in the essence of Allah’s life, and there is exactly the same God in the essence of Jesus’ life.

The absolute contradiction between Allah and Jesus, Islam and Christianity are forever Aufheben by the existence of this God.

The essence of Socrates’ life has the heart of God, and the essence of Buddha’s life has the same heart of God.

The absolute contradiction between Greek philosophy and Buddhism is eternally Aufheben by the heart of God.

Although there are differences in individuality, the essence of life is immediately the same in the heart of God.

God is the one who unifies all absolute contradictions and forever guarantees the equality and commonality of mankind.

Modern civilization has lost the existence of this most important God.

Unless we regain legitimate faith in the God, not blind faith nor fanatic, the corruption of the world will continue.

While living in the temple of God called the earth, we live ignoring the heart of God.

We are heading toward the “earth” of wealth and national interests.

Since we are not heading for “heaven” but heading for “earth”, the earth will not improve, and if that “earth” goes too far, it will become hell.

There is God in the essence of Jesus’ life, and there is exactly the same heart of God in the essence of Buddha’s life.

The absolute contradiction between Christianity and Buddhism is forever Aufheben by the presence of God.

Therefore, even if you realize the heart of this one God, the world that does not disappear is the heavenly world.

If you realize this one heart, the world that disappears as you realize it is the hell world.

The world that disappears if you realize the heart of God is the hell world, so the hell world is not a world created by God.

God is a bunch of laws that never fall into hell.

It would be miserable if you fell into hell.

You will be happy when you return to heaven.

It is the heart of God that divides the happiness and unhappiness of humankind.

So, what if God, who never fall into hell, and the individual unite in their hearts?

Yes, that individual, like God, will never fall into hell.

So, what if God, who never fall into hell, and all mankind unite in their hearts?

Yes, all human beings, like God, will never fall into hell.

This is an earth utopia and a manifestation of heaven on earth.

The happiness of all mankind will be realized because no one will fall into hell.

It would be miserable if you fell into hell.

You can see that this world is also a world controlled by God who creates it.

If we follow the heart of God, all human beings will be happy, and if we do not follow the heart of God, we will fall into hell, or various problems will arise, and humankind will suffer.

Pursuing wealth far from God, pursuing national interests far from God, pursuing matter far from God, pursuing relative things far from God, humankind is united toward the “earth.”

It is natural that the world will deteriorate because we are heading toward the “earth” by our own choice.

Since we are moving away from God by our own choice, it is inevitable that our world will become a world and civilization far from the heart of God.

We are just living in the temple of God, but not worshiping God and trying to move away from God, so if we exceed a certain threshold, we will be wiped out.

Why are wealth and national interests, ego and matter, desires and powers, status and honor put in the “earth”?

Because they are all relative.

As long as God puts them in “earth,” they are far from the heart of God.

This will not change forever.

We put the thing far from God in “heaven” and heads for the “earth”, and according to its nature, it becomes a world far from God, and we human beings are mourning it.

The heart of God is the “heaven”, the body of God is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

It will not change after tens of thousands of years.

God teaches mankind how to live in the unification of heaven and earth through the universe.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the heart of man is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever, God teaches us to live just like that.

However, because we cannot live according to the teachings of God and human beings are heading toward the “earth,” the “heaven” of God’s heart and the “earth” of human heart are separated.

The subconscious (the next world) is the “heaven”, the surface consciousness (the present world) is the “earth”, and heaven and earth are usually unified, but this heaven and the earth are separated now.

The surface consciousness is evil, and the subconscious is good.

“If you realize this, you can see that you have entered the realm of enlightenment”, this is quoted from Shinji Takahashi.

As with any era, the cause of world corruption is this separation of heaven and earth.

The unification of heaven and earth is good.

The separation of heaven and earth is evil.

Because it is evil, it is corrupt, and the ecosystem and climate are messed up.

The world seen (objective) is the world of the viewer’s heart (subjective), and God’s subjective and objective are always unified.

God teaches mankind through the structure and mechanics of the world to live according to this law of unification of subject and object.

Nevertheless, human beings divide the subjective and the objective, and the inner and the outer.

The unification of subject and object is good.

The separation of subject and object is evil.

Again, humanity is doing bad things.

The inner and outer surfaces are separated when profits are the motivation, and this separation of the inner and outer surfaces is called a liar.

And if you are lying all the time, you will come along with the spirits of the hell world who are also lying.

And it invites possession of evil spirits and will be killed.

God forever teaches mankind how to live through the universe and the natural world.

Even those who have realized and preached the idea of ​​God in modern times have explored and taught it.

It is not the bible that is the word of God word for word.

The thought of God manifested in the universe and the natural world is exactly the word of God word for word.

Even a single flower that blooms on the side of the road symbolizes the idea of ​​God.

The idea of ​​God that appears in the universe and the natural world is the word of God word for word, and as Emerson said, the natural world is perfect.

Therefore, in the future, we must elucidate the structure and mechanism of this cosmos throughout history.

This quest for the universe is the quest for truth.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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