
“A sin committed with knowing it” and “A sin committed without knowing it”

One of the indicators of enlightenment is whether “a sin committed with knowing it” or “a sin committed without knowing it” is heavier.

It is an index to measure the maturity and immaturity of personality.

Which is heavier, “a sin committed with knowing it” or “a sin committed without knowing it”?

The answer tells you the level of enlightenment of the person.

Cutting it short, “a sin committed without knowing it” is heavier than “a sin committed with knowing it”.

Those who recognize that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier, need a little more dedication.

The road to truth is steep and distant.

The higher the spirit, farther from God’s body and closer to God’s heart, the more they say, “the sins we commit unknowingly are heavier.”

Silver Birch, famous for Western spiritualism, says that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier.

Which is correct?

At the immature stage of enlightenment, we consider that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier.

It looks like that to us.

Even the high-class spirit Silver Birch, who actually exists in the afterlife, says that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier, so that’s probably the case.

However, Zeus and Moses, who are in the highest spiritual areas of heaven, state that “the sins that we commit unknowingly are heavier.” They say that not knowing the truth is the greatest sin.

Truth is the heart of God.

This reveals that the spirits called Zeus and Moses are in higher spirit areas than Silver Birch.

In fact, Jesus says the same thing in the bible.

And that servant, who knew his lord’s will his, and prepared not himself, neither did according to his will, shall be beaten with many stripes.

But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes.: Luke, Chapter 12-47.48

After all, Jesus, like Silver Birch, leaves that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier than “a sin committed without knowing it”.

The level of enlightenment of Jesus at that time would have been that stage. But even though he had a physical body, he really had a problem as a savior.

There may be a defense saying, “Moses was in the afterlife, that is why he could say that. Jesus was in this world, so it’s not like when he was in the afterlife.” The defense may or may not be correct.

It was enlightenment 2000 years ago, so I have no intention of criticizing it, but High Spirits also pointed out as follows:

“He says, ‘Love your enemies,’ but it’s a problem if someone like Jesus still has enemies,” they said.

If he finds out God within a person, he should have no enemies.

Angels don’t see the devils as enemies, and for angels, the devils are not enemies.

They treat them as the same children of God.

However, they said, “Jesus’ enlightenment at that stage was still that much, he really had to have a higher enlightenment.”

What is the basis for those who think that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier than “a sin committed without knowing it”?

For example, let’s say you have a child here who is playing with fire or fireworks.

The kid was playing with the fire.

However, while playing, the fire burned into the vegetation, caused a huge fire and killed people. Which is heavier, the sin of a person who deliberately set fire while knowing that the fire was bad, or the sin of the child?

The sin of those who dare to arson, knowing that the arson is bad, clearly seems heavier.

The child did not intentionally set the fire in an attempt to set it on fire.

Playing with fire just happened to be a huge fire, he wasn’t thinking of setting it on fire.

By chance, a fire broke out and people died.

However, those who intentionally set fire, knowing that arson was a crime, dared to set it.

Comparing “a sin committed without knowing it” and “a sin committed with knowing it”, it seems that the latter is heavier.

Therefore, at the stage of immature enlightenment, we recognize that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier than “a sin committed without knowing it”.

For example, you can take a potato field as an example.

Suppose there is a field where you can take potatoes up to 10 kg per person.

Suppose a person takes 15 kilos because he doesn’t know the rule.

Suppose another person deliberately took 15 kg of potatoes, knowing the rule that he could take potatoes in this field up to 10 kg.

Those who took 15 kg without knowing the rules and those who dared to take 15 kg despite knowing the rules, as a result, they both took 15 kg of potatoes, and both broke the rules.

Which sin is heavier?

Usually, those who know the rules and intentionally takes 15 kg of potatoes seem to be more guilty than those who takes 15 kg without knowing the rules.

Because there is malicious intent in consideration of one’s own interests.

People think so because sins committed without knowing can be stopped, but sins committed with knowing cannot be stopped.

If they don’t know the rules and take 15 kg of potatoes, you can tell them, “You’re taking too much. You can only take up to 10 kg in this field.” Then they should say, “Is that so, I’m sorry,” and return the 5 kg of potatoes to the field.

In the case of “a sin committed without knowing it”, just teaching the rules will stop it.

Those who take them without knowing the rules will return them to the field if they know the rules.

However, in the case of a sin committed with knowing it, they know that it is a crime to take 10 kg or more of potatoes, but they intentionally take 15 kg. They are so guilty that we can’t stop them at all.

They are guilty on purpose.

They know the rules but weigh more than 10 kilos, so their motives are malicious.

Therefore, we recognize that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier than “a sin committed without knowing it”.

Actually, I don’t dare to say that this recognition is wrong, but it is an expedient.

It is good that is metaphorical to matter, good that is metaphorical to law, that is, expedient and finite good.

The question is, what is “knowing” of “a sin committed with knowing it” and what is “knowing” of “a sin committed without knowing it”.

The essence of “knowledge”, that is, “knowing”, is being questioned.

The essence of those who think that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier than “a sin committed without knowing it” is the body of God (ego / relativity). They think based on so-called human-made laws and human-made rules and use them as a ruler for their hearts.

It is the good that is metaphorical to matter, the good that is metaphorical to the body of God, that is, the expedient.

