

The world commonly referred to as the “afterlife” has been described as the “multidimensional world” after GLA.

The afterlife is equal to the subconscious.

Most people think that the afterlife is the world that people go to after they die. However, it is still the recognition of a physical metaphorical expedient. Indeed, it’s not a total mistake to think that way, because it’s a world where people live after their physical death. However, it is hard to say that they recognize it accurately.

The afterlife exists in the depths of the ego, the depths of the surface consciousness, that is, the subconscious.

“Neither shall they say, Lo here! Or, lo there! For, behold, the kingdom of God is within you.” –Luke, 17-21.

Indeed, it’s in the subconscious.

“The surface consciousness is evil; the subconscious is good.

If you realize this, you can see that you have entered the realm of enlightenment.” preached Shinji Takahashi.

GLA during the time of Shinji Takahashi preached as follows: There is a conception zone that separates the surface consciousness and the subconscious. If the conception zone is purified by the self-reflection method, the surface consciousness and subconsciousness will be connected. And then you can interact with the spirits of heaven.

The afterlife, the so-called multidimensional world, can be said to be the world where people dwell after physical death. In fact, however, people are always living together with the afterlife while they are still alive.

No heaven away from one’s heart, no hell away from one’s heart, no universe away from one’s heart.

There is nothing away from one’s heart.

The subconscious is the “heaven”, the surface consciousness is the “earth”, and the unification of heaven and earth is forever.

The afterlife and the mortal world live forever as one.

Actually, the afterlife is not the world where people go after death. We live forever in the unification with the afterlife, both before and after death.

Because we are unified with the afterlife, if we give a signal of evil on the surface consciousness, we will communicate with the hell world in the subconscious and be possessed by demon. On the contrary, if you send a good signal on the surface consciousness, you will communicate with the heaven and gain the wisdom of God.

All truth comes from this subconscious, the multidimensional world.

The subconscious wisdom refers to the wisdom of God in the multidimensional world.

Truth is not something that can be preached with reference to books. It should be preached by deriving wisdom from your subconscious.

This divine wisdom is called the “internal great wisdom” at GLA. The heart of God should be preached by deriving wisdom from it, not from books.

That’s why Shinji Takahashi said as follows: “I have never read religious books. I can understand them without reading them. The internal great wisdom rises from my subconscious and teaches me everything.”

Then, in the afterlife, Confucius complained to him, “Don’t you dare to say that you can understand without reading. Read them properly before boasting.”

He taught falsely at GLA during his lifetime that Confucius was the Spirit of the 7th dimensional world. Therefore, Confucius was angry at him when Mr. Takahashi returned to another world.

Confucius is the spirit of the 10th dimensional world, the same as Jesus, but not the 7th dimensional world.

Yet, he seems to have taught at GLA that Confucius is the spirit of the 7th dimensional world.

If he read the Analects of Confucius, it would be obvious that Confucius had the enlightenment of the “unification of deity (God) and human.” His enlightenment is clearly not belong to 7th dimensional world.

It should not be compared, but the Analects of Confucius contains much higher enlightenment and thought than Discourses of Mencius.

Obviously, it’s him who has the fault because he could not recognize it.

Mr. Takahashi should have recognized too if he had read the Analects.

That’s why Confucius was angry with him in the afterlife, saying, “Read them properly before boasting.”

The multidimensional world is the “eternal home” of mankind.

A salmon is born in a river, descends to the sea, migrates around the world, and finally runs up the river, returns to the river where it was born, and lay eggs and dies.

This is called the salmon run. Just as salmon are born in rivers, humankind is also born from this multidimensional world.

Then, while wandering around the ocean of life, they all return to their home, the multidimensional world.

Reincarnation refers to the salmon run of the heart.

If you fall into hell, you cannot reincarnate.

First of all, you must return to the heaven to reincarnate in this life.

Therefore, reincarnation is called the “salmon run of the heart.”

However, some salmon die before returning to its home while migrating around the sea.

These are the people who fall into the hell world.

Those who can’t return to their home.

All humans are born of heaven. However, some people cannot return to this home of heaven after physical death, fall into hell, and the separation of the heaven and earth occurs.

