
Elysium Ⅲ

Good is the value that must be realized, in other words, the inevitable value.

If you do good, you will go to heaven, and if you do evil, you will fall into hell.

Heaven means happiness, hell means misery.

We must say that good is happiness.

Since all the various good are attributed to the heart of God, we must say that the heart of God is happiness.

Therefore, mankind cannot be happy without realizing the heart of God.

There is no happiness without enlightenment.

We humans instinctively recognize the heart of God as the inevitable value.

We instinctively recognize it as the inevitable value that must be realized, and we say that living for it is equal to living for God.

Justice is God’s righteousness, not human righteousness.

And justice is an inevitable value that must be realized.

When we live in this inevitable value, we too will be inevitable to be there.

No matter what others say, when you live to the inevitable value, you will always be a valuable being that must be there.

The existence that makes all human beings valuable is called God.

Since God is happiness itself, only unhappiness is left for mankind who has lost faith in God.

Mankind can never be happy without faith in God and realizing of His heart.

That is the structure and mechanism of the universe.

The universe is the manifestation of God’s heart and is the temple of God.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the body (matter) of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

In this universe God puts His heart in “heaven.”

This means that God teaches us forever through the universe, “Humanity must head for heaven.”

The human ego has only relative properties in its knowledge, thoughts, concepts, cognitions, and emotions.

Therefore, human beings who have lost their faith in God inevitably try to live according to their ego.

They put their ego in “heaven”.

Then, the relativity of the ego will connect to the relativity of matter; human beings without faith will be inevitably ruled by matter and put matter in “heaven”.

And they can only take thoughts and actions that have the attributes of matter.

An attribute of matter is “relativity”.

So, humanity puts relative wealth in “heaven”, relative national interests in “heaven”, and relative matter in “heaven”.

They are heading towards the matter, which is “earth”, causing corruption on a global scale.

When one is far from the heart of God and close to the body of God, that person is called immature, and matter has the attribute of being far from the heart of God.

Mankind, who lost faith in God and began to live according to its ego, came to be ruled by matter.

Mankind united toward this “earth” and began to create a world far from the heart of God, that is, this rotten world.

So why did mankind come to be ruled by the body of God?

Because we humans lost faith in God.

But that alone put humanity in a world of crime and violence, racism and war, hunger and the death penalty, climate change and extinction of living things, child abuse and power harassment, all of these misfortunes and tragedy.

When we lost faith in God, we came to live according to our ego.

Therefore, the relativity of the ego and the relativity of the matter were linked, and human beings became to be ruled by the matter that is the “earth” and headed toward the “earth”.

In this way, mankind and the world became corrupted just automatically.

I think this world is really a world created by God.

The world is created so that if mankind loses faith in God, it will automatically make mankind unhappy, and civilization will also collapse in that “contradiction.”

In this way, the human race, which was ruled by the body of God, lost its “heart” at the same time.

Justice is “heaven”, power is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The ego ruled by matter is at the same time ruled by power that is the attribute of matter.

Depending on the strength of power, it abuses weak children, causes power harassment and moral harassment to people with weak social positions, and causes domestic violence.

Matter also has the attribute of “profitability”.

So, it deceives, lies, and exploits the weaknesses of others for its profit. Or, in the worst case, it even commits a crime for profit.

It is caused by the immaturity of humankind, which is far from justice and close to profit.

Because we humans lived according to our ego, the relativity of the ego and the relativity of matter were connected, and we were ruled by matter.

Mankind, who has been pursuing only profits and pleasures, has lost its “heart” at the same time.

When we lost faith in God, we automatically lost our “heart.”

So why did we humans lose our “heart”?

Because we lost faith in God.

The only way to keep our most important “heart” is to awaken to faith in God.

Faith in God is the way not to lose ourselves.

It is a way to keep our conscience and higher selves.

There are so many problems with existing religions that you may be wary and suspicious of their belief in God. However, we need to know the fact that the material universe that exists in front of us is the body of God, and the universe is God itself.

The universe, which is composed of the heart (spirit) of God and the body (matter) of God, rules everything with its happiness.

This time it came out with Jesus.

Even the higher spirit of Allah and Yahweh, or the great spirits such as Buddha, Jesus, Moses and Zeus are all forever ruled by God’s heart and body, that is, the universe.

The universe controls not only the higher spirits of the earth, but all of them that exist on other planets.

Because the universe is the true God.

Therefore, from now on, the quest for truth means the quest for the heart and body of God, that is, the universe.

The unification of universe and humankind is forever.

Therefore, if we human beings strengthen our relative ego, we will be ruled by the relative body of God and create a world far from the heart of God.

If we strengthen our conscience and higher selves, we will be ruled by God’s heart and create a world close to God’s heart.

The ego, which is ruled by the body of God, takes thoughts and actions based on the attributes of matter.

The higher self, which is ruled by the heart of God, takes thoughts and actions based on the attributes of the heart of God.

The path of construction of Elysium is a path of taking thoughts and actions based on the attributes of the heart of God, while being ruled in the direction of the heart of God by strengthening the higher self.

Human maturity and immaturity are not determined by human collegiality or majority voting.

God decides it forever.

Those who are far from the heart of God and close to the body of God are called immature, and those who are far from the body of God and close to the heart of God are called mature.

The maturity and immaturity of each human being is not determined by humans, but by the heart of God and the body of God, that is, the universe forever.

It never changes even after thousands of years.

Even 3000 or 5000 years later, those who are far from the heart of God and close to the body of God will be called immature people, and this immaturity will be the cause of all the problems of humankind and the world.

Close to the body of God means close to matter. People who are close to matter see humans physically, not personally.

Then they create the problem of racism from the white, black and yellow of the physical skin.

Or they produce disability discrimination from physical disabilities, and they produce elderly discrimination from physical aging.