They set human-made rules such as the Constitution, Law, Cabinet Order, Ordinance, and Common Sense as the standard of heart. Based on this human rule, they consider that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier than “a sin committed without knowing it”.

For them, the measure of heart and the standard of judgment are human-made laws and rules.

“Knowing” of “a sin committed with knowing it” means knowing or not knowing the laws and rules made by humans.

There are rules and laws made by humans, and we consider that the sins committed with knowing this law are heavier than the sins committed without knowing the law.

In fact, premeditated crime with no remorse is much guilty.

 It is considered that those who know the rule and intentionally take 15 kg are more guilty than those who take 15 kg without knowing the human rule that they can take potatoes up to 10 kg.

The standard of their judgment is the expedient, which is metaphorical to matter.

When Zeus and Moses said, “The sins we commit unknowingly are heavier,” they were not based on human-made laws and rules.

When they said, “The sins that we commit unknowingly are heavier,” they were based on divine rules, that is, God’s heart, rather than human-made rules.

There are no human rules in the highest spiritual realm, only divine rules.

In fact, both this world and the afterlife have only the rule of God, however, from the immaturity of human beings, we make our own rules.

This is the good of expedient, which is a finite good.

When they said, “The sins we commit unknowingly are heavier,” they weren’t based on human-made rules. Instead, they said that “not knowing this heart of God is the greatest sin” based on the heart of God itself.

There is no sin committed with knowing the heart of God. People never commit sins if they know the heart of God.

If you still commit a sin, you don’t know the heart of God.

When based on the heart of God, there is no such thing as “a sin committed with knowing it” unlike the laws made by humans.

The criteria for judgment differ between the rule of God and the rules of humans.

Those who think that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier are claiming it, based on the good that is metaphorical to matter, that is, the laws and rules made by human beings.

When based on the truth itself, there is no such thing as “a sin committed with knowing it”, and “a sin committed without knowing it” is heavier.

Not knowing the truth is a sin and dangerous to the world.

We are at war because we do not know the truth.

We are racist because we do not know the truth.

The hell world exists because we do not know the truth.

We are destroying the environment because we do not know the truth.

Evil religions are rampant because we do not know the truth.

We are pursuing national interests and interests because we do not know the heart of God.

Not knowing the truth, not knowing the heart of God, is dangerous to the world.

It is also manifesting itself in climate change.

That is why Moses and Zeus in another world said that not knowing truth, good, justice, and love was the greatest sin.

Because if you realize the truth, there will be no war, salvation will be fulfilled, racism will disappear, and the hell world will disappear.

Moses was unified with the truth itself, and based on it, he said that “the sins committed without knowing God’s heart” were heavier, and that ignorance itself was dangerous.

Moses also said: “It is believed that devils also commit sins knowingly, but if they knew it, they were not in hell.

They don’t know that.

It’s been a long time since they forgot the joy of light.”

“Knowing” here means enlightenment and the heart of God.

It does not mean the memorization of knowledge.

Based on the truth, there is no such thing as “a sin committed with knowing it”, and “a sin committed without knowing” is heavier.

So, what is “a sin committed with knowing it” based on the truth?

In the first place, there is no such thing as “a sin committed with knowing it” based on the truth.

It never exists.

So, in this regard, Moses, who spoke through the medium in the early days, was confused by the question from humans on earth.

Even though there was no such thing as “a sin committed with knowing it,” we were asking Moses the question on that premise.

If the truth is the standard, what is the sin of knowing the truth and doing it?

There is no such thing as “a sin committed with knowing it.”

There is no sin if you know the truth.

Knowing the truth and doing it, what is the sin of it?

Based on the truth, there is no such thing as “a sin committed with knowing it.”

Moses of the afterlife was confused because a questioner was not asking question based on the truth.

He was confused because the questioner was too low in recognition.

This is the difference in the recognition level between the spirit of the afterlife and the human beings of the world.

“A sin committed with knowing it” comes out from a human rule, common sense, law, constitution, when the law made by human beings is used as a ruler of the heart. It means that it “never” exists when it is based on the heart of God.

It is just the expedient that is metaphorical to the body of God.

Since it is a good of expedient, the relative two items of “a sin committed with knowing it” and “a sin committed without knowing it” appear from the relativity of the law.

Those who understand that “a sin committed without knowing it” is heavier, speak based on the heart of God. Those who say that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier speak based on the body of God, the so-called human-made laws and rules.

Therefore, you can see that Zeus and Moses, who said that “a sin committed without knowing it” is heavier, are farther from the body of God, closer to the heart of God, and in a higher spiritual realm than Silver Birch, who said that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier.

If we use the heart of God as a ruler, we realize that “a sin committed without knowing it” is heavier, and that “a sin committed with knowing it” does not exist in the first place. However, when based on the body of God, we judge that “a sin committed with knowing it” is heavier for the above reasons.

The criteria for judgment differ between the heart of God and the body of God.

This is also due to immaturity, far from the heart of God and close to the body of God.

It’s not that one of them is wrong. It should be understood in terms of the relationship between the heart of God and the body of God.

The heart of God is infinite good, and the body of God is finite good.

It turns out that Moses, who has taken down the heart of God itself, is more enlightened than Silver Birch and is a spirit in a higher spiritual realm.

This is “a sin committed with knowing it” and “a sin committed without knowing it”.

Creator’s Room : Author, Hideshi Kuwada.

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