They are people who can’t go back to their true home in heaven, forget the way to their home, and get lost.

That’s why the hell spirit is called a demon, and the demon is something makes you lost.

They have forgotten the way to their home and are lost.

Those who do not know are lost, and those who know are not lost.

In Indian philosophy, this has been described as the oneness of the stray and evil, the oneness of the wisdom and good.

The essence of knowledge is “knowing”.

So, what are you going to know?

It is the truth, the heart of God.

If you know it, you can return to your home without being lost.

Both the multidimensional world and the universe are worlds created by God.

High Spirit said that no one would be born from the hell world. That is because the hell world is not a world created by God.

No one can be born from the hell world into this world, and the earth is a temple created by God, so the devil cannot enter this temple of God.

It is called “enlightenment” to realize how precious the universe and the natural world are.

Both the multidimensional world and the universe are worlds created by God. In fact, they shall say, lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is everywhere.

There is no place other than the kingdom of God.

The multidimensional world forever unfolds into the subconscious, behind the surface consciousness of each individual. There are 52 billion spirits in the multidimensional world.

There are 52 billion spirits in each subconscious.

According to the High Spirit, there are 3 billion hell spirits or devils in the hell world.

The hell world is not a world that is on an equal footing with heaven, but is developed in the lower 5th dimension.

And the 3 billion people in the hell world also exist in the subconscious mind in the midst of each person.

The 52 billion people in the spiritual worlds of heaven and the 3 billion people in the hell world are all in the subconscious of each person.

This is called the “oneness of the multidimensional world and oneself.”

All humankind in the past has not died, became nothing or disappeared somewhere.

All human beings in the past are also existing in the multidimensional world.

So where is that multidimensional world?

It is in the subconscious, behind the surface consciousness of each person.

So where did all 8 billion people today come from?

They were all born from the multidimensional world.

So where is that multidimensional world?

It is in the subconscious, behind the surface consciousness of each person.

So where are all human beings who will be born in the future now?

They are all somewhere in each dimensional world of the multidimensional world.

So where is that multidimensional world?

It is in the subconscious, behind the surface consciousness of each person.

All human beings in the past, all human beings in the present, and all human beings in the future exist in the subconscious of each person.

This is called the “oneness of the humankind and oneself.”

Then, where is the heart of God who created the universe in front of us?

It exists forever in the middle of each person’s spirit.

Socrates’s word “know thyself” means to know everything of everything.

Because everything is in the midst of each person.

In the midst of each individual, all mankind, all of the hell spirits, and all of God’s heart exists.

In the midst of each individual, there is a 5th dimensional world, a 6th, a 7th, an 8th, a 9th, a 10th, and all of the higher dimensional worlds.

Socrates said to know this.

He said to know the universe, know the natural world, know the 5th dimensional world, know the 6th dimensional world, know the 7th dimensional world, know the 8th dimensional world, know the 9th dimensional world, know the 10th dimensional world, know the hell world, know all of humanity.

If you know all this, you will be Zeus, the omnipotent lord.

Even the universe in front of us does not exist apart from the individual’s mind.

The multidimensional world does not exist apart from the individual mind.

It’s just the heart of oneself.

After death, they return to one of the dimensions of this multidimensional world, whether they are all humans of the past, all humans of the present, or all humans of the future.

The past, present, and future are one in God.

Therefore, to elucidate the structure and mechanism of the multidimensional world created by God himself is to elucidate the will of God, who controls all human beings in the past, present, and future forever.

It is one of the ultimate goals of history, as no one will be able to fully elucidate it.

In the future, with the help of scientists, we must elucidate this multidimensional world step by step.

The happiness of all mankind lies in the elucidation of this multidimensional world.

To put it the other way around, there would be no happiness for all humankind without the elucidation of this multidimensional world.

Regardless of whether enlightenment is high or low, He has already set 52 billion spirits in eternal happiness.

Surely, it’s easy for Him to make about 8 billion human beings happy.

There is no anguish in the afterlife, the so-called multidimensional world.