Close to God’s body means close to matter and far from God’s heart. So, they don’t know the righteousness of God.

They then create problems of violence and war because they cannot exercise matter according to God’s righteousness.

When we do not exercise power according to God’s righteousness, this exercise of power is called violence.

When we do not use military force according to God’s righteousness, this use of military force is called violence.

Violence and war are the result of the lack of the righteousness of God and are born of ignorance that we do not know the righteousness of God.

Because we do not know the righteousness of God, we cannot exercise matter according to that righteousness.

This is causing violence.

Violence and war will not go away without realizing the heart of God.

There is no happiness without enlightenment.

When mankind himself creates a self far from God’s body and close to God’s heart, all the problems of the world will disappear.

The improvement and evolution of each human being will eliminate all the problems of the world.

Racism will disappear, violence and war will disappear, and discrimination against the elderly and people with disabilities will disappear.

Religious wars will disappear, child abuse will disappear, and power harassment and moral harassment will disappear.

The problem of climate change will disappear, the problem of extinction of living things will disappear, the problem of crime will disappear, the death penalty will disappear, and the problem of bullying will disappear.

In the end, the hell world will disappear.

Since human maturity means realizing the heart of God, God himself solves all problems through the human heart.

Human maturity and immaturity are not determined by humans themselves, but by God Himself forever.

The criterion that separates human maturity from immaturity are not made by humans, but by God.

Ignorance that we do not know the heart of God causes all problems, all tragedy and misery, so we must clarify this heart of God accurately.

All the answers are in God.

And we human beings must improve and evolve infinitely through our enlightenment based on our faith in God.

We have no choice because our immaturity is the cause of all misery.

No matter how we humans quibble, as long as we are immature, we cannot solve all problems related to humankind.

Those who are far from the heart of God and close to the body of God are called immature people.

Those who are far from the body of God and close to the heart of God is called mature people.

This divine criterion that separates human maturity and immaturity is a criterion that cannot be changed by humans.

This divine criterion cannot be changed forever by humans.

Mankind thousands of years later also cannot change it.

This is because the universe, which is composed of the heart of God and the body of God, that is, God Himself, has been defined it.

It is the criterion that governs the consciousness of the entire universe.

This criterion for separating maturity and immaturity cannot be changed by either Jesus or Shakyamuni, nor can it be changed by Allah or Muhammad.

Even other planetary people cannot change it.

In front of God, human beings can’t do anything about it.

The unchanging eternal intention and purpose of God is the happiness of mankind.

Because God thinks so forever, mankind cannot be happy unless he also does what God wants.

That is why everyone with a heart has sought the will of God in the course of history.

We will continue to explore it.

The universe is the manifestation of God’s heart and exists as good by God’s heart.

This is also why Plato said that the universe is good.

Through the structure and mechanism of this universe, God teaches us forever that “human beings, like the universe, must be good by the heart of God.”

The heart of God exists in the middle of the heart of each human being(subjective).

The world in which God manifests His thoughts is the universe (objective).

Therefore, in this universe, it is impossible to separate subjective and objective.

It is created by the “law of unification of subject and object”.

The heart of God (subjective) is honestly manifested in the body of God (objective).

Since God is the eternal honest being, humans also hate lies.

The heart of God is “heaven”, the body of God is “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

It will not change after thousands of years.

God’s heart is immutable.

God teaches mankind the universal criterion of good and evil forever through the universe as follows:

Put justice in “heaven,” national interests in “earth”.

Put good in “heaven,” profit in “earth”.

Put love in “heaven,” your likes and dislikes in “earth”.

Put absolute ones in “heaven,” relative ones in “earth”.

Put your conscience in “heaven,” your ego in “earth”.

Put spirit in “heaven,” matter in “earth”.

Put happiness in “heaven,” pleasure in “earth”.

Put cause in “heaven,” result in “earth”.

Put unification in “heaven,” contradiction in “earth”.

And God teaches mankind to head for “heaven” forever.

If we do not live this way, there would be no happiness for humankind.

In other words, the principle of happiness for all humankind is the principle of the unification of heaven and earth.

However, all human beings in reality are creating a world opposite to the will of God.

Mankind puts profits and national interests in “heaven”, relative ego in “heaven”, pleasures and contradictions in “heaven”, and matter and results in “heaven”.

Take a look at the modern civilization that creates the world opposite to the will of God.

You see? It has rotten so far.

The entire earth is on the verge of collapse due to climate change.

As I say many times, if we do not create the world according to God’s will, the world will automatically rot and collapse in that contradiction.

That is how God creates the world.

Elysium will not manifest unless we create the world according to God’s will.

Elysium is a world where no one can fall into hell.

If all mankind had the same heart as God’s heart, would anyone fall into hell?

The heart of God and the heart of self, the surface consciousness and the subconscious mind are connected, and everyone is interacting with that heart just by living.

Who would fall into hell?

Would there be even one person who fall into hell?

Of course not. There must be no one.

There is no hell with the enlightenment of unification of deity (God) and human.

A world in which none of all humankind falls into hell is a world in which none is unhappy.

This is the basis of Elysium construction.

This is exactly what Moses said in the afterlife, “Truth is this much, sharing the heart of God with your heart.”

The realization of happiness for all mankind is this much, making the heart of God and the heart of self the same.

If all human beings can make the heart of God and self the same, it will be a world in which all human beings will return to the heavenly world.

All human beings will be happy because all human beings will return to heaven.

This is the world of Elysium where the happiness of all humankind is realized.

You will be happy if you return to heaven.

You will be miserable if you fall into hell.

Then, for all mankind to be happy, as Moses said, it is this much, making the heart of God and the heart of self the same.

This is the Earth Utopia, or the Elysium.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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