In the multidimensional world, there is no suffering to live because we live in eternal life, no suffering from aging because we have no body, no suffering from illness because we have no body, and no suffering from death because we have no body.

The law of the same wavelength connection (the law of like attracts like) works perfectly, so you don’t have to deal with people you don’t like as you do in this world.

Rather, you can’t meet them in the first place because the wavelengths don’t match.

You can only live with people who go well with each other.

And then, there is no pain to part with a loved one.

You can’t meet people who don’t go well with you, so you don’t have to worry about meeting people you don’t like.

Since there is no body, there is no suffering caused by physical desires.

Also, since there is no money in the afterlife, there is no anguish and pleasure related to money, and the anguish and pleasure disappear after death.

However, some people who are too obsessed with the wealth of the world may fall into hell.

Wealth cannot be brought back to another world and must be considered to be unique to this world.

If you deceive people, lie, or hide and do evil, you are all exposed to the spirits of the other world. You must think that fraud and lies are unique to this world.

You can never lie to God or the subconscious spirit.

You can try to lie, but everything will be revealed.

And the reaction will be received by the person himself.

Action is equal to reaction, which has also been explained as the “law of cause and effect.” In Christianity, it has been preached that unsown seeds will not grow and “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”

You can never lie to your conscience.

Also, like this world, the multidimensional world is created by the “law of unification of subject and object”. Therefore, if you think “I want to lick honey” with a subjective mind, honey will come out in the objective world in front of you.

If you want to milk a cow with your heart, somehow there is a cow in front of you.

If you want to make bread with your heart, somehow there is a wheat field in front of you.

“Everyone gets perplexed when they return to heaven,” Kant said in the afterlife. Eventually it will become commonplace, and you will get used to it.

Those who have the enlightenment of the 8th dimensional world carefully listen to what great spirits say, so they are familiar with the laws that enable objectification. If the person thinks this mountain is in the way, the mountain flows into the sea in front of him. It is exactly the same as the honey example.

It is the world of “Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou taken up and cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that what he saith cometh to pass; he shall have it.”

We know that mountains, rivers and trees are all created by our hearts in the multidimensional world. So, what you make with your heart can be thrown into the sea with your heart, and you can break the mountains.

It will be the world just as you asked for.

In that sense, the afterlife, that is, the multidimensional world, does not have the pain of not being able to obtain it even if you athirst for.

There is no pain in the afterlife, it is in this world.

The “heaven” of another world and the “earth” of this world are separated.

The unification of heaven and earth is good.

The separation of heaven and earth is evil.

If you want to make this world an unfortunate world, you just have to separate the heaven and the earth.

This world will surely be an unfortunate world.

If you want to make this world a happy world, you just have to unify the heaven and the earth.

This world will surely be a happy world.

The basic axiom of Earth Utopia is that each person obtains this enlightenment of the unification of heaven and earth.

The more spiritually improved and evolved each person is, the more happiness of humankind will be realized. Therefore, it is best to be enlightened. The only way to return to this wonderful multidimensional world is to live in justice and love, kindness and sincerity, honesty and compassion for more than 50% of our entire lives.

High Spirit also said, “If the “right” is more than 50% when comparing the right and wrong of life, a person will not fall into hell.”

Then there is no choice but to do so.

Regardless of whether you have religious faith or not, if you live while questioning your conscience, “right” side of life usually exceeds 50%.

In that sense, it can be said that one’s conscience is the eternal God that can be believed.

The afterlife is a world that proves “eternity.” As long as sincerity, kindness, and love are the values that can be brought back to another world, they are “eternal values” in the first place.

And only this “eternity” purifies the whole world and restores the earth to the Paradise of Eden.

In order to understand the multidimensional world, we must understand from the “law of unification of subject and object”, the “law of ‘one is many, many is one’,” and the “law of unmoved mover.” Furthermore, it is necessary to know “law of the same wavelength connection (the law of like attracts like)”, that good spirits lead to good spirits and evil spirits lead to evil spirits, as the theory of the relationship between this world and another world.

All human beings will return to this multidimensional world after physical death without exception.

This is the “happiness of heaven” that has been said since ancient times, and is the life in heaven.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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